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AUDIO: Roswell Alien Confirmed and Described by Colonel Corso in Radio Interview from 1989

Updated: Jun 4, 2022

Lt. Colonel's Description of an alien body he saw just a few days after the Roswell crash.

Short Version:

Long Version with Alien/Human dance-off

The following comes as an exclusive excerpt from Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso .

For an update and summary,, I selected Philip Corso’s The Day After Roswell because he promoted the idea that the Roswell crash not only happened but that we appropriated sophisticated alien technology-- and kept it all secret. Because of our government’s nondisclosure of UFO facts, Corso’s intriguing story would be one of the most important realizations--and biggest coverups-- in all of Human history.

In fact, the crash at Roswell may just be the most important single-day event in all of human history, accelerating our technological development as it dictated new structuring and policy making in government.


Corso’s service record in the Army and his position for four years as part of the National Security Council for President proved itself vetted prior to his book tour in 1989-1990.

Corso matured into a decorated and trustworthy military man. He advanced to be one of the top intelligence officers in the Army in research and design of “foreign technology” at the Pentagon—a broad classification that included techno-artifacts from UFOs.[1] He boasts nineteen medals in twenty-one years of service in the Army. According to publisher Simon and Schuster, a person of exceptional prominence in the national archives in St. Louis, Missouri, Corso served four years on President Eisenhower’s National Security Council.[2]

Senator Thurmond spoke of Corso as a dedicated and trusted investigative aide and praised Corso’s abilities and character in the foreword to The Day After Roswell.


Roswell desert lightning storms apparently played a huge role in what happened on Earth from July 1947 to the present day.

Corso researched the many versions of what happened with the crash, and here is a summary of his final evaluation, which represents a consensus of the “facts” to the best of his knowledge.

· July 1, 1947: strange radar blips, representing craft flying at high speeds and making unbelievable moves at the Army’s 509th airfield, Alamagordo, and White Sands. Pursuit by our aircraft proved futile.

· Local civilians experience UFO sightings.

· World War II operatives and intelligence personnel (CIG) descend on Roswell to bear witness and plan accordingly.

· The bizarre blips continued for days until the screens represented an explosion of one of the aircraft.

· An extensive team found themselves immediately en route to the desert to retrieve anything and everything from the wreckage.

· Campers, ranchers, and residents report a mid-air explosion and a brightly lit object descending towards the Earth near the town of Corona.

· To the military’s consternation, local police and the fire department are deployed to the site of the crash just as quickly.

· The crash showed plenty of small bits of debris, but the craft itself laid intact with but one large visible crack.

· The crash supposedly occurred the night of July 3, 1947.

· The crafted seemed small and appeared like an airplane wing.

· Three small humanoids, about 4.5 feet tall, dark grayish, laid on the ground, apparently dead.

· Another lay against a small hill in the desert sand, and another near the craft. Corso would state in later interviewes that no aliens survived.

· The Army’s Steve Arnold peered inside the craft and later said it looked like daylight inside.

· The Army’s crew had orders to secure the area, discourage the presence of police and fire-fighting personnel and all other civilians, and pack up the aliens and their craft and get them to the base, and pick up all of the debris on their hands and knees if they had too.

· The craft, surprisingly light, found itself clumsily placed by crane onto a flatbed and covered with a tarp.

· The aliens had oversized heads and eyes, and almost no mouths, ears, and nostrils, appeared gray or brownish-gray, and had no hair,

· Fireman Dwyer allegedly “stole” a piece of alien fabric that could remember its shape if folded and which he would show to his daughter, who would describe it to the public on television many years later.

· The civilians who visited the site were instructed not to discuss the incident or anything they saw with anybody.

· 509th commander Bull Blanchard authorized the dissemination of a story featuring a crashed “flying saucer” that quickly went worldwide but would be retracted by the next day and replaced by the famous “weather balloon” fabrication which a reluctant Major Jesse Marcel would tell, and who would retract his story towards the end of his life. He would confirm that it was, indeed, an alien spacecraft that crashed.

· His son would eventually share how his father showed him some of the debris, including a metal rod with purplish hieroglyphic-type symbols engraved upon it.

· Threats, including murder, bribes, and intimidation of all witnesses, followed for weeks until everybody had agreed to shut up about what happened that night.

· Some of the debris and the craft were flown to the Army’s Wright Airfield in Ohio, some to Fort Bliss, Texas, and the rest convoyed by truck to Fort Riley in Kansas.

Scott Campbell

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