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    In January of 2020, Alec Baldwin tweeted that Trump supporters bear the responsibility for the moral decay of the USA and the destruction of all that matters. This is a strange statement coming from a Communist Leftist when it is the Democrats who advocate for killing 9-month-old babies through abortion, instigated Soros' alternative justice which lets many criminals go free, and shoves transsexuals into elementary schools for show and tell. Who are the immoral ones? A standard Communist tactic is accusing your opponent of your position. It was the Obama Deep State that intentionally spawned the heroin, fentanyl, and homeless crises to help destroy America as part of a global Communist agenda--and make money through big-boy capitalism in doing do so. See my book called >RED ONSLAUGHT> for the details. Baldwin also trashes capitalism as the capitalist Communists made trillions during the second “Reign of Terror” by the Obama administration. Crude, crass, foul-mouthed, and violent Alec Baldwin, who demonstrated publicly many times that he is unstable and cannot control his temper, was born in 1958 in New York. In 1995 he assaulted a videographer. In 2011 he was removed from an airplane for losing his temper after being told to turn his phone off. In 2014 he was arrested for disorderly conduct. Baldwin pleaded guilty to second-degree harassment and third-degree attempted assault in a fight over a parking spot in 2018. He sits on the board of People for the American Way which was organized by Norman Lear to help Hollywood and the Communists repudiate Christianity. Raised as a Catholic, I bet his parents were not too happy about this. The media would have the Left revere Baldwin’s voice which happens also to be a voice in The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie in 2004. Baldwin is a self-promoted political pundit who could not win an election for student body president at Georgetown University. President Nixon sent him a letter of support afterward. Much to the chagrin of the Left, Baldwin signed the “heartbeat” pro-life petition in Virginia. Does this, and his connection to Nixon, mean Baldwin is a Catholic crypto-Republican and pretends to be a Democrat so he can stay employed in Hollywood? After all, he is an actor. Baldwin made the Communist Blacklist for 2020 in both of these books: Trump's Epic Battles and Heroics and Chill a Commie for Mommy. See links below for more info. Scott Campbell


    CNN means the Communist News Network. Nick Sandmann, a student Covington Catholic High School student sued CNN for $250 million for defamation causing emotional distress over their biased coverage of a confrontation with a Native American elder. CNN settled for an amount kept secret. CNN attacked and defamed Sandmann because he was a White Christian who was pro-life and a Trump supporter. Communists promote racial divides and attack religion but especially Christianity and its pro-life position because it correlates with political opposition to the Communist agenda. Communists want state control of childbirth and children. Communists will often refer to themselves as “socialists” or “progressives” but they are “Communists” based on the historical definition of Communism. >Chill a Commie for Mommie> tells you the early history of Communism, including how it first arose from Satanism in the 18th century, and how the historical definition of Communism fits modern Communists quite well. How each Communist earned their spot on the Blacklist is nothing less than an indictment for anti-Americanism and an attempt to destroy the very fabric of our society. Many Communists are committing treason. Not to be taken lightly, Communism serves as a ruse to usurp power and wealth for totalitarian control. It is responsible for not only hundreds of millions of deaths but also hundreds millions of lives destroyed through torture and displacement. It robs both the rich and the poor to concentrate wealth for totalitarian dictators. next up in the book... *KARL MARX AND A HISTORY OF EARLY COMMUNISM


    From WAR FROM WUHAN. *GRAMSCIAN MARCH INTO THE ARTS Media shapes the way people think and especially the way young people think. With its grandeur and stardom to tell a story and deliver a message, cinema is especially powerful. Dinesh DSouza produced and directed a powerful story about Barack Obama based on historical facts. He went to jail for a violation that nobody had ever been prosecuted for in the past. Approximately 90% of the media output is achieved through just a handful of companies dominated by Jewish socialists, Zionists, and Communists. Those who control the media--and the money supply--pretty much control the world. Barack Obama could not handle a movie that told the truth about his plan for America. Most of America did not catch on that the Obama Gang was about to rape it. History tells us that if you want to run the world you have to run the media that describes it. Sousa had to be shut down. With the power to control the media: You can hide the truth. You can distort the facts. You can speak out disinformation. You can rewrite history at will. For decades the Marxist Democratic Communists and Socialists have controlled the media. They have merged politically with the Islamic-Communists and the Communist Chinese. They supported the Chicago Cabal that put Obama into office. Democratic Islamic Communism draws heavily from the ideas of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist and journalist. Pete Buttigieg's father, Joseph Buttigieg, edited and translated Itialian Gramsci's work into English. Pete is a Commie, too. We can see connections within the transnational Democratic Communist State. European communism, led by the East Germans, Italy, and France, and the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, and the Chinese Communist Party, or CPC, in America share a common agenda and philosophy as outlined by Antonio Gramsci. Karl Marx's workers’ Revolution through violence ultimately failed, so they turned to Gramsci. Rather than an abrupt overthrow of the government through violence, Antonio Gramsci advocated the spread of Marxism employing a “Long March through the institutions — i.e., gradual infection of all aspects of society including cinema, all other media, education, religion, the judicial system, labor unions, and political parties. If you toed the line and promoted the Communist agenda, you were treated well and got paid. If you did not, you got abused and ostracized. In the footsteps of most narcissistic Communist Dictators, Obama harnessed the taxpayer-funded National Endowment of the Arts, the largest funder of the arts in the U.S., to produce and promote images of himself. The Obama Deep State hijacked the National Endowment for the Arts is to create a full-blown Cult of Obama in 2009. The Obama Gang launched a government-funded campaign to force the art community to advocate for the administration's positions. When the government starts dictating art you have fascism. Artists are blessed with the ability to shape the lives of those who view their work. The cultish “Hope” poster spawned created by artist ACLU supporter and Leftist activist Shepard Fairey and the “Yes, We Can” song and music video was presented by the Obama administration through a conference call to artists as proper and successful examples to emulate. One Obama conference caller, Michael Skolnik, would later help George Soros, Kamala Harris, and Chicago's Kimm Fox install alternative justice in key cities all around the country by staging public promotional events. An article in Halsey News states that Kamala Harris and Kim Foxx took the stage as featured speakers on May 9, 2018, at Michael Skolnik’s Soze Agency’s Vote for Justice: An Evening of Empowerment with Artists and Activists. The Obama Deep State used the National Endowment of the Arts, at the taxpayers’ expense, to promote the Obama Deep State. *HOLLYWOOD’S LONG HISTORY OF COMMUNISM America’s tradition of free speech has been attacked through Communism in Hollywood since the 1930s to establish carefully controlled speech and messages conforming only to Leftist politics. Vladamir Lenin took an interest in film-making early on. He said that motion pictures were the most significant of all the arts. Lenin requested postwar funding related to cinema which resulted in a film studio and associated productions in Moscow. In 1934, several people with Hollywood connections were invited from the National Student League, a |Communist front organization, to make a trip to the Soviet Union. A senior at Dartmouth, Maurice Rapf, whose dad was a major MGM producer, was one, and Budd Schulberg, whose dad was Paramount Pictures production head, was another. The met with the Soviets and returned home to inform their fathers that they wanted to become official Communists. The fathers were worried that their conversion would stir up anti-Semitism because it would reinforce the connection between the Jews and the Bolsheviks. The Schulbergs were Jewish and the father liked the fact that the Soviets had outlawed anti-Semitism and were against the Nazis. A huge increase in cinema attendance and demand for writers, artists, and actors occurred with the advent of films with sound. The major source of talent was the center of Communism at that time, New York City. The Communist Party of the United States, in 1935, made the decision to open a Hollywood office that would be controlled remotely by the hard-line cultural commissar in New York who was V.J. Jerome. Stanley Lawrence, Jerome’s assistant for Hollywood affairs, began to organize Marxist study groups. Lawrence instructed young students, Rapf and Schulberg, to organize Marxist study groups for tenant farmers in the central valley of California and only later would come to do the same in Hollywood. The Communists in the film industry recruited celebrities for membership who would contribute ten percent of their income as annual dues. Rapf and Schulberg decided to add glamour to this community and Budd Schulberg married a pretty woman nicked-named “Jigee” whose real name was Virginia Ray leading to the slogan claiming that the most beautiful women belonged to the Communist Party. They were Hollywood pimps already. If one attended a Communist study group, one could meet famous people in the film industry and beautiful actresses or handsome actors. Maurice Rapf’s family’s beach house in Malibu was one backdrop for the Communist study groups. Budd Schulberg opened the door to his father’s Benedict Canyon house in Benedict Canyon for more Communist gatherings. In addition to the possibility of making tons of money, the Communist Party stalked Hollywood to infiltrate its large labor unions related to the film industry. Agreeing with Lenin’s assessment of the persuasive power of cinema, they knew it was an ideal outlet for Communist propaganda that would convert more people than printed materials. Joseph Davies, once the Ambassador to the Soviet Union from the USA, wrote a book that formed the basis for “Mission to Moscow” which is a great example of the early pro-Communist movies coming out of Hollywood. At that time, the Soviet Union was considered as an ally of the United States in fighting Hitler, so a pro-Soviet and pro-Communist film could be cleverly presented as a twisted form of American patriotism. The Hollywood communists, who were committed to Stalin and against Hitler, were upset when the Soviet Union in 1939 signed a Nazi Germany nonaggression pact. The HISCCASP was perceived as a Communist front organization so it was suggested that they issue an anti-Communism statement. At one meeting, a prominent screenwriter stood up and stated that if war broke out between the United States and the Soviets, he would fight for the Soviets. Ronald Reagan stood up to counter his remark. Reagan was slammed with a handful of nasty epithets such as “red baiter”, “witch hunter”, “fascist”, and “capitalist scum,” a classic Communist tactic we still see every day in modern times. *Hollywood Ten On November 24, 1947, 10 Hollywood directors and writers were officially cited for contempt of Congress. They had refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. The day after, their names appeared on the first Hollywood Blacklist recommending not to employ them in Hollywood in any capacity. *LEFTIST DOMINATION The Communists would not be subdued forever and would gradually recover to once again dominate Hollywood as they do today. A good recent example is Netflix’s production of a story about a Communist Chinese run factory pegged with the Obamas’ names, which, of course, was just nominated for an Oscar. Hollywood and music talent must play along the Far Left and the Communists if they want money and fame, so people like Robert DeNiro, Rob Reiner, Jussie Smollett, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Meghan Markle, Beyonce, and Cher continuously trash President Trump and the Republicans and the patriotism, populism, free-market capitalism, and American Nationalism they represent. The same applies to the sports industry. Here we see traitors like LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Colin Kaepernick kissing Communist behinds and trashing America for personal gain. *MARKLE, MEGHAN Meghan Markle is a Communist voice for the UK, the EU, and the USA. In January of 2020 "Meghan the Marxist" said she refused to move back to the USA to pursue a Hollywood career while President Trump was in office. She just happen to “miss” President Trump’s visit to the UK in 2019. Meghan, before marrying Prince Harry, called Trump “misogynistic” and “divisive” in 2016, following the standard “divisive” Democrat’s instructions on how to attack Trump. She fully supported Hillary Clinton and threatened to move away from the USA to Canada if Hillary lost. Meghan had no problem with Hillary being a staunch student of Communist Saul Alinsky and a pay-to-play corrupt politician who betrayed and robbed America in dealings with Benghazi, Iraq, Iran, China, and Syria. The Obamas were the only “Americans” who were invited to her royal wedding in 2018. The Obamas are about as “American” as Malcom X, Jesse Jackson, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin, Mao Zedung, Pol Pot, and Fidel Castro. Meghan, sometimes referred to as “Meghan the Marxist,” praises Communist author Noam Chomsky who is infamous for his anti-American and anti-capitalism rants. “Meghan the Marxist,” if she makes it back to Hollywood, will undoubtedly be exploited for her fame to support the Communist globalization movement. Chilling is appropriate. Beyonce Cher Ran Howard Angelina Jolie Meghan Markle Bette Midler Allysa Milano Brad Pitt Rob Reiner Jussie Smollett Communism not only condones immoral sexual perversion, it encourages it. Hollywood is full of it! Read my article on UNDERSTANDING SEXUAL PERVERSION FROM THE DEMOCRATS.


    Buttigieg is nothing more than a puppet and political hack and would not get any Democratic support if he was not married to a man and came from a Communist powerhouse family. Democrats promote Buttigieg as a homosexual as an attack on American family values bound by Christian history. Pete Buttigieg set his outreach campaign in motion to Hispanics with a Communist slogan. Buttigieg tweeted, in Spanish, and which was translated as “United people will never be defeated.” Back in the 70s, pro-Castro socialists created the slogan which has been common in socialist and Communist movements and which has lasted even to current times. AOC and Ilhan Omar have also reached out to Communist-leaning Hispanics, with Omar plotting with them to bring in more illegals. Tongue-talented Pete Buttigieg is but another Communist Soviet-loyalist puppet spewing false accusations of racism for the transnational Democratic Communist Party. Ignore him... he’s offering nothing new. His Daddy was a big shot Marxist professor. Buttigieg is also a hypocrite and takes money from billionaire donors. While he speaks of "inclusion politics": Buttigieg for taking a lucrative job for McKinsey & Company, a billion-dollar consulting firm, between 2007 and 2010. In his role as a consultant for McKinsey, Buttigieg worked on behalf of insurance companies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, the U.S. Defense Department, and Best Buy. Previously, Buttigieg has said he does not consider his taking donor money from billionaires “big money in politics.” When asked if not accepting donations from billionaires and hosting closed-door fundraisers is part of his plan to take “big money” out of politics, Buttigieg responded, “No.” The real reason the squad and Buttigieg are attacking Trump like a pack of rabid dogs is that he properly labeled them as communists who support terrorism, including Antifa. It was the Soviet Communists in the early 20th century that introduced the idea of terrorism on innocent people to the Islamists. The Democratic Socialists of America, of which the Squad are members, has many Antifa members. This reveals their game, intent, and techniques of denouncement and verbal abuse to continue the Obama Communist Deep State rape of America. Puppets entertain us as comical artificial figures manipulated by the hand or wires, or rods. Political puppets animate through the string-pulling of Deep States. They do and say the things that their Masters want them to do. Unlike their plastic, wood, and polyester counterparts, political puppets are not only manipulated by their Masters but serve to manipulate others, including the general public. They are the manipulators’ manipulators. Stage puppets bring entertainment and humor to their audience. Political puppets bring hidden agendas, lies, and constant verbal abuse. They spew false allegations and accusations against the opposition. Sometimes they seek to stir up physical intimidation and violence. The Squad, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Presley, is a squad of Puppets. Pete Buttigieg wants to join. Each has their history and personality, but they have to comply with their Masters, or they will not be in office for long. Although they arose from different races and backgrounds and may have slightly different agendas, they all have the same common core of strings: Communism and membership in the Democratic party. We see the squad every day in the news, but their puppeteers remain largely hidden. We are distracted by the puppets' antics, taken aback by their insults and attacks, as the puppet Masters use the distraction to plan their next moves. Nobody wants to address the elephants in the room standing behind the squad--- or is it because the puppet Masters and their mainstream media will not let them? Or is it because they fear for their safety and that of their family?


