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Improve Habits, Improve life. James Clear Newsletter Highlights.

Recent Ideas From James Clear.


"Fear of failure is higher when you're not working on the problem.

If you are taking action, you are less worried about failure because you realize you can influence the outcome."


"It's almost always better to learn from peers who are 2 years ahead of you than mentors who are 20 years ahead of you.

Life evolves and most insights get outdated."


"Maintain a margin of safety—even when it’s going well.

Rich people go bankrupt chasing even more wealth.

Fit people get injured chasing personal records.

Productive people become ineffective taking on too many projects.

Don’t let your ambition ruin your position."

Sign in for your free download of the introduction and information-packed first chapter.

The following arises from a summary of the introduction and first chapter of James Clear’s best seller, Atomic Habits. Everyone who wants to make any sort of improvement in their life will benefit from Clear’s educational efforts. That means just about everyone on the planet and explains his popularity with over 6 million readers.

His entire book serves as the basis for a best seller summary in audiobook and ebook forms.

All-New Audiobook SAMPLE:

· Mr. Clear tells us to become a reader rather than create a goal to read a book.

We, at, hope you can apply Clear’s famous techniques to your reading habits. For the same amount of time and money as reading one bestselling book, you can read three summaries about bestselling books, gaining three times the breadth of knowledge. We think that is a good habit to adopt that will lead to your being complemented as “well-read.”

Incremental knowledge compounds into increased intelligence. Clear discusses the compounding of knowledge in his book. Become an efficient, frugal, and smart reader with a focus on best-sellers with

Many buy both the summary and the original book as they complement each other and facilitate deeper understanding. Take a look at the original on Amazon.

Mr. Clear begins his fine book with a few DEFINITIONS.


Relating to atoms.

Consisting of uncombined atoms rather than molecules.

Forming a single fundamental unit or component in a more extensive system.

The source of great power or energy.


Automatic behavioral patterns in reaction to a situation that become acquired through frequent repetition.


James Clear loved baseball and made the varsity team as a sophomore in high school.

His dad played in the minor leagues and they enjoyed a great connection through baseball. Although Clear loved baseball, baseball didn’t always love him back.

On the final day of his sophomore year, James Clear suffered an injury that would change his life forever. At baseball practice, a batter let his bat slip out of his hands, and it flew at high speed to hit Clear right between the eyes, fracturing and flattening his nose and damaging his brain, skull, and memory. The blow hit with such force that his eyeball came out of its socket. A series of predictable seizures would follow. Post-traumatic seizures loomed as a given.

Clear found himself in a helicopter in a rush to the same large hospital where his sister had undergone successful chemo-therapy. They called in a priest. The doctors decided to place Clear in a coma and hooked up a ventilator to begin his treatment. His improvement in breathing patterns the next day permitted release from the coma.

When he began to recover, he experienced double vision. His recovery took quite some time but had a steady pace to it. Re-positioning itself, his eye cooperated to resemble a state of normalcy after about a month. After eight months, Clear managed to drive. Refusing to quit baseball, he found himself cut from the team after a year of absence and medical recovery. He still could not give it up and joined the junior varsity. Baseball played a considerable role in his life, and he wanted to heal up and get back on the field. He dreamed of playing professionally. He rejoined the varsity team as a senior but only racked up eleven innings—enough to make a statement about his perseverance.

Clear began to attend Denison University and joined its baseball team.


Clear directed some of his motivation to do well and make-up for his high school tragedy into forming good habits. He turned in early, resisting staying up late each night, like his peers seemed to do, to play video games. Many males, at the college age, live in unkempt, dirty, and chaotic rooms. Clear's room showed organization and cleanliness. A feeling of control over his life rewarded Clear, as did the results of his efforts. As his confidence returned, he polished up his study habits, and he racked up a 4.0-grade point average in his first year, destined to be honored as a scholar in several ways.

Clear informs the reader that a habit is a behavior or routine that displays regular performance and often automatically. Small but consistent habits led to impressive and previously unimaginable results. Clear applied his habits theory to bodybuilding with success. He secured a starting role on the pitching staff, became team captain, made the all-conference team, earned the "top male athlete" title at Denison, and joined the ESPN Academic All-America Team of just 33 players. Denison's top academic honor, the President's Medal, became Clear's.

Clear's baseball injury led to his realization that good habits and small changes can compound into remarkable success. The quality of life, says Clear, becomes dependent upon the quality of our habits. Better habits lead to a better life.

In 2012, Clear began sharing his knowledge of good habits in articles online and built his followers into an audience of some 200,000 email subscribers by 2015. He earned national recognition, some eight million readers, after publishing with Penguin Random House. Coaches jumped on his story and shared it with their teams. Clear launched his Habits Academy in 2017.

Clear offers the reader an incremental and lifetime plan for sculpting improved habits to help the reader achieve what they want in life. Science backs up Clear's method, and he makes it easy to comprehend and apply.

His four-step-plan, which arises from classic operant conditioning, is the backbone of his efforts:

· Cue

· Craving

· Response

· Reward

Integrating behavioral and cognitive science, Clear shows how our feelings, thoughts, and moods shape our fundamental behavior. Clear's principles regarding fundamental behavior can help the reader build a family, build a business, and build anything desired in life.

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