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Another Roswell Hero: Brigadiere General Arthur Trudeau

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

General Trudeau became a legend in the Korean War for trading his helmet for one of a lower rank so he could lead a charge, under heavy fire, up Pork Chop Hill, to bring some of his men back to safety.

He received a silver medal for this and a second one later on—and a bronze.

Colonel Corso had nothing but compliments and respect for General Trudeau and would start working with him on Roswell in 1961.

Trudeau proved himself to be easy to follow but hard to keep up with during his daily routines.

Corso knew Trudeau from the White House. Corso spent four years advising President Roosevelt as a member of his National Security Council from 1953 to 1957. Roosevelt allegedly met with aliens to sign a treaty during this period.

Recall that a shocked Corso experienced a brief look at a deceased alien from Roswell that had turned his stomach. As commander of the night security watch, he saw the alien just a few days after the crash in July of 1947 at Fort Riley, Kansas. (See radio description of the incident)

Since he had seen an alien and had radar reports in his filing cabinet, Corso would advise President Roosevelt of his opinions on the matter, including what he knew about “hostile acts.” General Trudeau chose, of all candidates, Colonel Corso to work on the Roswell artifacts in 1961 because of President Roosevelt’s recommendation.


Trudeau held a degree in electrical engineering from WestPoint. Corso had majored in industrial arts; he held no degree in science or engineering. Trudeau had never formally worked with Corso in the Army, yet entrusted Corso with one of the most important assignments in Unites States history. Trudeau told Corso that only he could handle the job of personally disseminating the artifacts to major corporations for development. Trudeau's decision arose from President Roosevelt's recommendation because of Corso's experience with extraterrestrials, his skills in intelligence, his toughness and resolve, and his firm anti-communist stance.

Roswell technology secrets, including the genetically engineered aliens who became one with their ship to navigate, became the mysterious centerpiece in a global game of tug and war between Soviets and anti-communists. The formation of the CIA, just two months after the Roswell crash, and filled with Soviet spies, and accountable to no one, would be the formal background of a well-organized Deep State.

Whoever controlled Roswell technology would control the world-- at least for a while.

The anti-communists won.

Trudeau once said that co-existence with communism is not a possibility.

General Arthur Trudeau and Colonel Corso established themselves as heroes by secretly funneling select Roswell artifacts to key corporate players for development.

Considering the governmental and political avalanche of changes and maneuverings that followed immediately after Roswell, including the formation of the CIA and Air Force just two months later, and its role in driving our technology revolution in such a short time, I would venture to claim that the Roswell crash proved to be the most important single event in all of human history.

If you want to understand extraterrestrials and governments stances and challenges in response to them, be sure to get a copy of The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso.

Also get a copy of Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso (Scott Campbell) for an efficient and easy to read synopsis and some added material about Corso and modern evidence for extraterrestrials.

I have three other books on ETs as well.

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