    *MARKLE, MEGHAN Meghan Markle is a Communist voice for the UK, the EU, and the USA. In January of 2020 "Meghan the Marxist" said she refused to move back to the USA to pursue a Hollywood career while President Trump was in office. She just happen to “miss” President Trump’s visit to the UK in 2019. Meghan, before marrying Prince Harry, called Trump “misogynistic” and “divisive” in 2016, following the standard “divisive” Democrat’s instructions on how to attack Trump. She fully supported Hillary Clinton and threatened to move away from the USA to Canada if Hillary lost. Meghan had no problem with Hillary being a staunch student of Communist Saul Alinsky and a pay-to-play corrupt politician who betrayed and robbed America in dealings with Benghazi, Iraq, Iran, China, and Syria. The Obamas were the only “Americans” who were invited to her royal wedding in 2018. The Obamas are about as “American” as Malcom X, Jesse Jackson, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin, Mao Zedung, Pol Pot, and Fidel Castro. Meghan, sometimes referred to as “Meghan the Marxist,” praises Communist author Noam Chomsky who is infamous for his anti-American and anti-capitalism rants. “Meghan the Marxist,” if she makes it back to Hollywood, will undoubtedly be exploited for her fame to support the Communist globalization movement. Chilling is appropriate. GRAMSCIAN MARCH INTO THE ARTS Media shapes the way people think and especially the way young people think. With its grandeur and stardom to tell a story and deliver a message, cinema is especially powerful. Dinesh DSouza produced and directed a powerful story about Barack Obama based on historical facts. He went to jail for a violation that nobody had ever been prosecuted for in the past. Approximately 90% of the media output is achieved through just a handful of companies dominated by Jewish socialists, Zionists, and Communists. Those who control the media--and the money supply--pretty much control the world. Barack Obama could not handle a movie that told the truth about his plan for America. Most of America did not catch on that the Obama Gang was about to rape it.History tells us that if you want to run the world you have to run the media that describes it. Sousa had to be shut down.With the power to control the media: You can hide the truth. You can distort the facts. You can speak out disinformation. You can rewrite history at will.For decades the Marxist Democratic Communists and Socialists have controlled the media. They have merged politically with the Islamic-Communists. They supported the Chicago Cabal that put Obama into office.Democratic Islamic Communism draws heavily from the ideas of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist and journalist.We can see connections within the transnational Democratic Communist State.European communism, led by the East Germans, Italy, and France, and the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, and the Chinese Communist Party, or CPC, in America share a common agenda and philosophy as outlined by Antonio Gramsci. Karl Marx's workers’ Revolution through violence ultimately failed, so they turned to Gramsci.Rather than an abrupt overthrow of the government through violence, Antonio Gramsci advocated the spread of Marxism employing a “Long March through the institutions — i.e., gradual infection of all aspects of society including cinema, all other media, education, religion, the judicial system, labor unions, and political parties. If you toed the line and promoted the Communist agenda, you were treated well and got paid. If you did not, you got abused and ostracized.In the footsteps of most narcissistic Communist Dictators, Obama harnessed the taxpayer-funded National Endowment of the Arts, the largest funder of the arts in the U.S., to produce and promote images of himself.The Obama Deep State hijacked the National Endowment for the Arts is to create a full-blown Cult of Obama in 2009. The Obama Gang launched a government-funded campaign to force the art community to advocate for the administration's positions.When the government starts dictating art you have fascism. Artists are blessed with the ability to shape the lives of those who view their work. The cultish “Hope” poster spawned created by artist ACLU supporter and Leftist activist Shepard Fairey and the “Yes, We Can” song and music video was presented by the Obama administration through a conference call to artists as proper and successful examples to emulate. One Obama conference caller, Michael Skolnik, would later help George Soros, Kamala Harris, and Chicago's Kimm Fox install alternative justice in key cities all around the country by staging public promotional events. An article in Halsey News states that Kamala Harris and Kim Foxx took the stage as featured speakers on May 9, 2018, at Michael Skolnik’s Soze Agency’s Vote for Justice: An Evening of Empowerment with Artists and Activists.The Obama Deep State used the National Endowment of the Arts, at the taxpayers’ expense, to promote the Obama Deep State. *HOLLYWOOD’S LONG HISTORY OF COMMUNISM America’s tradition of free speech has been attacked through Communism in Hollywood since the 1930s to establish carefully controlled speech and messages conforming only to Leftist politics.Vladamir Lenin took an interest in film-making early on. He said that motion pictures were the most significant of all the arts.Lenin requested postwar funding related to cinema which resulted in a film studio and associated productions in Moscow.In 1934, several people with Hollywood connections were invited from the National Student League, a |Communist front organization, to make a trip to the Soviet Union. A senior at Dartmouth, Maurice Rapf, whose dad was a major MGM producer, was one, and Budd Schulberg, whose dad was Paramount Pictures production head, was another. The met with the Soviets and returned home to inform their fathers that they wanted to become official Communists. The fathers were worried that their conversion would stir up anti-Semitism because it would reinforce the connection between the Jews and the Bolsheviks. The Schulbergs were Jewish and the father liked the fact that the Soviets had outlawed anti-Semitism and were against the Nazis. A huge increase in cinema attendance and demand for writers, artists, and actors occurred with the advent of films with sound. The major source of talent was the center of Communism at that time, New York City.The Communist Party of the United States, in 1935, made the decision to open a Hollywood office that would be controlled remotely by the hard-line cultural commissar in New York who was V.J. Jerome. Stanley Lawrence, Jerome’s assistant for Hollywood affairs, began to organize Marxist study groups. Lawrence instructed young students, Rapf and Schulberg, to organize Marxist study groups for tenant farmers in the central valley of California and only later would come to do the same in Hollywood. The Communists in the film industry recruited celebrities for membership who would contribute ten percent of their income as annual dues. Rapf and Schulberg decided to add glamour to this community and Budd Schulberg married a pretty woman nicked-named “Jigee” whose real name was Virginia Ray leading to the slogan claiming that the most beautiful women belonged to the Communist Party. They were Hollywood pimps already.If one attended a Communist study group, one could meet famous people in the film industry and beautiful actresses or handsome actors. Maurice Rapf’s family’s beach house in Malibu was one backdrop for the Communist study groups. Budd Schulberg opened the door to his father’s Benedict Canyon house in Benedict Canyon for more Communist gatherings.In addition to the possibility of making tons of money, the Communist Party stalked Hollywood to infiltrate its large labor unions related to the film industry. Agreeing with Lenin’s assessment of the persuasive power of cinema, they knew it was an ideal outlet for Communist propaganda that would convert more people than printed materials.Joseph Davies, once the Ambassador to the Soviet Union from the USA, wrote a book that formed the basis for “Mission to Moscow” which is a great example of the early pro-Communist movies coming out of Hollywood. At that time, the Soviet Union was considered as an ally of the United States in fighting Hitler, so a pro-Soviet and pro-Communist film could be cleverly presented as a twisted form of American patriotism.The Hollywood communists, who were committed to Stalin and against Hitler, were upset when the Soviet Union in 1939 signed a Nazi Germany nonaggression pact. The HISCCASP was perceived as a Communist front organization so it was suggested that they issue an anti-Communism statement. At one meeting, a prominent screenwriter stood up and stated that if war broke out between the United States and the Soviets, he would fight for the Soviets. Ronald Reagan stood up to counter his remark. Reagan was slammed with a handful of nasty epithets such as “red baiter”, “witch hunter”, “fascist”, and “capitalist scum,” a classic Communist tactic we still see every day in modern times. *Hollywood Ten On November 24, 1947, 10 Hollywood directors and writers were officially cited for contempt of Congress. They had refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. The day after, their names appeared on the first Hollywood Blacklist recommending not to employ them in Hollywood in any capacity. *LEFTIST DOMINATION The Communists would not be subdued forever and would gradually recover to once again dominate Hollywood as they do today.A good recent example is Netflix’s production of a story about a Communist Chinese run factory pegged with the Obamas’ names, which, of course, was just nominated for an Oscar.Hollywood and music talent must play along the Far Left and the Communists if they want money and fame, so people like Robert DeNiro, Rob Reiner, Jussie Smollett, Meghan Markle, Beyonce, and Cher continuously trash President Trump and the Republicans and the patriotism, populism, free-market capitalism, and American Nationalism they represent.The same applies to the sports industry. Here we see traitors like LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick kissing Communist you-know-what and trashing America for personal gain. RELATED ARTICLES: KEYWORD: “OBAMA” WHITE HAT REVOLUTION’S MOST POPULAR BOOK: HERE'S AN INTRODUCTION MATTIS SLAMS OBAMA ON IRAQ IN NEW BOOK: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS DIED MOTHER UNIVERSITY OF COMMUNISM: FRANKFURT SCHOOL AT COLUMBIA CHICAGO ARM OF THE DEEP STATE AGAINST SANDERS 2011: THE OBAMA GANG, FRANCE, QATAR, AND THE UK TOPPLED QADDAFI WHO WAS RAPED WITH A KNIFE Communist Manipulator David Axelrod: How to Package and Market a Presidential Candidate GREEN NEW STEAL: HOW THE OBAMA MOB STOLE UP TO $3 BILLION BY GREEN "CHANGE" CORRUPT KERRY AND OBAMA-ERA TREASON OBAMA, TLAIB, HEZBOLLAH, AND DRUG SMUGGLING JUSSIE DESTROYS OBAMA'S LGBTQ LEGACY RIP-OFF EXPERTS AND TRAITORS: OBAMA AND PELOSI COMMIE EU PAYS OF OBAMAS WITH OVER $81M IN BOOK CONTRACTS THE OBAMA'S "HIGHER GROUND" IS MORE LIKE A SATANIC COMMUNIST LAIR PROOF THAT OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST CHICAGO BILLIONAIRE FAMILY ORIGINALLY FROM UKRAINE HELPED POWER OBAMA INTO OFFICE Quinnipiac Poll: Obama Worst President Since WWII--and it gets worse… OBAMA'S RED ONSLAUGHT: ISLAMO-COMMUNIST DEEP STATE AND TREASON Democrats, the KKK, Obama's Plantation Politics and Jussie Smollett: What They All Have in Common The Obama Gang Brought in Al Sharpton to Further Racial Divides and Promote Black Lives Matter 2011: THE OBAMA GANG, FRANCE, QATAR, AND THE UK TOPPLED QADDAFI WHO WAS RAPED WITH A KNIFE Mob Obama, Including Brennan's CIA, made ISIS, ran SpyGate, and are in a Civil War with Trump COMMUNISTS JOHN BRENNAN AND OBAMA USED ISIL AND IRAN MILITIA TO KILL CHRISTIANS IN IRAQ FOR OIL Fast & Furious Solved: Arms To El Chapo & Coyotes for Cocaine+ to Chicago for the Obama Mob BENGHAZI: PLANNED ATTACK FOR OIL, ROUTES, AND MASS IMMIGRATION INTO EUROPE OBAMA’S HAWAII DRUG DEALER “GAY RAY” GETS MURDERED WITH A HAMMER OR “HAMMERED” Ilhan's Islamo-Communism: Mating Islam with Satan Rahm Emanuel: One of the Deepest in the Deep State Nelson Mandela: Saint or Communist, Racist, and Terrorist Advocate? Obama, Democrat Leaders, Deep State Intentionally Created the Heroin and Fetanyl Epidemics HER DOCUMENTED RACISM AT PRINCETON: MICHELLE OBAMA BOOK HOAX HIGHER: MICHELLE OBAMA BECAME A FRAUD, COMMUNIST, RACIST, CORRUPT--AND RICH! MICHELLE OBAMA: HOAX HIGHER INTRODUCTION: THE OBAMAS MAY JUST BE THE BIGGEST FRAUD EVER Jessie Jackson Arranged Obama's Sham Marriage: Michelle To Act for Money to Hide Obama's Being Gay MICHELLE OBAMA: HOAXING HIGHER VIA NETFLIX MICHELLE OBAMA BOOK: HOAX HIGHER: IS MICHELLE A TRANNY OR A FEMALE?


    Communist Barack Obama would have the complete support of the DSA for all of his campaigns. The Democratic Socialists of America originally had two main factions destined to split back in the '70s. One faction, led by Michael Harrington, in 1973, took the hard-left Communist line and became the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC.) The DSOC embraced the USSR and its allies, stuck with classic Marxism, and backed establishing Soviet nuclear superiority in Europe--namely the nuclear freeze program. Might we venture to say that some were Communist Soviets--or at least Soviet Communist loyalists? Rather than operating is a political party, DSOC thrived as an infiltrating Communist virus within the labor unions and the Democratic Party. It attracted many young Left-leaning activists who would become Antifa members. An alternative word for Communist was used by DSOC political organizer Boyte and that word was “communitarian.” He intended to push socialism aside for Communism to take over the DSA. The DSA is generally agreed to be a Neo-Marxist organization that draws heavily from the work of the Italian Antonio Gramsci. A Communist Party theoretician, Gramsci was imprisoned by Mussolini and went crazy in his cell, sometimes banging his head on the wall. Orange County California DSA praised Gramsci and his importance for the DSA in February 1984 in its newsletter. They shared that, Antonio Gramsci, as a founder of the Italian Communist Party, proposed theories on "open-ended Marxism" and independent Euro-Communism. Leftist European parties have operated under his theoretical influence for decades. Gramsci formed most of the ideas underlying today's DSA. We can see connections here within the transnational Democratic Communist State. European Communism, led by the East Germans, Italy, and France, and the DSA and CPC in America share a common agenda and philosophy as outlined by Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci was born on January 22, 1891 and died on April 27, 1937. In the 20th century, he recognized that Karl Marx’s revolution-through-violence had failed in Europe. Gramsci developed a new alternative solution to spread Communism around the world. Gramsci recommended contaminating all aspects of society with Communist propaganda and control. The DSA evolved to be a rapidly growing Marxist-Gramscist organization that held leadership positions throughout the United States. Many members of DSA are loyal to China, Cuba, and the old Eastern Bloc which include the Soviet Union as the main contributor, but also East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Albania. Kurt Stand went down in history as convicted East German Stalinist spy. Mr. Stand had been a national leader for the DSA for years. For passing American secrets to East Germany's Stasi secret police, he served four years. His wife served time, too. Stand was released from prison in 2012 and became a leader in the Metro Washington DSA. The same organization that boasts Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Bernie Sanders, AOC and other leading Democrats, the DSA, also has a convicted East German Stalinist spy. Communists will often refer to themselves as “socialists” or “progressives” but they are “Communists” based on the historical definition of Communism. Trump's Epic Battles and Heroics tells you the early history of Communism, including how it first arose from Satanism in the 18th century, and how the historical definition of Communism fits modern Communists quite well. How each Communist earned their spot on the Blacklist is nothing less than an indictment for anti-Americanism and an attempt to destroy the very fabric of our society. Many Communists are committing treason. Not to be taken lightly, Communism serves as a ruse to usurp power and wealth for totalitarian control. It is responsible for not only hundreds of millions of deaths but also hundreds millions of lives destroyed through torture and displacement. It robs both the rich and the poor to concentrate wealth for totalitarian dictators. SCOTT CAMPBELL


    Adam Schiff lied about possible Trump collusion with Russia for two years which earned him the role of the main investigator for the Deep State for the 2019 impeachment inquiry which led to impeachment by the House. Now Schiff wants an investigation into Trump's response to the coronavirus after the Dems did their best through social media to encourage behavior that would spread the disease: "ride the subway," "go out for a movie," "enjoy life," and there "is no risk to riding the bus" all the way into March. Pelosi visited Chinatown in SF to promote it and told everybody to come, "everything" is fine while 8 employees were sick with the virus in a nearby nursing home in February 2020. Adam Schiff demonstrated his ties to Communism as early as 1997 when he was awarded a Henry Toll Fellowship for the development of leadership. George Soros and his Open Society Foundations financed the Council of State Governments which sponsored Schiff's award. Soros also funded Schiff's Congress campaigns through To justify Schiff’s description of an anti-American Islamo-Communist sell-out, Schiff demonstrated his connections both to CAIR and HAMAS and co-sponsored a pro-Muslim bill. Schiff echoes most of the Deep State talking points and agenda which underlies the Democrat Party. He has support from Communist Chinese front groups for his campaigns. After a 2013 fundraiser for Schiff by arms dealer, Igor Pasternak, a Soviet-born businessman whose company has received lucrative defense contracts from Ukraine's government., Schiff started pitching for government money for Ukraine aid and weapons. He is a Communist liar who has committed treason and should be chilled on ice. Scott Campbell Check out this Amazon deal: Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by Peter Schweizer via @amazon


    The following is an exclusive excerpt from Trump's Epic Battles and Heroics. Elizabeth Warren publicly attacks Trump with a vengeance, calling him “racist” or a “misogynist” even if he just eats a cheeseburger or ties his shoes. Her talking points merely reflect a Communist Democrat regurgitation from the Deep State. She has no personality other than adopting the look of an exploited Leftist idiot by dancing down the street in an LGBTQ parade wearing a multi-colored scarf. She tried to shakedown Silicon Valley as a White and female version of Jesse Jackson for being ultra-successful capitalists who built global monopolies that provide great value. Even Lefty Mark Zuckerberg, who wants to continue to import cheap and smart illegal labor for his company, finally said don’t try to break up him up or the government will have a legal battle the likes that they have never seen before. Zuckerberg versus Congress is a preordained mismatch. One Congressman embarrassed himself and the nation at a hearing--thinking he had caught them red-handed-- by asking how Zucky’s company made such big profits without charging for participating in the social media exchange. It is called "advertising," numb nuts! Elizabeth Warren was taken seriously at one time early in her campaign by David Axelrod who was instrumental in getting both Clinton and Obama elected. He said she could be a candidate for progressive “change,” a slogan so effective for Obama even though it was code for Socialist/Communist takeover. Warren is a tiresome puppet and the string for "annoying shriek" works all to well. Warren echoes her peers in making promises to help the poor which we all know will inevitably be broken, while she plans to boost the profits of the Communist elite. She has participated in political organizing panels that included avowed Communists George Soros and Van "We are going to take it all" Johnson. She was part of the Obama Gang Deep State which appointed her in 2010 to help establish a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which was yet another plot to kill the middle class and let the very poor and the very rich live. This paved the way for the Deep State to make her a Senator in 2012. Warren had spent 20 years as a law professor at that renowned but corrupt institution who sells Ivy League degrees to the rich and well-connected and helped make Obama an Islamo-Communist Deep State president, Harvard. The CIA and Harvard are partners in international crime. Warren fraudulently claimed she was “a woman of color” from 1/64th Cherokee heritage to earn entry into colleges or jobs. She even plagiarized three American Native recipes for a cookbook in 1984. The history of Warren’s Indian ancestry is not pretty. It turns out her ancestors forcibly attacked and captured other Native Americans for money. Warren's ancestors scalped other Native Americans just like she wants to scalp the American economy. Warren has taken advantage of the fact that Communism has reached such critical mass in the United States such that it controls a majority of the mainstream media. This kind of control allows it to originate and perpetuate “fake news” to achieve its agenda. The classic example is the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson. The evidence, including eyewitnesses and forensics, shows that Michael Brown had attacked the police officer and was rushing the police officer again when he was shot. Yet Elizabeth Warren and Black activists insist that he was innocent and had his hands up when he was shot. They use this lie supported by the mainstream media to discredit the police force as racist. Warren exploited this lie to attack the Republicans and Trump. The essence of Marxism was that conflict is good and leads forward for its evolution. But the Marxists take it to far, destroying much more than they could ever create. Dialectical materialism is the “Living soul of Marxism” In which its practitioners identify incumbent beliefs and practices of a society, then attack and contradict them, often within inversion, and eliminate the middle of the road positions. Communists believe that conflict leads forward. Communism continuously incites conflict to achieve its goals. Warren, like her Democrat peers, continuously makes false accusations to create conflict in an attempt to destroy America. Elizabeth Warren makes a walnut sitting on a dusty counter-top look exciting. Elizabeth Warren, the 1/64th part Cherokee whose ancestors killed other Indians for money, is a Communist who has achieved what most elite Communists achieve-- she has attacked capitalism as she became rich from it and should be chilled ASAP. Brietbart Jan 21` 2020 "Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) son-in-law, with whom she is close, has troubling ties to the Iranian regime, according to a new book by Peter Schweizer. The book, Profiles in Corruption, reveals progressive leaders’ little-known ties to corrupt businesses and governments and discusses the Massachusetts senator in a chapter." Scott Campbell

  • SQUAD'S OWN RACISM RUNS RAMPANT. Proof. Also Racism in Puerto Rico, Somali, and Palestine.

    Why doesn't AOC discuss Puerto Rican racism? Tlaib, Palestian racism? Omar, Somali racism? Pressley, Communist Chinese racism and her personal racism? According to the Race, Gender and Class Journal, many--not all--white or light-skinned Puerto Ricans have historically been racist or bigoted against dark-skinned Puerto Ricans. “Although Puerto Rico is portrayed as a racial paradise, where race is subordinate to national and cultural identity, nothing could be further from the truth. Racism runs deep, with a long history fueling the racial rancor between White/light-skinned and Black/dark-skinned Puerto Ricans. People of apparent Black heritage flood the prisons and penal systems, live in the poorest and most oppressive conditions and are known as less able to obtain upwardly mobile jobs, even when qualified. There is a strong association between Black and poor, slums, crime, unemployment, etc. Many Puerto Ricans, including dark-skinned ones, are quick to negate the existence of racism among them while regarding those of apparent African ancestry as inferior. They believe that a successful life means lighter-skinned generations of children. They are quick to negate an African root even though most have varying levels of African ancestry and the African presence permeates most aspects of their daily life.” Race, Gender & Class © 2003 Jean Ait Belkhir, Race, Gender & Class Journal Just because AOC is a Puerto Rican American does not mean that she is racist or bigoted. But AOC, the rest of the squad, and many democrats insist that white Americans are the only racist people in the world-- which is simply not true by any measure. Yes, there are some racist white people but there are also racist Puerto Ricans, Somalis, Blacks, and Palestinians. Name a race that has not shown Racism. You can't. No matter what race we are, we can overcome our biological tendencies, or our upbringing, or social pressure and not judge or exclude by skin color. To be racist is to form exclusive in-groups based on perceived racial characteristics of out-groups. To call oneself a “person of color” is to be racist because of implied exclusion of whites, I hate to tell you, but “white” is a color, anyway. To single out white Republicans as racist is a very racist and bigoted statement. The Squad and the Democrats are showing their racism by accusing ALL white Republicans of being racist, when we all know it is a small percentage. Ayanna Pressley, so eloquently, said this to embarrass a nation: “We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice," she said. "We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice. If you’re worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don’t even show up because we need you to represent that voice." You can’t get any more racist or bigoted than this. Ilhan Elmi aka Ilhan Omar showed us her racism regarding Hispanic immigrants. Fox News “Ted Cruz rips Ilhan for implying Latinos are too dumb for merit-based immigration” Ilhan tweets and deletes: “A ‘merit-based’ immigration policy is fueled by racism toward the Latino community. Our immigration policies shouldn’t be based on discrimination, fear, or bigotry. We should welcome immigrants to our country and offer a simple pathway to citizenship. Ilhan is being racist by suggesting that Hispanics don't have enough merit to compete. Are Hispanics just dumb votes to arrogant and supremacist Ilhan? That sparked a ton of blowback from critics. Michelle Malkin tweeted: “So Ms. Smarty Pants deleted her tweet, cuz she finally realized that in accusing the President of racism, she was sounding mighty racist herself.” Senator Ted Cruz tweeted: “As the son of a Cuban immigrant whose Dad came to get a math degree and became a computer programmer, I’m troubled that Dems seem to believe Hispanic immigrants can’t qualify for skills-based legal immigration.” “Bringing in more scientists, engineers & doctors is good for US jobs.” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex, called out Rep. Ilhan, D-Minn, over a now-deleted tweet that suggested having a merit-based immigration system would disadvantage Latino migrants. In February, Tlaib called Housing and Urban Development official Lynne Patton, a black woman, a “prop” for appearing in the gallery during a hearing where members of Congress were debating whether Trump was racist. In May, Tlaib made the bizarre statement that she felt “a calming feeling … when I think of the Holocaust.” She explained by making the false claim that Palestinians had offered Jews a “haven” from the Holocaust. ARAB RACISM IN EGYPT Mona Eltahawy, a columnist for Egypt's Al Masry Al Youm and Qatar's Al Arab, wrote in the New York Times an article titled, "Racism: The Arab world's dirty secret". She was a witness to racist attacks by Arab Egyptians on blacks and stated: "We are a racist people in Egypt and we are in deep denial about it. On my Facebook page, I blamed racism for my argument and an Egyptian man wrote to deny that we are racists and used as his proof a program on Egyptian Radio featuring Sudanese songs and poetry! Our silence over racism not only destroys the warmth and hospitality we are proud of as Egyptians, but it also has deadly consequences." She believed racism was behind a police crackdown on 5,000 Sudanese refugees and the beating to death of some women and children. She added: "The racism I saw on the Cairo Metro has an echo in the Arab world at large, where the suffering in Darfur goes ignored because its victims are black and because those who are creating the misery in Darfur are not Americans or Israelis and we only pay attention when America and Israel behave badly." She criticized the country's attitudes: "We love to cry 'Islamophobia' when we talk about the way Muslim minorities are treated in the West and yet we never stop to consider how we treat minorities and the most vulnerable among us." While noting that racist incidents are condemned in the United States, she said that in Egypt, as well as in the Arab world, there is a culture of silence toward racist incidents which reflects negatively on Arab society.[3] In the Arab Gulf states, Sudanese, who consider themselves Arabs, are labeled as abeed, literally meaning slaves, or as fusduq al-abeed ("slave's peanuts"), referring to Sudan's production of peanuts.[4] Wiki PALESTINE Racism directed towards blacks Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, has been the subject of some viciously racial personal attacks, alongside vociferous criticism of her policies.[40] These included an anti-black racist Cartoon in Palestinian Authority's controlled Press Al Quds. The New York Times reported in 2006 "Her comment that the Israel-Lebanon war represented the “birth pangs of a new Middle East”— coming at a time when television stations were showing images of dead Lebanese children — sparked ridicule and even racist cartoons. A Palestinian newspaper, Al Quds," which "depicted Ms. Rice as pregnant with an armed monkey, and a caption that read, “Rice speaks about the birth of a new Middle East." The Palestinian media has used racist terms including "black spinster" and "colored dark skin lady."[42][43] MODERN RACISM AND SUPREMACY ATTITUDE OF ARAB SOMALIS AGAINST BLACK ETHNIC TRIBES “An article from the Journal of Somali Studies 1 (2014): 91–118 and applied by an Iowa State study “mapped the nature of prejudice and hate discourse used by Somalis against the Bantu Jareer and the Yibir, Gabooye, and Tumaal communities in Somalia. The hate discourse is premised on assumptions of their supposed unholy origin and their engagement in occupations and social activities that are despised by the so-called Somali noble groups. The prejudice and hate discourse against the Bantu Jareer Somalis is derived from their African origin and alleged African-like physical characteristics in comparison with the features of other Somalis.” “The Somali Bantu Jareer and the Somali caste communities come from different social, historical, and ethnical backgrounds. The Somali Bantu Jareer community can be divided into three groups: (1) runaway slaves, (2) emancipated slaves, and (3) an indigenous community. The social formation of the first two can be traced to nineteenth-century Indian Ocean slave traders, who brought large numbers of slaves from Tanzania and Mozambique to Somalia. The slaves provided Racial and Caste Prejudice in Somalia 94 labor that supported the booming plantation economy in the southern Somalia Banadir coastal communities of Mogadishu, Merka, and Baraawe, as well as in the Jubba and Shabelle valleys and the wider agro-pastoral regions of southwestern Somalia.” “One narrative suggests that at the time of the arrival of the Somali founding ancestor there existed in the land a vicious magician king who ruled the country. This king, according to the narrative, was ruthless and terrorized the people—raping women, killing innocent children, and in general exploiting the people—until the founding Somali ancestor, with the help of Saint Aw Barkhadle, caused two mighty hills to close down on him. This event created the distinction between the noble and non-noble groups.” “The formation of this image results from a collective experience and operates through the public media and culminates in a number of collectively shared feelings, including: (1) a feeling of superiority shown by dominant groups through the disparagement of the behaviors and qualities of the subordinate minority group, (2) a feeling that the subordinate group is intrinsically different, alien, and therefore justifiably excluded, (3) a feeling of the oppressors’ proprietary claim to certain areas of privilege and advantage, and (4) fear and suspicion that the subordinate group harbors designs on the prerogatives of the dominant group (Blumer 1958, 4). “ “Taken together, these four sentiments constitute the crystallization of a fully developed group position and refer to positional arrangements such that the feeling of superiority places the subordinate group in a lower position.” Are Afro-Arabs More Racist Than Whites? “While it’s not every Arab in Egypt and other Afro-Arab countries who are racist, it is no secret that racism exists in most of these countries and the people involved don’t want to accept it.” “Yvonne Khamati, a Kenyan diplomat attending the conference, filed a formal complaint with the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accusing an Egyptian expatriate of referring to sub-Saharan Africans as “dogs and slaves.” “The first form of oppression against Black Africans was from the Arabs.” “In Mauritania, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, and other Afro-Arab countries, slavery and other forms of oppression against Black Africans are still widespread.” “In Sudan, it has been widely reported that nearly 20 million Black Africans in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions were ethnically cleansed during the first and second Sudanese Civil wars.” “It is this form of abuse that triggered the infamous Darfur War, which ended with the excision of South Sudan, a predominantly Black Nubian state, from the larger Sudan.” “Racism is also very rife in Libya if the 2000 anti-African racist violence is anything to go by. According to Amnesty International, thousands of Black Africans were massacred during the Libyan Civil War in 2011.” DARK HISTORY OF ISLAM AND SLAVERY The Koran (Quran) endorsed slavery of non-Muslims. Not only did Islamics widely participate in slavery, but they also dominated it as the undisputed experts. Slavery preceded Mohammed in Arabia. Mohammed owned over 40 slaves, actively traded slaves, turned prisoners of war into slaves, and was a slave trade advisor. Mohammed gave his companions slaves who had been war prisoners. When Mohammed gained control of Arabia he had the power to end slavery but instead adopted and regulated it in his favor. When Mohammed’s Arabic armies reached the coast of East Africa they captured many black slaves and slavery became an important segment of their economy. The Muslim Slave Trade began in the 7th to 8th centuries as a result of Islamic conquests, a full 7 centuries before the Atlantic Slave Trade. It expanded to include slaves from Southern Europe and India and the network of countries trading slaves expanded greatly. Muslims were not commonly slaves but females were more common as sex slaves and sold to Muslim nations in North Africa. The end of the Muslim Slave Trade was in the 20th century with Islamics being the last to abolish it from European colonial pressure. The main victims of slavery were African blacks called “Zanj” which, no surprise, means “black.” Mohammed, “Allah’s Messenger,” once said, “You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin.” Sahi Bukhari 9:89: 256Arabic historian Muqaddimah, of the Golden Age of Islam, said: The Negro nations (sub-Saharan Africa) are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because Negroes have little that is human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals. Slavery was prominent in the three Muslim Caliphates. Slaves were used as political gifts and parts of treaties. Arab supremacy classes:1. Arab Muslim2. Non-Arab Muslim3. Non-Muslim4. Slaves Arab supremacy classes: 1. Arab Muslim 2. Non-Arab Muslim 3. Non-Muslim 4. Slaves The Muslim Slave Trade reached India, France, Spain, Italy, Iceland, and the British Isles. The Muslim slave overlords treated the slaves poorly resulting in occasional rebellions. The Ottoman Empire also maintained slavery, an ingrained part of Islamic society. Women and children were in high demand. Ottoman harems were sex slave harems. Ottoman Turks captured Caucasian boys to make them into soldiers. Most slaves were fully castrated and this began prominently in early Islamic history because they were deemed to be more valuable as free from sexual urges. Most slaves died from castration, so the ones that survived were of high value. Europeans began ending slavery in the 19th century, but the Ottoman Empire continued mass slavery into the 20th century. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Yemen practiced slavery until the 1950s. In Mauritania and Sudan, slavery continued much longer with Mauritania officially abolishing slavery in 1981, but in both countries, it continues to this day unofficially. Slaves were sold in open auction in Libya around 2015. Mauritania waited until 2007 to criminalize slavery. Muslims were directly involved and contributed heavily to the Atlantic Slave Trade as the “experts on hand compared to the European amateurs. The Muslim slave trade existed at least 700 years before the Atlantic slave trade and ended after the Atlantic slave trade due to European colonization of Africa. The Muslim or Arab Slave trade, when compared to the Atlantic Slave trade, had massive sex slavery and castration, a preference for children, higher death rates, and racially targeted non-Muslims. Islam’s Dark History of Slavery (Whitewashed and Forgotten) video presents a concise history of Islamic slavery. This was a summary. The Squad Members and their histories of Communism are all included Chill a Commie for Mommy: A Blacklist Scott Campbell


    The following is based upon an exclusive excerpt from Summary and Rebuttal: A Promised Land: Barack Obama by Scott Campbell. This repulsive, crass, big-mouthed, and corrupt Democrat who was the first woman of Palestinian descent to be elected to Congress, showed her true colors on her first day shouting about how she and her fellow Communists were going to impeach Trump and calling him a “motherfuc*er.” She demonstrated numerous times in no uncertain terms that the welfare of Communist and terrorist Palestine territory and Hezbollah were her top priority. She works against both America and Israel as a puppet for the Obama Deep State which includes Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. She wrote an op-ed for Louis Farrakhan and took a position in the Obama administration after campaigning for the traitor-in-chief, as an Islamic relations liaison. CAIR CEO Nihad Awad praises her as a fellow Civilization Jihadist against America. She can only be matched in utter repugnance by Ilhan Omar, her Islamo-Communist cohort from hell. She directly supports acts of terrorism for Iran and the Palestinians by advocating for and defending, Hezbollah. You would have to be extremely naive to think that Rashida Tlaib is not fully aware of Hezbollah drug smuggling and that she doesn't work to support it through her political platform and posturing. Although we do not have a signed confession, there is an abundance of circumstantial evidence that suggests she supports Hezbollah, which is a known drug trafficker and terrorist organization. *The New York Post: ”Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal”: December 18th, 2017 “The Obama administration stymied a sprawling investigation into the terror group Hezbollah — and its highly lucrative drug-trafficking networks — to protect the Iran nuclear deal, according to a bombshell report.” “A team at the Drug Enforcement Administration had been working for almost a decade to bring down the Iran-backed militant organization’s sophisticated $1 billion-a-year drug ring, which laundered money and smuggled cocaine into the United States, Politico reported.” “But the departments of Justice and Treasury repeatedly undermined agents’ efforts to arrest and prosecute key members of the criminal network — because the Obama White House feared upsetting Tehran ahead of the nuclear agreement, according to Politico.” RASHIDA TLAIB’S LINK TO OBAMA Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in Michigan, in 2008, recruited Rashida Tlaib as the “Arab-American Outreach Coordinator” allegedly to try to get young Muslims to vote for Obama. She also wrote for Louis Farahkhan's newspaper. Rashida Tlaib has repeatedly demonstrated that she is pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas, Pro-Hezbollah and anti-Israel and anti-American. Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed terrorist groups. LINK TO DRUG DEALING According to in a 2017 article entitled ”Obama-Hezbollah Drug Trafficking Investigation“: "Project Cassandra was a secret investigation involving 30 U.S. and foreign security agencies. This investigation found that Hezbollah was collecting $1 billion a year from drug trafficking, arms smuggling, and money laundering. Hezbollah was caught helping Mexico’s Los Zetas cartel move tons of cocaine into the United States. The money earned from U.S. drug sales was then used to purchase used cars. These cars were resold in West Africa. The money was then sent to pro-Hezbollah banks in Lebanon.” “Some of this money was used to buy an especially dangerous kind of improvised explosive device—the kind used against U.S. troops in Iraq by Shiite militias. So Hezbollah operatives spread across the U.S., Mexico and Latin America are using the money that Americans spend on drug addiction to fund terrorism in the Middle East.” Many security experts warn that Mexican drug cartels are the greatest criminal threat to America. If the Hezbollah agents assisting these cartels start using their resources to launch terrorist attacks within the United States, this threat will intensify. TLAIB'S POLITICS HELP HEZBOLLAH Hezbollah’s funding partly comes through drug trafficking that targets the United States and involves illegal immigration, drug cartels, and street gang sales of drugs. As a staunch Palestine and Hezbollah supporter, Tlaib’s political underpinnings, positions, and platform become easily understood and even predictable. 001 Rashida Tlaib is against police using facial recognition technology not because she wants to protect citizen privacy but because she wants to protect criminals dealing drugs which indirectly funds Hezbollah. 002 Rashida Tlaib pushes for illegal immigration and open borders not out of humanitarian concerns but because they are the backbone of illegal drug flow into the United States. NBC News reported in an article about a Florida official worried about Tlaib blowing up the US Capitol that Tlaib said, “Yes, I am Muslim and Palestinian. Get over it.” Note that she did not say "Palestinian American." Taxpayers are paying her $174,000 a year and she is helping to bring in illegal drugs and kill Americans and Israelis. “Slow Suicide By Inaction” will be an appropriate American Epitaph. "Feds: Hezbollah scout was looking for attack targets in NYC Naturalized U.S. citizen has extensive firearms, bomb-making training" WND News Services Published September 21, 2019 “ A scout for the militant group Hezbollah was looking at locations for attacks in New York, Boston and Washington and sending target information back to leadership in Lebanon, federal prosecutors said. They unveiled a nine-count indictment in Manhattan Federal Court on Thursday against Alexei Saab of Morristown, New Jersey, who has been in custody since July 9 after being brought in by members of the NYPD and FBI. The government alleges that Saab has been a Hezbollah member since 1996 and has extensive firearms and bomb-making training.” At the same time Rashida Tlaib was begging for Palestinian support, Hezbollah was planning a terrorist act in the United States . By supporting the Palestinian agenda, Rashida tlaib is using her position as a congresswoman to support terrorists who worked with the Obama administration to traffic drugs and people, and who are planning to attack the United States. Rashida Tlaib is a traitor and should be removed from office. Let's chill this Islamo-Communist bitch. Scott Campbell RELATED ARTICLES: KEYWORD: “TRUMP” CORONAVIRUS: TRUMP BATTLES POLITICAL WEAPONIZATION TRUMP VS WEAPONIZED CLIMATE ACTIVISM Squad: Hateful Communists Called Out by Trump Mob Obama, Including Brennan's CIA, made ISIS, ran SpyGate, and are in a Civil War with Trump DEEP STATE WAR ON TRUMP'S CHRISTIAN AMERICA New Book: Trump's Epic Battles and Heroics Mob Obama, Including Brennan's CIA, made ISIS, ran SpyGate, and are in a Civil War with Trump ZIONIST WAR WITH IRAN COMING 2020 Democrat Candidates: Their Biological Weakness and Links to Communism RELATED ARTICLES: KEYWORD: “OBAMA” WHITE HAT REVOLUTION’S MOST POPULAR BOOK: HERE'S AN INTRODUCTION MATTIS SLAMS OBAMA ON IRAQ IN NEW BOOK: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS DIED MOTHER UNIVERSITY OF COMMUNISM: FRANKFURT SCHOOL AT COLUMBIA CHICAGO ARM OF THE DEEP STATE AGAINST SANDERS 2011: THE OBAMA GANG, FRANCE, QATAR, AND THE UK TOPPLED QADDAFI WHO WAS RAPED WITH A KNIFE Communist Manipulator David Axelrod: How to Package and Market a Presidential Candidate GREEN NEW STEAL: HOW THE OBAMA MOB STOLE UP TO $3 BILLION BY GREEN "CHANGE" CORRUPT KERRY AND OBAMA-ERA TREASON OBAMA, TLAIB, HEZBOLLAH, AND DRUG SMUGGLING JUSSIE DESTROYS OBAMA'S LGBTQ LEGACY RIP-OFF EXPERTS AND TRAITORS: OBAMA AND PELOSI COMMIE EU PAYS OF OBAMAS WITH OVER $81M IN BOOK CONTRACTS THE OBAMA'S "HIGHER GROUND" IS MORE LIKE A SATANIC COMMUNIST LAIR PROOF THAT OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST CHICAGO BILLIONAIRE FAMILY ORIGINALLY FROM UKRAINE HELPED POWER OBAMA INTO OFFICE Quinnipiac Poll: Obama Worst President Since WWII--and it gets worse… OBAMA'S RED ONSLAUGHT: ISLAMO-COMMUNIST DEEP STATE AND TREASON Democrats, the KKK, Obama's Plantation Politics and Jussie Smollett: What They All Have in Common The Obama Gang Brought in Al Sharpton to Further Racial Divides and Promote Black Lives Matter 2011: THE OBAMA GANG, FRANCE, QATAR, AND THE UK TOPPLED QADDAFI WHO WAS RAPED WITH A KNIFE Mob Obama, Including Brennan's CIA, made ISIS, ran SpyGate, and are in a Civil War with Trump COMMUNISTS JOHN BRENNAN AND OBAMA USED ISIL AND IRAN MILITIA TO KILL CHRISTIANS IN IRAQ FOR OIL Fast & Furious Solved: Arms To El Chapo & Coyotes for Cocaine+ to Chicago for the Obama Mob BENGHAZI: PLANNED ATTACK FOR OIL, ROUTES, AND MASS IMMIGRATION INTO EUROPE OBAMA’S HAWAII DRUG DEALER “GAY RAY” GETS MURDERED WITH A HAMMER OR “HAMMERED” Ilhan's Islamo-Communism: Mating Islam with Satan Rahm Emanuel: One of the Deepest in the Deep State Nelson Mandela: Saint or Communist, Racist, and Terrorist Advocate? Obama, Democrat Leaders, Deep State Intentionally Created the Heroin and Fetanyl Epidemics HER DOCUMENTED RACISM AT PRINCETON: MICHELLE OBAMA BOOK HOAX HIGHER: MICHELLE OBAMA BECAME A FRAUD, COMMUNIST, RACIST, CORRUPT--AND RICH! MICHELLE OBAMA: HOAX HIGHER INTRODUCTION: THE OBAMAS MAY JUST BE THE BIGGEST FRAUD EVER MICHELLE OBAMA: HOAXING HIGHER VIA NETFLIX MICHELLE OBAMA BOOK: HOAX HIGHER: IS MICHELLE A TRANNY OR A FEMALE? Jessie Jackson Arranged Obama's Sham Marriage: Michelle To Act for Money to Hide Obama's Being Gay


    The following is an exclusive excerpt from Traitor's Legacy. We are really biologically programmed animals with clothes on, and most of us act accordingly. I have faith in God, but scientifically document evolution. The two are not incompatible. With portions of Europe falling to the Islamists, and with the likes of Congresswomen Ilhan, AOC, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib attacking White America and Israel, and with the American democratic party infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, Islam itself must come under a more powerful socio-political and genetic microscope. With Ilhan's and Tlaib’s media coverage, the Muslim and Communist Democratic assault is now in our face daily, part of the vile psychological game plan to demoralize. The Muslim Brotherhood was extremely influential in the Obama Administration, and diverted money from government programs like "Let Girls Learn" and "Let's Move" into their own pockets. In addition to communism, Americans are finally admitting they are under siege by Islam: psychologically, legally, financially, politically, and educationally. It would be hard to invent a better ideology than Islam for spreading itself across the world. Given almost 1,400 years in different locations and warring against different rivals, it has evolved its many methods to near perfection. Unlike modern Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, or Buddhism, Islam teaches that, if it helps the cause, not only is it acceptable behavior, but a follower is rewarded with “heavenly capital” if one lies, cheats, taxes, rapes infidels, enslaves, or even murders. "Praise be to Allah!" Committing these acts is believed to enhance the chance of getting to meet Allah himself. Islam is totalitarian fascism masquerading as a religion to manipulate its gullible and/or complicit followers. From a gene-culture evolutionary perspective, Islam, and other “winning” ideologies use “adaptive delusions” and rigid rules of behavior that tend to confer a biological advantage for the larger population. Individual rights take a back seat, and for women, become non-existent. Islam encourages a man to marry more than one wife, up to four and to take his brides as young as possible. This polygamist “religious practice” ensures virginity which prevents cuckoldry, and takes advantage of the increased fertility of youth, and multiple pregnancies across multiple wives. It tends to produce more, and healthier, children- a distinct advantage for spreading Islamists and their gene pools. The wives are discouraged from working outside the home or educating themselves, both of which slow down the rate of birthing babies, and threaten her husband’s absolute control of her life. Traditional Islam teaches that women should be but house and childbirth slaves or suffer beatings or disfigurement. The same line of reasoning encourages Islamic men to rape non-Islamic women as a competitive strategy. In this twisted “religion,” heaven’s entry doors open a little wider if one rapes an infidel and produces an illegitimate baby. So it would come as no surprise that we see Islamic man having sex with young girls either as wives or in “grooming rings” and mistreating, disrespecting, and raping non-Muslim women. July 6, 2016, WND article said Somali men shouted to women in an upscale Minneapolis suburb in 2016 in a three-day wilding event described in police reports: “Sharia means we can rape you!” The Qur'an teaches that immigrants to new areas are “praised” and rewarded in Heaven, an expansionist seed planted in the minds of ignorant religious minds. So now we have Muslim refugees in cities like Anchorage, arranged by our pro-Muslim Obama administration from 2008 to 2016. If they can survive Anchorage, surely they will enter their heaven, where hopefully it is a bit warmer. If it helps the agenda, Islam encourages animals to be animals, and the animals love it. The result is the growth, expansion, and spreading of the genes of male populations that are cruel, oppressive animals, conquerors, and slave drivers. Genghis Khan comes to mind, whose genes are in .5% of European populations. As one drunken radical Islamic male informed a British native woman so eloquently and emotionally in a London video: "We are going to rape your country!" is quite an accurate summary. But he could have added: "And you are going to pay for it!" Communists will often refer to themselves as “socialists” or “progressives” but they are “Communists” based on the historical definition of Communism. Because it is so crucial, several of my books tell you the early history of Communism, including how it first arose from Satanism in the 18th century, and how the historical definition of Communism fits modern Communists quite well. How each Communist earned their spot on the Blacklist is nothing less than an indictment for anti-Americanism and an attempt to destroy the very fabric of our society. Many Communists are committing treason. Not to be taken lightly, Communism serves as a ruse to usurp power and wealth for totalitarian control. It is responsible for not only hundreds of millions of deaths but also hundreds millions of lives destroyed through torture and displacement. It robs both the rich and the poor to concentrate wealth for totalitarian dictators. Scott Campbell


    This article is based on my book entitled: RED ONSLAUGHT: OBAMA’S COMMUNIST DEEP STATE AND TREASON Miqdaad Versi is the assistant secretary general and media spokesperson of the Muslim Council of Britain. He cannot say a sentence without using the word "Islamophobia."The Muslim Council of Britain is an overlord body in Britain with over 500 affiliates and organizations, representing national, international, regional and local organizations, mosques, charities, and schools. Sadiq Aman Khan is a British politician serving as Mayor of London since 2016 and has close ties to Versi and the Muslim Council of Britain. The Times of Britain, which originated in the mid-1700s, re-published an article in June of 2019 entitled “Muslim Council ‘secretly linked’ to Brotherhood.” The article arose from a government report entitled: "Muslim Brotherhood Review: Main Findings The Brotherhood is said to have “played an important role in establishing and then running” the Muslim Council of Britain. If you establish and run an organization, you are officially "the founder." Therefore the Muslim Brotherhood founded and runs the Muslim Council of Britain. Let's not be naieve, the Muslim Council of Britain is the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain and, considering its size and influence, and the extent and expense of its facility, is likely the world headquarters. Miqdaad Versi and Mayor Sadiq Khan are both highly paid Muslim Brotherhood puppets working for the downfall of London, and then the entire UK, and then the entire EU. According to a government report, the largest Islamic organization in Britain and the largest Muslim student group both have undeclared links to the Muslim Brotherhood. The fundamentalist jihadi network, the Muslim Brotherhood, has a history of inciting both violence and terror worldwide. Western society is seen as corrupting and “inherently hostile to Muslim interests.” The Muslim Brotherhood, in some 80 countries, has also exerted “significant influence” on the Muslim Association of Britain and the Federation of Student Islamic Societies (Fosis). London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, has a long history of affiliation with multiple Islamist groups including the Muslim Council of Britain. It would come as no surprise that London’s crisis of crime, terror, and civil unrest worsens under his watch as the Muslim Brotherhood’s position in government improves and the Muslim population expands. The UK Muslim organization is nearly identical to its USA counterparts. In the USA we have the Muslim Brotherhood Deep State, CAIR, headed-up by Nihad Awad, which is similar in function to the Muslim Council of Britain located in every major city, and we have the Muslim Student associations like the Fosis. These are all part of the same Muslim transnational Deep State that is aligned with the Democrats in America and the Liberals and Social Democrats in the UK. The end game for the “Civilization Jihad” is the collapse of London’s historic Parliament into a sharia abyss. “God Save the Queen!” because the British are not. RELATED ARTICLES: KEYWORD: “OBAMA” WHITE HAT REVOLUTION’S MOST POPULAR BOOK: HERE'S AN INTRODUCTION MATTIS SLAMS OBAMA ON IRAQ IN NEW BOOK: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS DIED MOTHER UNIVERSITY OF COMMUNISM: FRANKFURT SCHOOL AT COLUMBIA CHICAGO ARM OF THE DEEP STATE AGAINST SANDERS 2011: THE OBAMA GANG, FRANCE, QATAR, AND THE UK TOPPLED QADDAFI WHO WAS RAPED WITH A KNIFE Communist Manipulator David Axelrod: How to Package and Market a Presidential Candidate GREEN NEW STEAL: HOW THE OBAMA MOB STOLE UP TO $3 BILLION BY GREEN "CHANGE" CORRUPT KERRY AND OBAMA-ERA TREASON OBAMA, TLAIB, HEZBOLLAH, AND DRUG SMUGGLING JUSSIE DESTROYS OBAMA'S LGBTQ LEGACY RIP-OFF EXPERTS AND TRAITORS: OBAMA AND PELOSI COMMIE EU PAYS OF OBAMAS WITH OVER $81M IN BOOK CONTRACTS THE OBAMA'S "HIGHER GROUND" IS MORE LIKE A SATANIC COMMUNIST LAIR PROOF THAT OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST CHICAGO BILLIONAIRE FAMILY ORIGINALLY FROM UKRAINE HELPED POWER OBAMA INTO OFFICE Quinnipiac Poll: Obama Worst President Since WWII--and it gets worse… OBAMA'S RED ONSLAUGHT: ISLAMO-COMMUNIST DEEP STATE AND TREASON Democrats, the KKK, Obama's Plantation Politics and Jussie Smollett: What They All Have in Common The Obama Gang Brought in Al Sharpton to Further Racial Divides and Promote Black Lives Matter 2011: THE OBAMA GANG, FRANCE, QATAR, AND THE UK TOPPLED QADDAFI WHO WAS RAPED WITH A KNIFE Mob Obama, Including Brennan's CIA, made ISIS, ran SpyGate, and are in a Civil War with Trump COMMUNISTS JOHN BRENNAN AND OBAMA USED ISIL AND IRAN MILITIA TO KILL CHRISTIANS IN IRAQ FOR OIL Fast & Furious Solved: Arms To El Chapo & Coyotes for Cocaine+ to Chicago for the Obama Mob BENGHAZI: PLANNED ATTACK FOR OIL, ROUTES, AND MASS IMMIGRATION INTO EUROPE OBAMA’S HAWAII DRUG DEALER “GAY RAY” GETS MURDERED WITH A HAMMER OR “HAMMERED” Ilhan's Islamo-Communism: Mating Islam with Satan Rahm Emanuel: One of the Deepest in the Deep State Nelson Mandela: Saint or Communist, Racist, and Terrorist Advocate? Obama, Democrat Leaders, Deep State Intentionally Created the Heroin and Fetanyl Epidemics HER DOCUMENTED RACISM AT PRINCETON: MICHELLE OBAMA BOOK HOAX HIGHER: MICHELLE OBAMA BECAME A FRAUD, COMMUNIST, RACIST, CORRUPT--AND RICH! MICHELLE OBAMA: HOAX HIGHER INTRODUCTION: THE OBAMAS MAY JUST BE THE BIGGEST FRAUD EVER Jessie Jackson Arranged Obama's Sham Marriage: Michelle To Act for Money to Hide Obama's Being Gay MICHELLE OBAMA: HOAXING HIGHER VIA NETFLIX MICHELLE OBAMA BOOK: HOAX HIGHER: IS MICHELLE A TRANNY OR A FEMALE?


    The following is an exclusive excerpt from WAR FROM WUHAN by Scott Campbell. Lebron James: 001 Disrespected America by intentionally skipping away early from standing for the national anthem at a basketball game. This was a half-ass Kaepernick move. James was not man enough to show his anti-American sentiment by taking a knee. 002 When Daryl Morey, the Houston Rockets coach tweeted support for the Hong Kong protestors against the Communist Chinese government, Lebron James attacked him saying he wasn’t educated about the subject and should not be tweeting such things. 003 Continually calls President Trump a racist and suggests that he is stupid. Lebron James will become a billionaire from Nike pay-outs. At least one-third of Nike shoes are made in China under the Communist government, exploiting young female workers who migrated from the countryside. Nike has been accused of running Chinese sweatshops since the 70s. Some of the sweatshops are located near concentration camps. In August of 2012 on his Facebook page, James shared that some kid in China made his Nike shoes as if child-slave labor is great if you’re becoming a billionaire from it. COMMUNIST James is politically supporting the world’s biggest Communist regime known for its Human Rights abuses that include sex torture. Nike and LeBron profit from the exploitation of low-wage female workers who toil under oppressive conditions to make Nike shoes and clothing. LeBron is also using the classic Communist techniques of accusations of racism and ridicule against people who oppose Communism. He says President Trump is steeped in stupidity and Daryl Morey is “uneducated.” Like Colin Kaepernick, Lebron James is governed and controlled by Communists in return for making himself rich. By our definitions, one who displays Communist techniques and publicly supports Communists is a Communist. Lebron James is a Communist. Scott Campbell January 2020 Communists will often refer to themselves as “socialists” or “progressives” but they are “Communists” based on the historical definition of Communism. Because Trump has to fight them daily, Trump's Epic Battles and Heroics tells you the early history of Communism, including how it first arose from Satanism in the 18th century, and how the historical definition of Communism fits modern Communists quite well. How each Communist earned their spot on the Blacklist is nothing less than an indictment for anti-Americanism and an attempt to destroy the very fabric of our society. Many Communists are committing treason. Not to be taken lightly, Communism serves as a ruse to usurp power and wealth for totalitarian control. It is responsible for not only hundreds of millions of deaths but also hundreds millions of lives destroyed through torture and displacement. It robs both the rich and the poor to concentrate wealth for totalitarian dictators that seek to shape an entire nation in their favor.


    The following is an exclusive excerpt from War from Wuhan: Trump's Coronavirus War and Other Epic Battles. Colin can't make the roster of an NFL team, but he made the Communist Blacklist that concludes the book. Kaepernick is a wooden-headed puppet controlled by his girlfriend and her Islamo-Communist jihadi buddies, most likely the highly politicized and powerful Muslim Brotherhood of the Democratic party. The jihadis are behind Kaepernick much like an Ilhan Omar or a Keith Ellison, or an Amy Klobuchar. Muslim Nessa Diab is Colin Kaepernick's fake busty and thinks-she's-sexy girlfriend of MTV fame. She is an American-born Muslim and her parents are Egyptian. Her Islamic faith is as phony as her boobs, she wears high heels, sexy dresses, and no hijab. On Twitter she posted a photo comparing Steve Bisciotti, the Baltimore Ravens owner, to a slave owner after he refused to sign her partner in treason. Her post reflects the standardized race-baiting for the Communist Left, always working to "spread" racial divides further. Being an activist in Black Lives Matter, responsible for killing policemen, should give you another hint of where she is coming from. Malcolm X's Black Separatism and Black-on-White War and the Communism of Cuba are two of her ideological mainstays. According to Nessa, racist Fidel Castro, who imprisoned and tortured thousands, was a great leader. Cuban leadership was well-known for discrimination against the dark-skinned Cubans. Nessa seduced anti-American sell-out Kaepernick into converting to Islam as an example for our youth of today. Colin Kaepernick's sex-pot Muslim girlfriend NessaDiab was most likely brought in her Islamic brothers to foster the decision to not stand during the national anthem as a way to incite a race war in sports. It worked, recruiting other Communists like Lebron James. Perhaps the Communist Chinese put up some of the money, since they produce many of the Nike shoes Kaepernick and Lebron promote. Colin Kaepernick's disrespectful national anthem protests before football games were allegedly to bring focus to racial inequality and police brutality as inspired by the Communist Black Lives Matter movement funded by George Soros. The Black Lives Matter movement was based on three Black youth killed by police or security officers--all of whom were acquitted of any crime by a jury. The Black Lives Matter movement was part of the larger Obama Deep State and Communist plot to further racial divides and discontent to gain the support of minority voters for the 2016 election. Read Traitor's Legacy for the full story on the Deep State agenda to try to increase racial tension across America. In January of 2020, Colin Kaepernick, a spokesman for Islamo-Communists, accused America of being the terrorists when the Trump administration killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani with a precision drone strike. This is classic dialectical materialism, where the Communists reverse the facts to accuse their victims of wrongdoing. Kaepernick is earning his paycheck by saying what the Communists want him to say to try and tear down American society by sowing dissent. Another Communist standard technique is accusations of racism, first instigated in America with the Scottsboro Boys back in the 1920s. Communists seek to widen racial divides to recruit minorities to overthrow any Whites in power when the Communist leaders are often White themselves. With a pair of tweets, Kaepernick said the United States was terrorizing black and brown as they plundered the non-white world through imperialism. Kaepernick is calling the United States racist for killing non-whites. Perhaps the fact that they had guns and bombs and were trying to kill Americans was more significant than their skin color. General Soleimani had killed 600 Americans and millions of Iraqis over his career. Kaepernick gets money from Nike which makes its shoes mostly in Communist China. The real injustice here is the slave-type of labor used to make Nike shoes in China. Kaepernick ignores that to call Americans terrorists and racists. Kaepernick had also played the race card regarding, of all things, the Betsy Ross 13 star flag as a symbol on a new Nike shoe, claiming the flag was associated with the institution of slavery. The Betsy Ross’ flag with a symbol of the Thirteen colonies under attack by the British during the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783. A circle of stars implied that the colonies would be treated equally, It is reported that George Washington said that the 13 stars arranged in a circle represent a new constellation in the heavens. There was slavery at the time of the American Revolution. As a one-half white, one-half black man who thinks he is the epitome of American blackness for attention and personal gain, Kaepernick should, if he were in his right mind, actually be supportive of the 13 Star flag and Betsy Ross. The American Revolution, for which the flag was a symbol, led to the passing of the Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery in 1780 over 30 years. Due to the efforts of the Southern Democrats who all the vast majority of slaves, slavery would not be officially abolished until 1865 at the end of the Civil War because of Lincoln and the Republicans. Approximately 5,000-8,000 black American slaves fought against America for the British Tories for the promise of freedom and, after losing the war, were shipped to other countries such as Jamaica to make rum for rich plantation owners. The British were longtime slave owners starting well over 1000 years ago and had slaves and from Africa and India. By far the dominant race or culture in the slave game were the Arabs, today's Democratic party supporters, who began slavery approximately 1,400 years ago and continue today. Both the British and the Arabs were instrumental in the Atlantic slave trade that brought black slaves to America. Instead of blindly striking out at anything American as he has been brainwashed to do by the Democratic Communist Party, Kaepernick should brain-up and read a little American history about the Democrats and the Arabic “brown-people” who dominated the Black slave trade. Kaepernick is being paid handsomely to promote the Islamo-Communist agenda through accusations of racism and terrorism. 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  • Buttigieg is a Commie and his father edited/translated Antonio Gramsci's three volumes on Communism

    Buttigieg is nothing more than a John Kerry puppet and political hack and would not get any Democratic support if he was not married to a man and came from a Communist powerhouse family. Democrats promote Buttigieg as a homosexual as an attack on American family values with a Christian history. "Mayor Pete Buttigieg launched his outreach campaign to Latinos and Hispanics with a slogan familiar to communist movements in Latin America." “El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido” wrote Buttigieg in Spanish on Twitter, including an English translation of the slogan, “The people united, will never be defeated.” "The slogan originated as an anthem for pro-Castro socialists in the 1970s, according to Blaze writer Giancarlo Sopo, and has been used by socialist and communist protest movements since." AOC and Ilhan Omar also reached out to Communist-leaning Hispanics. Tongue-talented Pete Buttigieg is but another Communist Soviet-loyalist puppet spewing false accusations of racism for the transational Democratic Communist Party. Ignore him... he’s offering nothing new. His Daddy, Joseph Buttigieg, was a professor at Notre Dame and cotranslated and coedited the three-volume English edition of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks . See these articles on his father: The real reason the squad and Buttigieg are attacking Trump like a pack of rabid dogs is that he properly labeled them as communists who support terrorism, including Antifa. As you will see below, it was the Soviet Communists in the early 20th century that introduced the idea of terrorism on innocent people to the Islamists. The Democratic Socialists of America, of which the Squad are members, has many Antifa members.I've been labeling the squad as communists for a long time because of my research for our book on Ilhan. This reveals their game, intent, and techniques of denouncement and verbal abuse to continue Obama's communist rape of America. Puppets entertain us as comical artificial figures manipulated by the hand or wires, or rods. Political puppets animate through the string-pulling of Deep States. They do and say the things that their Masters want them to do. Unlike their plastic, wood, and polyester counterparts, political puppets are not only manipulated by their Masters but serve to manipulate others, including the general public. They are the manipulators’ manipulators. Stage puppets bring entertainment and humor for their audience. Political puppets bring hidden agendas, lies, and constant verbal abuse. They spew false allegations and accusations against the opposition. Sometimes they seek to stir up physical intimidation and violence. The Squad, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Presley, is a squad of Puppets. Each has their history and personality, but they have to comply with their Masters, or they will not be in office for long. Although they arose from different races and backgrounds and may have slightly different agendas, they all have the same common core of strings: Communism and membership in the Democratic party. We see the squad every day in the news, but their puppeteers remain largely hidden. We are distracted by the puppets' antics, taken aback by their insults and attacks, as the puppet Masters use the distraction to plan their next moves. Nobody wants to address the elephants in the room standing behind the squad--- or is it because the puppet Masters and their mainstream media will not let them? Or is it because they fear for their safety and that of their family? My new book, called CHILL A COMMIE FOR MOMMY reveals both the history and nature of the puppets, how they entered into office, and their Masters as intricate parts of transnational Deep States that constantly work to control the wealth and power of the world--and seek to destroy America as we know it. In this book, we not only learn who the Masters are, but we learn how the Masters work-- and it's not pretty. It's often sickening. A journalist, Andy Ngo, who documented and wrote about Antifa’s street violence suffered a planned ambush by Democratic Socialists of America Antifa multiple assailants and ended up with a black eye, multiple cuts and bruises, and a brain hemorrhage. This is standard practice for communist regimes. Communists invented terrorism on innocent people who oppose them during the Bolshevik Revolution and intentionally injected it into Islamic regimes. The attack on journalist Andy Ngo spurred Senators Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy to introduce a resolution that would be label Antifa as a domestic terror organization. President Trump publicly commended the resolution. AOC would not deny that she is a communist. AOC is, in fact, a Communist-backed by Soros and, along with Bernie Sanders and Jerrold Nadler, is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Justice Democrats. Senator Lindsey Graham: “We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted a response on July 17th, 2019:“Calling people who believe in democracy, civil + economic rights, and racial justice “Communist” has a long + rich history w/ white supremacy in the US.” First of all, AOC does not deny that she is a Communist. Instead, she embraces it, suggesting that Communists believe in Democracy, in civil and economic rights, and racial justice, which they do not. Communists believe in one-party rule, and that is not democracy. Communists do not believe in economic rights, they completely take overan economy and milk it for their elite leadership. Communists do not believe in any rights for the peasant-slaves. Communists do not believe in racial justice unless they can temporarily exploit it for power. There are numerous examples of the history of Communists killing people because of their race or religion. Stalin killed Jews, Ukrainians, and Armenians, who are mostly Christians. “In (Communist) Cuba, 62 percent of the population is black, but 71 percent of its public leadership is white, according to a 2009 study. What’s even more disturbing: In 2009, 70 percent of black Cubans were unemployed; 60 percent of black Cubans cited racial discrimination as the cause.” She reasoned that MLK had been accused of Communism. She reasons that he was black, so it must have been an act of racism. “It was one of the preferred smears against integrating schools, & one of the main attacks segregationists used against MLK Jr.”Her source was a few tweets by some other people on a Twitter thread. The main problem with her argument is that Communism originated with white Europeans and Soviets.and spread to the Chinese and into the Middle East, America, Latin America, and India. The Communist Party of the United States was formed by white Soviets, before being jointly adopted by some blacks and other Americans. To say calling somebody a Communist is an act of racism or white supremacy is unfounded.and ridiculous because just about every race on the planet has their share of Communists and white Soviets still comprise a large number of the Communist population. There are many white Communists in the Communist Party of the United States. Making braindead statements such as the tweet from AOC is what happens when you spend your time with people who call everyone they see about them racist or a white supremacist. DSA "draws heavily from the ideas" of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist and journalist. Recall that Pete Buttigieg's father cotranslated and coedited the three-volume English edition of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks . Antonio Gramsci advocated the spread of Marxism by means of a “Long march through the institutions — i.e., gradual, incremental infiltration of such key institutions as the cinema and theater, the schools and universities, the seminaries and churches, the media, the courts, the labor unions, and at least one major political party." Obviously, in America, that political party is the Democrats. We can see connections here within the the transnational Democratic Communist State. European communism, led by the East Germans, Italy, and France, and the DSA and CPC in America share a common agenda and philosophy as outlined by Antonio Gramsci. On July 30th, 2018, the Daily Caller ran an article entitled:“George Soros’s Media Network Worked To Help Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Win Primary”“New details have emerged revealing that George Soros helped prop-up Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s political career in an attempt to put 400 Bernie Sanders-like politicians in Congress. A former organizer for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, Ocasio-Cortez’s under-dog win in the Democratic primary was undoubtedly helped by online actors.”“One member of the Soros-funded media, Cenk Uygur, also founded one of the two political groups responsible for asking Ocasio-Cortez to run--Justice Democrats. India has 200 million Islamics who routinely abuse and kill Christians. India is run by a corrupt system of "Democratic socialism," which is essentially communism in disguise. India is the most racist country in the world. Saikat Chakrabarti, AOC's Indian chief of staff, seems to be supportive of India's systems of socialism and communism, even fascism. Chakrabarti is the brains and source of propaganda for the AOC team. AOC is the mouth, and it's a big mouth. Chakrabarti, through AOC, wants open borders and to eliminate ICE and Homeland Security. These political positions support terrorist acts and the Communist Civilization Jihad against America.One qualification that Waleed Shahid and Saikat Chakrabarti were seeking out was corruptibility to match their own. For example, running a candidate who would have no problem switching districts to run for, even though she was not a resident of that district.AOC had already demonstrated publicly then she was dishonest and willing to break the law.0000i “In 2012 she started a publishing company, Brook Avenue Press (BAP), which produced children’s books portraying the Bronx in a positive light. (The state of New York dissolved BAP in October 2016, which occurs when a business fails to file a tax return or pay its corporate taxes. On July 6, 2017, the state placed a warrant on the company for non-payment of corporate taxes. As of March 2019, BAP still owed $1,870.36.)” turns to produce children's books into defrauding the US government scheme? And then she elected to Congress and doesn't pay the fine on $174,000 a year. That is total disrespect for America, to start a business and never intend to pay taxes, she gets working for Congress? What kind of people reward her for that and run her for Congress? Corrupt people. Ocasio-Cortez never disclosed her control of the PAC to the FEC. If the congresswoman intentionally withheld that information from the FEC, both she and Chakrabarti ‘could be facing jail time,’ former FEC Commissioner Brad Smith told the [Daily Caller News Foundation, or DNCF].” Woman of Color---ahhhhh! "She's (AOC) only a woman of color when it's convenient. None of the things she's fought for aligned with communities of color and her group is funded only by elitist white liberals; she's a puppet," the top Democratic aide told The Hill in a phone call. The aide then texted an image of a Goomba puppet from the Super Mario Bros. video game.[Daily Caller News Foundation, or DNCF].” Those “elitist white liberals” include the Democratic Jewish ( Soviet) Communists, Bernies’ buddies emerged, in the transnational Democratic Communist Deep State. Also blame it on Communist Soviets. According to Morris and Zeevi, authors of, The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey's Destruction of Its Christian Minorities 1894-1924, Islam played a major role in the three waves of violence that wiped out Christians in Turkey: The perpetrator– those who went out to invade and plunder Christian homes, killing the inhabitants with axes and knives and raping women– were motivated by the Islamic belief that they were killing infidels deemed dangerous to Islam and the empire." Fulfilling an Islamo-Communist agenda of: “making a uniform Turkish society meant getting rid of diversity; in other words, the Christians.” : Ilhan Omar, Communist, book In Islamo-Communism: The Communist Connection, Charles Moscowitz claims that the Turks had fallen under the influence of the Soviet communists that violence was a necessary means to achieve the goal of eliminating all opposition. Communists took advantage of primitive Islamic mindsets of supremacy and religious intolerance to motivate the slaughter. Moscowitz argues, that, since the Turks were Islamic, this atrocious genocide of Christians was the first major mass murder manifestation of Islamo-Communist terror. Turkey’s Erdogan had a one-on-one meeting with Ilhan Omar in New York without press coverage. Erdogan’s goal, in alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood, is a new Ottoman Caliphate. Ilhan also met with a communist group in Latin America, Witness for Peace. Ilhan, as a Democratic Islamo-Communist spokesperson, is to be a good puppet and spew, through scripts written by professionals, appropriate and targeted propaganda to help destroy American capitalism and individual rights and freedom.Moscowitz writes that deception and secrecy form two major vertebrae of Communism’s backbone anchoring their efforts to overthrow governments. Communism’s agenda is to secretly foster enough social disruption and chaos to create “change” towards goals of ending free market capitalism, individual rights and freedoms, and Christianity. Remember Democratic Islamo-Communist Obama’s “Hope and Change” mantra? This disruption requires constant violence and conflict as we saw with Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and MoveOn. In Dreams of My Father, written by Obama before he realized the Democratic Islamo-Communists could really make him president, he spoke about "Plantation Politics." The Communist Democrats grant social welfare in return for votes but keep the voters oppressed and needy. MASKS Communists continuously mask and veil their intentions. Antifa, the double-speak term for “Anti-fascist,” is a fascist organization of mostly paid goons, like Mussolini’s Black Shirts or Hitler’s Brown Shirts, that spawn conflict and violence and assaults anyone of an opposing view.Obama: "We are a religion of peace and tolerance" is really "We are a religion of war and intolerance."Hillary: "Islam has nothing to do with terrorism" is really "Islam has everything to do with terrorism." Communists must dupe or force the people to comply, keeping their plans secret, because the only ones who would want a Communist regime are its potential leaders and top brass. They usurp power and wealth from the masses who get poorer as they lose rights and freedom. The Communists in the United States often disguise themselves as “Social Democrats” instead of “Communist Democrats” which sounds more threatening because of the atrocities committed by communist tyrants Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Kim Jon Un, Pol Pot, the North Vietnamese, Fidel Castro, and Mao Tse Tung. If they want to be called "Social Democrats" to veil their true agenda, then we should be sure to call them what they are, “Communists.” Communism is but the end goal for Socialism. The rulers become rich as domineering Czars and Oligarchs, and like Omar’s favorite bedtime story, everyone else is a peasant for exploitation. : Ilhan Omar book. According to Fox News with its article on August 3, 2019 entitled “Liz Cheney blasts 'commie' Sanders: He seems to have daddy issues ... with my daddy” Liz Cheney tweeted:"No surprise commie @BernieSanders, who honeymooned in Soviet Union, is ok with U.S. getting attacked first," Cheney tweeted. after Sanders attempted to defend his 2020 rival, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who had advocated a "no first use" policy on nuclear weapons during this week's second Democratic primary debate. Here is a well recognised representative calling Bernie Sanders a “commie.”AOC worked for Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign, and the two are often photographed together. I am sure that Bernie Sanders has plenty of advice for her on how to advance the Communist agenda. They are both members of the DSA and the CPC. Thus AOC, Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, Jerrold Nadler, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Keith Ellison, Nihad Awad, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Vallery Jarett, John Brennan, Rashida Tlaib, Nancy Pelosi, and hundreds of thousands of others are among the secret agents of the Transnational Democratic Islamo-Communist Deep State which influences approximately 80 shadow governments worldwide and is headquartered in DC and the Muslim Council of Britain. When communists run as openly communist, they are lucky to break 100 votes. Yet when they run covertly as Democrats, they can win, even in Congress. My books, AOC and CHILL A COMMIE FOR MOMMY expose them with documented proof. This is war! Buttigieg is included on the Commie Blacklist in Trump's Epic Battles and Heroics.


    Soros has been accused of hijacking Black Lives Matter and funding activist groups Media Matters for America,, and the Tides Foundation to promote a communist-socialist, collectivist and anti-white capitalism agenda. The end game is a Global Communist Deep State that uses Antifa-type groups and Islamic goons to terrorize like Mussolini's Black Shirts or Hitler's Brown Shirts. Communist and Jewish Antifa in pre-Nazi Germany was so violent and effective in terrorizing a population that it drove voters to support Hitler. Communist Antifa and Communist “Democratic” Socialists of America work closely together. Many Antifa members are also members of the Democratic Socialists of America. The Communists use Antifa to prevent free speech and to intimidate through violence anybody who opposes Communism. One of Soro's goals is to widen racial divides, a classic communist tactic, and to create social anarchy through buying and exploiting district attorneys and their alternative justice programs. Soros pays Antifa. Some Antifa members commit assault but are not charged, or their charges are dropped, through alternative justice through district attorneys he funded for their campaigns. Soros gave over $400,000 to Kim Foxx of Chicago to run for state attorney. Soros has bought anti for protection in Portland, Chicago, San Francisco, and Berkeley, among other cities Soros and social and communist Democrats’ goal is to bribe their way into the justice system in selected municipalities where they can create riots in the streets without punishment and work to take down America from the inside out in favor of globalism. Globalist syndicates put elites like the EU leaders and the Democratic Deep State in charge. Soros has been putting big money into district attorneys since he hijacked Black Lives Matter, including those in Alameda County, San Diego, and Oregon. To show the extent of the alternative justice or anarchist movement, in Berkeley, California, in August of 2018, which is in Alameda County, police tweeted names, photos taken during bookings, and charges for 15 protesters in two events. Charges included carrying weapons that had been banned, battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, and disturbing the peace. Four, only four out of 15 were ever charged and all of their cases were dismissed in court. LEGAL BACKGROUND A form of a sentence, diversion allows a defendant to participate in a rehabilitation program designed to curtail the behavior that led to the arrest. A formal conviction and criminal record are avoided if the defendant complies. The diversion programs are often run by a court, a district attorney's office, a police department, or an outside agency. Substantial fees might be charged by the prosecution, sometimes up to $5,000 per charge. Because of the justice system backlogs, and emphasis on trials of violent offenders, diversion programs or alternative justice offer relief for non-violent offenders. The prosecution may be avoided by completing program requirements such as community service, education, restitution, or not exacerbating or expanding their crime. Successful completion of program requirements, usually over months, often will lead to dropping or reduction of the charges. The availability of diversion programs depends upon the jurisdiction, the nature of the crime, and in many cases the exercise of prosecutorial discretion. A New York Times investigation in 2016 revealed prosecutors charged money for diversion and sometimes only people that had the money for fees could get diversion. Some jurisdictions quickly turned diversion into a source of revenue even though it had been touted as a money saver. Prosecutors exert almost total control over diversion, deciding who deserves what and at what price. In the Jussie Smollet case, which should not have been tried by anyone in Kim Foxx’s office in the first place, assistant prosecutors got Jussie's charges dismissed from an improper and highly unusual application of alternative justice or diversion, that was allegedly pre-arranged with Jussie's attorneys. Criminal acts by Kim Foxx and a public uproar led to reopening the case. April 25, 2019 An article in Halsey News states that Kamala Harris and Kim Foxx took the stage as featured speakers on May 9, 2018, at Michael Skolnik’s Soze Agency’s Vote for Justice: An Evening of Empowerment with Artists and Activists. Vote for Justice works for reform of the justice system responsible for the generational and human costs of mass incarceration. They support the ACLU Campaign for Smart Justice which identifies candidates for office positions regarding criminal justice reform and ending mass incarceration. Another key speaker was Open Society Foundations President Patrick Gaspard. The Soze Agency worked with The Women’s March, Planned Parenthood, Truth to Power, and Google among others and leveraged social media into marches for Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, and Eric Garner. Michael Skolnik co-founded hip hop label Def Jam Recordings and as well as Soze. He does not hide his association with George Soros’ organizations. Soros invested heavily in both Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s campaigns. He teamed up his army with Kamala Harris to try to stop Bret Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Kamala Harris mentored Foxx both during her campaign and after she won the position of State Attorney. The article ends with the question that if prosecutors are backed by big and target money that connects them to special interest groups, can alternative justice be blind? No, obviously not. What we have here is a sophisticated nationwide political movement to skirt current laws and the entire legal system by buying up district attorneys to implement alternative-and arbitrary- justice programs. Justice on a case-by-case basis in states like Illinois, California, and Oregon become manipulated by the Left to serve their Deep State political agenda. Scott Campbell Read the full story in Scott Campbell's book that includes a long section on AOC:

  • Dan Webb “Iran-Contra Dan,” Famous Special Prosecutor Chosen for Jussie Smollett Case

    A high-profile former US attorney was appointed special prosecutor Friday morning to re-examine the Jussie Smollett case and why charges were abruptly dropped against him. Dan Webb was picked to lead the second look at the notorious false report case — including whether new charges should be brought against the “Empire” actor — by Judge Michael Toomin during a hearing in a Chicago criminal court. Dan Webb is now on Jussie's case Dan Webb is in the history books as the U.S. trial lawyer who achieved successful prosecution of retired Admiral John Poindexter in the Iran-Contra affair. He serves as co-chairman for Winston & Strawn LLP is an international law firm with nearly 1,000 attorneys in 16 offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Founded in 1853, it is the oldest law firm in the city of Chicago and one of the largest law firms in the world. Toomin ruled back in June the case was rife with “unprecedented irregularities” and needed a special prosecutor to restore the public’s faith in the justice system. Webb, who was the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois in 1985, has spent the better half of his career as a private litigator at Winston & Strawn where he is now the co-executive chairman. Smollett’s case won’t be the first time Webb has been called in as a special prosecutor and it’ll be the second time he was appointed by Toomin. In 2012, Toomin named Webb special prosecutor in a Chicago case against then-Mayor Richard M. Daley’s nephew Richard Vanecko who was involved in 21-year-old David Koschman’s death. Webb found police and prosecutors failed to adequately investigate the case and Vanecko was ultimately sent to jail for the crime seven years after it happened. Before that, Webb was appointed a special prosecutor in the 1990 Iran-Contra scandal where Vice Admiral John M. Poindexter, the National Security Advisor under President Ronald Reagan, was tried for conspiracy, lying to Congress and obstruction of Congress. In 1989, he was appointed a special prosecutor to investigate election fraud and corruption in Chicago. No timeline was given concerning Webb's investigation. According to CBS News, also on August 23rd, 2019, Webb has served as a special prosecutor a total of six times and stated that he plans on using a special grand jury to assist in the investigation. That grand jury could decide if new charges are warranted. "Early on in the case, I will be setting up interviews with certain witnesses that I think are key witnesses that are important to the case," Webb added. Due to Dan Webb's prosecution, General Poindexter was convicted on April 7, 1990, of five counts of lying to Congress and obstructing the Congressional committees investigating the Iran–Contra affair, which were investigating the Reagan Administration's covert arms sales to Iran and the diversion of proceeds to insurgents fighting to overthrow the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The convictions were reversed in 1991 on appeal[8] on the grounds that several witnesses against him had been influenced by his testimony before Congress, even though Congress had given him immunity for that testimony.[9] As a federal prosecutor, Webb oversaw the “Operation Greylord” investigations into judicial misconduct in Cook County. Last year, Webb declined to represent President Donald Trump, citing “business conflicts.” August 24th 2019 “Special prosecutor who will re-investigate Jussie Smollett announced” Scott Campbell LIES: Jussie Smollett and the Deep State Agenda: Other books about Deep States by Scott Campbell : More blogs about Jussie: Copy Cat Campus Hoax Democrats, the KKK, Obama's Plantation Politics and Jussie Smollett: What They All Have in Common Jessie Jackson Arranged Obama's Sham Marriage: Michelle To Act for Money to Hide Obama's Being Gay LIES DESCRIPTION FROM AMAZON LIES is about Jussie Smollett and his most entertaining and politically significant scandal. Democratic and black LGBTQ poster boy, Jussie Smollett, is in big trouble. Updates in eBook form will be available periodically for a nominal fee. The date at the end of this description is the book ending date for you.Jussie’s hoax and court case gripped the nation. His charges were dismissed and the case sealed into secrecy only to be reopened a month later after petitions were filed. The Deep State hid something that they don’t want you to know about. LIES attacks those secrets directly and with evidence.Unusual, unpredictable and sometimes unbelievable, it’s a story that continues to get bigger and more important. Jussie’s circus is not going away because it tripped over itself into a quagmire of legal and political issues underlying the elections in 2020. President Trump is slamming “third rate actor” and “national disgrace” Smollett in his rallies because Jussie slandered millions of white male Trump supporters.LIES presents the facts about Jussie's scandal, summaries of important news articles, and provides insight, added meaning and opinions.Here is a brief summary of what you get with LIES. A Detailed Timeline, Deep State and Legal Analysis, Police Report and Bond Summaries, Opinions, Slams, and Motives. The full cast of characters- and suspects- includes Jussie Smollett, Jussie’s sister, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Kim Foxx, Tina Tchen, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Ola Osundairo, Bola Osundairo, George Soros, Lori Lightfoot, Rahm Emmanuel, Michael Skolnik, Joseph Magats, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, President Trump, and Empire’s executives and stars. Jussie’s story becomes a detective mystery full of intrigue and pits the Deep State and its well-paid puppets against the American public. Anchoring the entire book is a detailed timeline that begins with Jussie’s birth. When you study his family tree, Jussie and Kamala Harris appear to be first cousins, once removed. The timeline continues with the start of his career and then the important background information leading up to the alleged attack by two white Trump supporters in the middle of a freezing Chicago night. LIES begins with the attack itself and the emotional national reaction it received in the news and social media. Then comes the turnaround. A team of a dozen or more detectives and police arrest two subjects, brothers Ola and Bola “Abel” Osundairo as the assailants. Far from white attackers, they are dark-skinned African-Americans of Nigerian descent who were extras on Empire.The Osundairo brothers tell a very different story to a grand jury than Jussie’s story. They say, under oath, that they knew Jussie, and that the attack was staged and a hoax. Jussie paid them and plotted with them.Instead of the victim, Jussie suddenly became the defendant, with sixteen felony charges of lying to the police.Jussie hired high-profile attorneys to join his circus act that came to the Chicago justice system and the charges were dropped which caused outrage and accusations of impropriety and corruption. Next comes a thorough account and analysis of the legal issues and research into the roles of Kim Foxx, George Soros, and Kamala Harris played in setting the stage for the scandal with “alternative justice.” It’s a fun ride into one of the most fascinating and unusual scandals in recent memory and is infused with some of the most important issues confronting America today. Several relevant history lessons are included about race relations. Since Trump will bring up Jussie’s case when the timing is right, Jussie will undoubtedly play a role in who wins in 2020….8/24/2019

  • Jussie Smollett: Famous Special Prosecutor Chosen, Dan Webb, Iran-Contra Affair

    A high-profile former US attorney was appointed special prosecutor Friday morning to re-examine the Jussie Smollett case and why charges were abruptly dropped against him. Dan Webb was picked to lead the second look at the notorious false report case — including whether new charges should be brought against the “Empire” actor — by Judge Michael Toomin during a hearing in a Chicago criminal court. Dan Webb is in the history books as the U.S. trial lawyer who achieved successful prosecution of retired Admiral John Poindexter in the Iran-Contra affair. He serves as co-chairman for Winston & Strawn LLP is an international law firm with nearly 1,000 attorneys in 16 offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Founded in 1853, it is the oldest law firm in the city of Chicago and one of the largest law firms in the world. Toomin ruled back in June the case was rife with “unprecedented irregularities” and needed a special prosecutor to restore the public’s faith in the justice system. Webb, who was the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois in 1985, has spent the better half of his career as a private litigator at Winston & Strawn where he is now the co-executive chairman. Smollett’s case won’t be the first time Webb has been called in as a special prosecutor and it’ll be the second time he was appointed by Toomin. In 2012, Toomin named Webb special prosecutor in a Chicago case against then-Mayor Richard M. Daley’s nephew Richard Vanecko who was involved in 21-year-old David Koschman’s death. Webb found police and prosecutors failed to adequately investigate the case and Vanecko was ultimately sent to jail for the crime seven years after it happened. Before that, Webb was appointed a special prosecutor in the 1990 Iran-Contra scandal where Vice Admiral John M. Poindexter, the National Security Advisor under President Ronald Reagan, was tried for conspiracy, lying to Congress and obstruction of Congress. In 1989, he was appointed a special prosecutor to investigate election fraud and corruption in Chicago. No timeline was given concerning Webb's investigation. According to CBS News, also on August 23rd, 2019, Webb has served as a special prosecutor a total of six times and stated that he plans on using a special grand jury to assist in the investigation. That grand jury could decide if new charges are warranted. "Early on in the case, I will be setting up interviews with certain witnesses that I think are key witnesses that are important to the case," Webb added. Due to Dan Webb's prosecution, General Poindexter was convicted on April 7, 1990, of five counts of lying to Congress and obstructing the Congressional committees investigating the Iran–Contra affair, which were investigating the Reagan Administration's covert arms sales to Iran and the diversion of proceeds to insurgents fighting to overthrow the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The convictions were reversed in 1991 on appeal[8] on the grounds that several witnesses against him had been influenced by his testimony before Congress, even though Congress had given him immunity for that testimony.[9] As a federal prosecutor, Webb oversaw the “Operation Greylord” investigations into judicial misconduct in Cook County. Last year, Webb declined to represent President Donald Trump, citing “business conflicts.” August 24th 2019 “Special prosecutor who will re-investigate Jussie Smollett announced” Scott Campbell LIES; Jussie Smollett and the Deep State Agenda: Other books about Deep States by Scott Campbell : More blogs about Jussie: Copy Cat Campus Hoax Democrats, the KKK, Obama's Plantation Politics and Jussie Smollett: What They All Have in Common Jessie Jackson Arranged Obama's Sham Marriage: Michelle To Act for Money to Hide Obama's Being Gay LIES DESCRIPTION FROM AMAZON LIES is about Jussie Smollett and his most entertaining and politically significant scandal. Democratic and black LGBTQ poster boy, Jussie Smollett, is in big trouble. Updates in eBook form will be available periodically for a nominal fee. The date at the end of this description is the book ending date for you.Jussie’s hoax and court case gripped the nation. His charges were dismissed and the case sealed into secrecy only to be reopened a month later after petitions were filed. The Deep State hid something that they don’t want you to know about. LIES attacks those secrets directly and with evidence.Unusual, unpredictable and sometimes unbelievable, it’s a story that continues to get bigger and more important. Jussie’s circus is not going away because it tripped over itself into a quagmire of legal and political issues underlying the elections in 2020. President Trump is slamming “third rate actor” and “national disgrace” Smollett in his rallies because Jussie slandered millions of white male Trump supporters.LIES presents the facts about Jussie's scandal, summaries of important news articles, and provides insight, added meaning and opinions.Here is a brief summary of what you get with LIES. A Detailed Timeline, Deep State and Legal Analysis, Police Report and Bond Summaries, Opinions, Slams, and Motives. The full cast of characters- and suspects- includes Jussie Smollett, Jussie’s sister, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Kim Foxx, Tina Tchen, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Ola Osundairo, Bola Osundairo, George Soros, Lori Lightfoot, Rahm Emmanuel, Michael Skolnik, Joseph Magats, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, President Trump, and Empire’s executives and stars. Jussie’s story becomes a detective mystery full of intrigue and pits the Deep State and its well-paid puppets against the American public. Anchoring the entire book is a detailed timeline that begins with Jussie’s birth. When you study his family tree, Jussie and Kamala Harris appear to be first cousins, once removed. The timeline continues with the start of his career and then the important background information leading up to the alleged attack by two white Trump supporters in the middle of a freezing Chicago night. LIES begins with the attack itself and the emotional national reaction it received in the news and social media. Then comes the turnaround. A team of a dozen or more detectives and police arrest two subjects, brothers Ola and Bola “Abel” Osundairo as the assailants. Far from white attackers, they are dark-skinned African-Americans of Nigerian descent who were extras on Empire.The Osundairo brothers tell a very different story to a grand jury than Jussie’s story. They say, under oath, that they knew Jussie, and that the attack was staged and a hoax. Jussie paid them and plotted with them.Instead of the victim, Jussie suddenly became the defendant, with sixteen felony charges of lying to the police.Jussie hired high-profile attorneys to join his circus act that came to the Chicago justice system and the charges were dropped which caused outrage and accusations of impropriety and corruption. Next comes a thorough account and analysis of the legal issues and research into the roles of Kim Foxx, George Soros, and Kamala Harris played in setting the stage for the scandal with “alternative justice.” It’s a fun ride into one of the most fascinating and unusual scandals in recent memory and is infused with some of the most important issues confronting America today. Several relevant history lessons are included about race relations. Since Trump will bring up Jussie’s case when the timing is right, Jussie will undoubtedly play a role in who wins in 2020….8/24/2019

  • Black Scottsboro Boys 1931: Beginnings of Communist Race Baiting

    "The Soviet driven Communist strategy In the United States, instead of trying to reduce racial divisions, was to increase them, to get the support and votes from blacks and other perceived oppressed minorities and labor groups. The Communist strategy demonized whites as evil oppressors and capitalists that must be overthrown in favor of a system where wealth is shared by everyone." Scottsboro Boys Ages 13 to 20, nine African American teenagers from Alabama In 1931 got in a fight with some white teenage boys on a train. After the incident, two white girls alleged that they had been raped by some of the black teens. It was not true, and in fact, the girls were prostitutes. Two dozen teenagers, black and white, were 'hoboing' on a freight train traveling from Chattanooga to Memphis The White teenagers lost the fight and jumped or were forced off the train by the black boys and passengers. They reported that they had been attacked by a group of black teenagers to a sheriff. The sheriff deputized a posse, and stopped and searched the train at Paint Rock, Alabama, and arrested the black Americans. Two young white women also got off the train and accused the African American teenagers of rape. The case was first heard in Scottsboro, Alabama, in three rushed trials, in which the defendants received poor legal representation. All but 13-year-old Roy Wright were convicted of rape and sentenced to death, the common sentence in Alabama at the time under Southern Democrat rule of law for black men convicted of raping white women, even though medical evidence suggested that no crime was committed. The Scottsboro boys incident drew national attention and became a landmark set of legal cases. Racism and the right to a fair trial were the key issues. A lynching mob formed before the suspects had been indicted. The juries were all-White, the trials rushed, and angry mobs disrupted proceedings. The Scottsboro boys case is historically labeled as an example of a miscarriage of justice in the United States legal system. The Soviet-sponsored Communist party USA seized the opportunity to exploit the classic case of perceived oppression by an in-group over an out-group, in this case, white over black. If they could render support to the unfairly accused and treated black Scottsboro boys and get an appeal, they could gain a strong foothold in the black community. before Scottsboro, the Communist party USA existed in relative obscurity. but after they were successful in getting an appeal and getting at least some form of Justice, they became much more well-known and successful. From then on the Communist Party USA launched a very successful national effort in the black community to recruit members. The Communist Party USA had played a major role in the unionized Labour movement from the 1920s on. Its membership increased during the Great Depression, and they played a key role in the Congress of Industrial Organizations. The CPUSA subsequently declined due to events such as the Second Red Scare and the influence of McCarthyism. Its opposition to the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine were unpopular, with its endorsed candidate Henry A. Wallace under-performing in the 1948 presidential election, while its support for the Soviet Union increasingly alienated it from the rest of the left in the United States in the 1960s. Goldfield, Michael (April 20, 2009), Ness, Immanuel (ed.), "Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA)" Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Kyrill M. Anderson, The Soviet World of American Communism, Yale University Press (1998) The Soviet driven Communist strategy In the United States, instead of trying to reduce racial divisions, was to increase them, to get the support and votes from blacks and other perceived oppressed minorities and labor groups. The Communist strategy demonized whites as evil oppressors and capitalists that must be overthrown in favor of a system where wealth is shared by everyone. This Communist system, almost 100 years old in the United States, was the same system used by Obama in his community organization in Chicago. The Deep State plan was to use a perceived black man, Obama, who might not even be black at all, to manipulate the black population and other minorities, to vote for Communist candidates like himself. They took an obvious injustice to gain the trust of the Black communities and the rest is communism in America history. Wiki: went all the way to the supreme court. Charges were finally dropped for four of the nine defendants. Sentences for the rest ranged from 75 years to death. All but two served prison sentences; all were released or escaped by 1946" "The author is convincing that the mistreatment and persecution of Christians around the world is part of an effort between organizations that work in many different countries at the same time. The main example is the Muslim Brotherhood that works along with communist organizations to push their ideas and policies on others in schools and churches and everywhere they can. They try to deny Christianity everywhere saying you must have a separation between church and state but then figure out ways to put Islam into the curriculum. the author shows that this is part of a democratic transnational Deep State. these people want to destroy Christianity because it represents a strong family. They want to destroy the strong family so and Islamic or communist state can take over. The book shows how the Deep States operate and explains them very well. The author makes it clear that people alone are not capable of running governments because of their nature. They become dishonest or corrupt. The solution is a hybrid between people and artificial intelligence, like that used by some big corporations and by the country of Estonia. In this way, corruption could be stopped and we could get a handle on the misuse of money by the government. I have never read a book like this that ties together so many subjects so well. I feel like I understand the world much better now and especially how governments operate in the shadows. Now when I watch the Daily News, I can see why people are saying what they're saying. They in the news media are often lying. Politics seems like a competition to get its office to see who can steal the money. The author points out that the technology is already here to instigate a digital government but it's a matter of resistance from the people in control. He cites the example of the country of Estonia when 99% of the government is computerized and the country runs very smoothly with a very small rate of corruption."

  • Omar's Poem by a Racist Communist! WHOOPS!

    Omar tweeted a poem written by a racist communist in response to Trump’s comments that were misrepresented as racist. "You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise." -Maya Angelou Communists deify communists--even ones that are full of hot air. First of all, I would bet you that Ilhan Omar did not spend hours and hours trying to find a quote that would be appropriate in response to President Trump calling her out for what she is-- a Communist that hates America and wants to destroy it. According to Linked-In, Ilhan Omar has at least one professional writer--Jeremy Slevin. I will bet you that Omar's team, of over 80 people, selected the poem that she would tweet. The fact that they selected a poem by a communist confirms she has a communist team. American patriots do not circulate poems by Communists. Omar's team applied an age-old communist political strategy to recruit black and other minority voters by playing irrelevant race and victim cards. Author Maya Angelou had a storied life and artistic career. She spent time working as a nightclub dancer, and both as a prostitute and madam in her teens. Just like Ilhan Omar, her artistic career centered about racism and identity politics. Also like Ilhan Omar, she had a long history of communist associations. She found herself in supporting the Islamo Communist Malcolm X of the Nation of Islam who once said: "You show me a capitalist, and I'll show you a bloodsucker." She helped him build his organization. Malcolm X would be assassinated by Nation of Islam members encouraged by rival Louis Farrakhan for revealing the sexual escapades of their common leader. Angelou fully supported communist Fidel Castro of Cuba, as does Ilhan Omar and her alleged war criminal father. In fact: "...her first published story appeared in the Cuban periodical Revolucion. In September 1960, she was deeply moved by the sight of Castro's exuberant warm public embrace of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in New York, where both men were attending a United Nations session. "The Russians were O.K.," Angelou later reminisced. "Of course, Castro never had called himself white, so he was O.K. from the git." "Of course, Castro never had called himself white, so he was O.K. from the git." Stating that Communist leader and dictator Fidel Castro, who was responsible for murdering and torturing thousands of Cubans, was "OK" from the get-go because "he never called himself white" is a blatantly racist statement, judging him by what he said his skin color was, rather than his character and behavior. In 60 words, Angelou is showing her ignorance, callousness, and racism against whites. As long as he is not white, Castro, by her book, can torture and kill all he wants to gain power for the Soviets. "In the 1970s, Angelou was a political supporter of the Communists Bettina Aptheker and Angela Davis. In 1995 Angelou spoke at the Million Man March organized by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. That same year, she lent her support to the convicted cop-killer and former Black Panther, Mumia Abu-Jamal." In Ilhan Omar Must Go!, I discuss the extremely important historical event regarding the nine black Scottsboro boys who were so unfairly treated by Southern Democrats for the alleged rape of two white women n 1931 in Alabama on a train. The Communist Party USA, which was controlled by the Soviets, exploited the Scottsboro boys to get a foothold in the black community for recruiting communists and black votes. The Soviets in America in the Communist Party USA, played the racial divide card to perfection, demonizing White capitalists for blacks to hate. The most racist whites were the Democrats who had been the slave owners in both the North and South before, during, and after the Civil War, and behind Jim Crow. The Democrats, and later the Democratic communists, would fool the black population into thinking they were working for them, when in fact they were just exploiting them for votes. Maya Angelou was probably exploited, and promoted, and used by the Communist Democrats. After doing extensive research on ex-President Obama, and learning that he was a puppet for the Communist Deep State, and did not write his speeches or books, I now have some doubt about any Communist author. if there's anything the Communists are good at, it is propaganda, lying, and authorship. I would not be surprised if some of Maya Angelou's seven autobiographies that are classified as novels were written by professional communist writers to perpetuate and expand the black-white racial divide. The above poem may not even be her own. Angelou spent time in Egypt as a journalist. Egypt is the home of the Muslim Brotherhood that dominates the world Islamic agenda today. She could not be a journalist there without encountering the Muslim Brotherhood and writing articles in their favor. It comes as no surprise that the poem that was selected for Ilhan Omar to tweet comes from a black communist poet who was promoted by the Communist Party, just like Ilhan Omar is today. Trump's calling out Omar as an anti-American and anti-Israeli Communist arose from a strong sense of patriotism, not racism. Trump never mentioned Omar's perceived race. Omar, as representative of the Communists each day, is a threat to America and should be tried for treason. Yet the communist Democratic Deep State, including its controlled media puppets, claims Trump made a racist statement, a classic communist strategy for diversion away from the truth. So we have a congresswoman, who is a complete communist fraud, and working against America's best interests, tweeting a poem that she probably did not select, that is attributed to a duped communist author who is ignorant and racist, and who may not have written the poem in the first place, and Omar then using it to play the victim card for black and other minority voters. I love Amerca! Scott Campbell “best smelling author” Fighting the Deep State War on Christianity Fighting the Deep State War on Christianity Purge and Fix Scottsboro Boys Ages 13 to 20, nine African American teenagers from Alabama In 1931 got in a fight with some white teenage boys on a train. After the incident, two white girls alleged that they had been raped by some of the black teens. It was not true, and in fact, the girls were prostitutes. Two dozen teenagers, black and white, were 'hoboing' on a freight train traveling from Chattanooga to Memphis The White teenagers lost the fight and jumped or were forced off the train by the black boys and passengers. They reported that they had been attacked by a group of black teenagers to a sheriff. The sheriff deputized a posse, and stopped and searched the train at Paint Rock, Alabama, and arrested the black Americans. Two young white women also got off the train and accused the African American teenagers of rape. The case was first heard in Scottsboro, Alabama, in three rushed trials, in which the defendants received poor legal representation. All but 13-year-old Roy Wright were convicted of rape and sentenced to death, the common sentence in Alabama at the time under Southern Democrat rule of law for black men convicted of raping white women, even though medical evidence suggested that no crime was committed. The Scottsboro boys incident drew national attention and became a landmark set of legal cases. Racism and the right to a fair trial were the key issues. A lynching mob formed before the suspects had been indicted. The juries were all-White, the trials rushed, and angry mobs disrupted proceedings. The Scottsboro boys case is historically labeled as an example of a miscarriage of justice in the United States legal system. The Soviet-sponsored Communist party USA seized the opportunity to exploit the classic case of perceived oppression by an in-group over an out-group, in this case, white over black. If they could render support to the unfairly accused and treated black Scottsboro boys and get an appeal, they could gain a strong foothold in the black community. before Scottsboro, the Communist party USA existed in relative obscurity. but after they were successful in getting an appeal and getting at least some form of Justice, they became much more well-known and successful. From then on the Communist Party USA launched a very successful national effort in the black community to recruit members. The Communist Party USA had played a major role in the unionized Labour movement from the 1920s on. Its membership increased during the Great Depression, and they played a key role in the Congress of Industrial Organizations. The CPUSA subsequently declined due to events such as the Second Red Scare and the influence of McCarthyism. Its opposition to the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine were unpopular, with its endorsed candidate Henry A. Wallace under-performing in the 1948 presidential election, while its support for the Soviet Union increasingly alienated it from the rest of the left in the United States in the 1960s. Goldfield, Michael (April 20, 2009), Ness, Immanuel (ed.), "Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA)" Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Kyrill M. Anderson, The Soviet World of American Communism, Yale University Press (1998) The Soviet driven Communist strategy In the United States, instead of trying to reduce racial divisions, was to increase them, to get the support and votes from blacks and other perceived oppressed minorities and labor groups. The Communist strategy demonized whites as evil oppressors and capitalists that must be overthrown in favor of a system where wealth is shared by everyone. This Communist system, almost 100 years old in the United States, was the same system used by Obama in his community organization in Chicago. The Deep State plan was to use a perceived black man, Obama, who might not even be black at all, to manipulate the black population and other minorities, to vote for Communist candidates like himself.


    Trump was right about Obama creating ISIS and that is why the Deep State came down so hard on Stone and Flynn for exposing it. The following is compiled from Roger Stone's "Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?," WND, a videotaped speech by John Brennan in Saudi Arabia, and a Juan Guandalo interview with Tom Trento. Roger Stone posted a controversial Instagram suggesting John Brennon should hang for treason. A former Marine and combat veteran, Juan Guandolo worked for eight years in the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division as a “subject matter expert” in the Muslim Brotherhood and the global spread of Islamism. Guandolo created the Bureau’s first counterterrorism training/education program and twice received United States Attorney’s Awards for investigative intelligence. Guandolo is also one of the authors of the Center for Security Policy’s Team B II report, “Shariah: The Threat to America.” Back in 2013, as WND reported, former FBI Islam expert John Guandolo had long warned that the federal government was being infiltrated by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood and that John Brennan helped orchestrate it. “He (John Brennan) has interwoven his life professionally and personally with individuals that we know are terrorists,” Guandolo asserted. “He has overseen and approved and encouraged others to bring known leaders of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood into the government in positions to advise the U.S. government on counterterrorism strategy as well as the overall ‘war on terror.'” Brennan served as CIA station chief in Riyadh in the 1990s. Later he became the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. Guandolo claimed that John Brennan converted to Islam while he was working in Saudi Arabia "and has gone so far as to dish out high-profile government jobs to members of the Muslim Brotherhood." Mr. Brennan did convert to Islam when he served in an official capacity on the behalf of the United States in Saudi Arabia,” he said. “His conversion to Islam was the culmination of a counterintelligence operation against him to recruit him." The remarks were made on the radio show of Tom Trento. A youtube video shows Brennon praising Islam and likens his early experience of Islam to that of Barack Obama's growing up in Indonesia. Brennan praised Islam repeatedly in the video. "(I) learned (Brennan) about the goodness and beauty of Islam." "Tremendous warmth of Islamic cultures and societies in Java and Bali." "Like the president (Obama) during his childhood years in Jakarta, I came to see Islam, not how it is often misrepresented, but for what it is, how it is practiced every day by well over a billion Muslims worldwide. A faith of peace and tolerance and great diversity." Then Brennan continues in Arabic. After Indonesia, he went to a university in Cairo in the 1970s with classmates from Egypt, Jordan and Palestine. He "marveled at the majesty of the hajj" which implies he converted and made the pilgrimage to Mecca, a privilege reserved only for devout Muslims and special guests of the Saudi King. Brennan became the highest-ranking U.S. official to have ever visited Mecca. According to Roger Stone, there is "now ample evidence to suggest that Brennan himself converted to Wahhabist Islam and considers himself a “jihadist,” or “holy warrior.'" Brennon has recited the shahada in Arabic, the Islamic statement of faith, in the presence of government officials and intelligence agents from the Saudi Kingdom while in Saudi Arabia as the CIA's Station Chief. Brennon has publicly admitted that Islam shaped his worldview. He served in the White House as Assistant to the President for Homeland Security between 2009 and 2013. Brennan climbed the bureaucratic ladder to become the chief of staff to CIA director George Tenet. Brennon was the 5th Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, holding office from March 8, 2013 to January 20, 2017. Obama nominated Brennan as his next director of the CIA on January 7, 2013. Brennan was approved by the Senate Intelligence Committee on March 5, 2013, to succeed David Petraeus as the Director of the CIA by a vote of 12 to 3. In a tweet on July 23, 2018, Senator Rand Paul accused Brennan of making money from his security clearance and he called for Brennan's clearance to be revoked. On August 15, 2018, President Donald Trump announced that he had revoked Brennan's security clearance. In 2019, Brennan serves as a senior national security and intelligence analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. Brennan said gets his understanding and his ‘worldview’ in large part from Islam. An Islamic worldview means that Islam is to rule the world through sharia. John Brennan was sworn in Central Intelligence Agency Director, but he took the oath on a copy of the U.S. Constitution, the first time a director did not use the Bible. Brennan served as the CIA’s station chief in Riyadh in the mid-1990s, allegedly when he converted to Islam, and in 1999. Obama wanted to appoint Brennan CIA director in 2009 but Brennan was not confirmed. Both at the CIA and the National Security Council, Brennan, acting on behalf of the Saudis and the Muslim Brotherhood, forbid the use of the term “jihadist” to describe Islamist terrorists. They preferred the term “extremists.” Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), said that the Obama administration, including Brennan at the CIA, ignored the threat of the rise of ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Flynn said that the White House and supporters of the Syrian rebellion against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ignored the DIA’s report from August 2012 on the rise of the Islamist caliphate in Syria and Iraq and did nothing to stop it. Flynn claimed that the U.S. had supplied arms to Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al Jazeera, funded by the Qatar government, which has hired a number of Muslim Brotherhood members for its news crews and editorial staffs, refuted Flynn's claims. Brennan had traveled frequently between Jerusalem, Riyadh, and Langley to coordinate logistical support and arms to ISIL and their allied fighters in Syria and Iraq. WMR has frequently reported on witnesses in Syria, the Golan Heights, Iraq’s Anbar province, and Iraqi Kurdistan to have seen CIA and Israeli Mossad commandos transferring weapons to ISIL and affiliated forces. Editorial Response: This is the true history as verified by multiple sources. It’s not a conspiracy theory. As discussed elsewhere in the book, the Obama and Muslim Brotherhood Democratic Deep State took out Qaddafi in Libya, formed ISIS and ISIL, supplied them with arms, and entrenched themselves in Syria, the Golan Heights, Iraq’s Anbar province, and Iraqi Kurdistan for control of oil fields to profit and to boost the U.S. petrodollar by making sure oil is traded only in U.S. dollars and you, the taxpayer, paid for it all. But it gets worse. Obama, Brennan and the Muslim Brotherhood, and the rest of the Deep State had worked to send ISIL and Iranian militia into Northern Iraq to slaughter Christians by the thousands, including beheadings and putting them on crosses. The genocide and exodus of Iraqi Christians took their population from 1.5 million down to about 250,000. Iraq became essentially devoid of Christian influence. So much for Obama's and Brennan's religion, Islam, as one of peace and tolerance. Bottom line: taxpayers, approximately 60% of whom are Christians, helped to enable the Deep State to get richer with oil profits and kill Iraqi Christians. If you want to know who was behind all this and how they achieved it be sure to read my new book about Obama the Communist. REVIEW John T. 5.0 out of 5 starsBrilliant! Shows how shadow organizations and governments work against Christians- and what to do. The mistreatment and persecution of Christians around the world is part of an effort between organizations that work in many different countries at the same time. The main example is the Muslim Brotherhood that works along with communist organizations to push their ideas and policies on others in schools and churches and everywhere they can. They try to deny Christianity everywhere saying you must have a separation between church and state but then figure out ways to put Islam into the curriculum. the author shows that this is part of a democratic transnational Deep State. these people want to destroy Christianity because it represents a strong family. They want to destroy the strong family so and Islamic or communist state can take over. The book shows how the Deep States operate and explains them very well. The author makes it clear that people alone are not capable of running governments because of their nature. They become dishonest or corrupt. The solution is a hybrid between people and artificial intelligence, like that used by some big corporations and by the country of Estonia. In this way, corruption could be stopped and we could get a handle on the misuse of money by the government. I have never read a book like this that ties together so many subjects so well. I feel like I understand the world much better now and especially how governments operate in the shadows. Now when I watch the Daily News, I can see why people are saying what they're saying. They in the news media are often lying. Politics seems like a competition to get its office to see who can steal the money. The author points out that the technology is already here to instigate a digital government but it's a matter of resistance from the people in control. He cites the example of the country of Estonia when 99% of the government is computerized and the country runs very smoothly with a very small rate of corruption. Includes how to stop corruption and violence using Digital Govt.

  • A Goldmine for Republicans: Bigly Communist Nest in the Smollett Case

    In my book, LIES, I inadvertently discovered a Trump and Republican political goldmine. One of the main reasons I was willing to put years of research into this book was because Jussie, alone, or acting with some type of political group, had intentionally acted to harm Trump and his supporters in an attempt to get a win for the Democrats in 2020. He had unjustly insulted the entire white population in an attempt to hurt them in multiple ways. He wanted another president like Obama to win in 2020 to further destroy anything and everything American to make way for a Socialist or Communist takeover. To me, considering Jussie Smollett’ connections to the Obamas and his relative fame among black Communities, his hate crime hoax-- its intent-- was an Act of War. It was intended as a false flag for starting a Race War. Because of my knowledge of the American Deep State from writing Fighting the Deep State War Against Christianity and Deep State Purge and Fix, I wanted to make my book different from others to come in regards to adding layer upon layer of character depth and intrigue that would relate to the Deep State agenda so obvious in his court case. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to expose how the Democratic Deep State works. The unusual and entertaining nature of the Jussie Smollett story had captured the attention of the nation. The Deep State had been caught red-handed in dismissing his case illegally. I also promised my readers to continuously add to the timeline until the case was finally over. I would offer periodic updates to those who had already bought the book at an earlier date. Striking Gold for Patriots When the Jussie Smollett team decided to enlist Jesse Jackson and rainbow PU$H and Rep. Bobby Rush to defend Jussie Smollett by race baiting, and by trying to cover up the story, my research on them ended up focusing on their Communist history. I learned that the Soviet and Chinese communists had actually come in, as boots on the ground, to run Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH campaigns for presidency. This was not the type of information you would find in the mainstream media, or even on most Google searches. I had to use non-censored, but reliable and well-respected, search engines and sources. For every significant character and suspect in the Jussie Smollett case, I researched the potential history of links to Communism and the Chicago Jewish and Zionist Cabal that helped put Barack Obama into the presidency. These characters will be added to others in the Cabal to form the foundation for yet another book, coming up soon, entitled Barack Obama: Communist Rape of America. What I am hoping for, and what every patriot should be hoping for, is that the various court cases related to Smollett will allow for the formal unveiling of the Obama Communist machine as part of the Deep State. If you want to know who was behind all this and how they achieved it be sure to read my new book about Obama the Communist. Although Soviet and Chinese and Latin America communists and others have participated in the democratic party for decades, with the Clinton and Obama administrations, after months and months of research, I have concluded, along with many others, that Communism and Socialism now totally dominate the Democratic party. In learning exactly how Obama was put into office we can predict the Democratic Communist strategy for 2020. They will try and control at least the top two candidates. They obviously control Obama's right-hand man for 8 years, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, and they likely control many of the others. In other words I would doubt that the top two candidates would not have the full support of the Communist Parties to be contenders at all. So it's Trump and Patriotic Republicans against a world full of Communists bent on weakening and destroying America. Prepare for war. I have already covered the Communism of the Jussie Smollett characters in LIES but here is a review of the history of Maxine Waters as I'm seeing her name pop up recently on social media. Maxine Waters has a long history of association with Communist organizations. Her Communist platform is standard delivery as racist, anti-American propaganda. In the Spirit of Mussolini's black shirts or Antifa, or even fascist Hitler's Brown Shirts, she advocated harassing Republican officials in public whether they're on the street or a restaurant--and was successful. She is an embarrassing and dangerous Democratic Communist puppet, a loose cannon, milking her own constituency for money. One of the main Communist ploys since the 1920s is to exploit identity as a perceived oppressed outgroup, in this case, the urban black population. The plot is to persuade them to vote as a block for a black Communist candidate who promises to help them, but instead works to continuously oppress them for their voting stream. This is classic Communist plantation politics, as Barack Obama described in his book Dreams From My Father, and that he applied himself in his Community organizing. Obama was not trying to help black communities as much as work on how to extract their votes and keep them in the same position In society. Maxine Waters continues to get votes, not based on her performance or merit but based on her skin color and her hate speech against Trump and Republicans. She does not want black progress or peace between races, because then she would likely lose her job and power. See this link if you want a list of all of the Communist organizations she has been associated with since 1982. Maxine Waters talked about the Jussie Smollett scandal with Extra at the NAACP awards where she received the Chairman Award in April of 2019. Maxine Waters was extremely defensive and dishonest about Jussie Smollett. was it because he was black, or at least half that way? Was it because he was a Democrat, or was it because his family included prominent fellow and local Communists like his ex-Black Panther mother and Kamala Harris? Was she protecting yet another Communist cell in California and Chicago? Lies, Lies, and More Lies: The Communist Way At the awards there was a movement to rescind Jussie Smollett's nomination for the Image Award which he did not win anyway. Here is an interpretation of the major statements from Maxine Waters. Maxine Waters Statement #1: The details about Jussie’s attack will never be known. Opinion: False! She wishes that for the Democratic party. We know nearly all of the details from over 530 pages of police reports and four pages of bond proffer, and thousands of records from Foxx’s office. We have photos of the letter Jussie received at Chicago Cinespace studios, and a video of Abel and Ola Osundairo buying ski masks and red hats, and street photos of the brothers lurking around near where the attack took place. We saw evidence of the communications and meetings involving Jussie and the Osundairo brothers before and after the attack. We have the Osundairo brothers confessing and describing all of the details. Mid-June of 2019, the police released the surveillance videos. Jussie is under investigation by the FBI regarding the death threatening letter he received at Chicago Cinespace that contained a white powdery substance. President Trump requested a DOJ inquiry. Police, based on the Osundairo brothers testimony, and other facts, believe Jussie sent the letter it to himself. If so, he committed federal crimes, and, if tried, much more information could come about Jussie's hoax. We also have a civil case coming up between Jussie and the City of Chicago over $130,000 for investigative costs. The city must prove that he lied in telling the police that they attackers were white and that would bring up all of the details of what actually happened. As a Democratic leader, Waters wants Jussie's crimes and lies and scandal to be buried and forgotten because it was an attack on white Trump supporters and an embarrassment for LGBTQ communities, Democrats in general, and the Chicago police. It showed a clear path to corruption in the Chicago courts. It's a nightmare for Democrats because they looked biased and racist in supporting him when it was really a hoax. Details of the case will only rally Trump's base more. Update: In mid-April, the Illinois State Attorney Office would released thousands of emails and texts regarding the Smollett case. Opinion: Waters was proved wrong again. She wished the public knew no details because the scandal is hurting the Democratic party. Maxine Waters Statement #2: In Jussie’s case nobody was physically hurt or shot or killed. Opinion: True, but that confirms it was a hoax. There could be collateral damage. Tracy Siska, executive director of the Chicago Justice Project, noted, based on the notoriety of Jussie's scandal, potential collateral damage could occur for anyone who is the victim of a hate crime because they may be less likely to report. They also may be less likely to be believed when they do report. So Waters may be technically right, there was no one directly, and immediately hurt, other than Jussie laughable physical injuries in that famous street brawl in which Jussie had told Abel not to really hurt him. What about the families of the ten people in Chicago murdered during the time the detectives were working on Jussie's case? Their cases may have been delayed because of Jussies redeployment of top detective efforts towards his selfish hoax. It is conceivable that such a delay could allow a one or more murderers to get away without prosecution, and potentially murder again. It is also conceivable that someone was hurt or murdered as part of a reaction to Jussies alleged attack. It is not uncommon for innocent people to be hurt after a highly publicized racial injustice like we saw in 1975 when an innocent Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor was beaten to death by black teens. Many innocent people suffered harm or death in the Rodney King Los Angeles riots of 1992. Jussie attempted to portray the type of racial injustice that can cause a riot. Besides, when Waters said no one was physically hurt, she implied that disorderly conduct and falsifying police reports, as non-violent crimes, are nothing she considers to be taken seriously. They are crimes, Mrs. Waters. Maxine Waters said no one was physically hurt. But what about Jussie? In a selfie in the hospital, Jussie showed he had a small cut under one eye and a couple of barely perceptible bruises. Jussie showed us a photo of a rope burn on his neck that one would have to look at twice to see. If two real attackers with the size and strength of the Osundairo brothers, and if filled with such hate, Jussie's face would be an unrecognizable mess, and he would have broken ribs or other bones. Jussie assured his fans after his injuries that he would perform his concert as planned in less than a week, showing how harmless his injuries really were. On stage he stated he had no broken bones much to his duped fans relief. Maxine Waters' high opinion of Jussie confirms she thinks it was a hoax, because "no one got hurt" and the "correct decision" was made for the charges to be dismissed. If no one got hurt, then the attack was a hoax, so why would dismissing the charges be “correct?” Her statement was totally illogical. If no one got hurt, that means Jussie did not get hurt, which makes the state’s case even stronger that it was a hoax. The police reports specifically state that Jussie instructed Abel Osundairo to be the attacker, but not to really hurt him too much, and to let Jussie appear to fight back. Jussie apparently didn't want any punches that might go wrong from the brother he didn’t know that well, Ola. Maxine Waters Statement #3: Jussie never committed a crime before. Opinion: False! Waters lied to boost up Jussie public image. According to the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office, Smollett pleaded no contest to provide false information to law enforcement in a 2007 misdemeanor case resulting from a DUI stop in which Smollett gave police a false name and signed his brother's name on the summons promising to appear in court. Smollett also pleaded no contest to driving with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit and driving without a valid driver's license, and was sentenced to a fine and two years of probation. Opinion: Waters did not tell the truth. She, of all people, a Congresswoman who heads up a major committee, the House Financial Services Committee, should do a little research before she makes a statement like that to portray Jussie as a non-criminal. Maxine Waters Statement #4: Many cases like this are closed every day. Opinion: False! The experts say otherwise according to NBC News. Many cases undergo alternative justice, but not like Jussie’s. Opinion: There must be due process before charges are dismissed. Due process requires further testimony and hearings, and this diversion process often consumes months. Not so in Jussie's case, in which a deal was made before the case was even formally presented. On of the experts who has been studying Chicago court cases for 20 years said she had never seen any case like Jussie’s. Maxine Waters should remember it took two years to clear her own personal charges by the House Ethics Committee against her by due process, unlike Jussie’s which were cleared before the case even began in a backroom deal. Maxine Waters Statement #5: She said the case received a lot of attention because Smollett is loved and talented as seen on TV. Opinion: False! Jussie Smollett's case got a lot of attention because it was allegedly a racist hate crime hoax crafted to insult and defame tens of millions of Trump supporters and at the same time insulted an entire police department and put many black and LGBTQ members at risk. Maxine Waters Statement #6: She hopes Jussie is successful in his career. Opinion: Good luck with that. Jussie earned a suspension from Chicago Cinespace Empire which is suffering from a precipitous drop to all-time low ratings because of Jussie's scandal. Media performers Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan, Charles Barkley, Cardi B, and the SNL cast all had disparaging words for Jussie. Maxine should remember it took two years to clear her own personal charges against her by due process, unlike Jussie's which were cleared before the case even began in a backroom deal. In 2010, for example, Waters was charged with violations of the House's ethics rules after it was reported that she had used her connections in 2008 to ensure a $12 million federal bailout of OneUnited Bank, a black owned bank, whose slogan is “Bank Black” which had contributed heavily to her campaign and where her husband owned stock. She was cleared of the charges in 2012. Her grandson was the one who took the fall which was a mere reprimand. LIES LIES Fighting the Deep State War Against Christianity

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