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  • Star Trek Reality Coming for our New Species: Homo galaxias

    Click below for blog audio, visual, and automatic quantum telepathic linking. In 2021, the decorated Ex-Chief of Israeli Space Intelligence, who had overseen the department for thirty years, stated that Earthlings signed a treaty with a "Galactic Federation" on, of all places, Mars! Before we could even toss the story towards the looney bin, confirmation surfaced from such respected sources as former Canadian Prime Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, who, in turn, claimed that General Arthur Trudeau told him about the Federation’s existence. General Trudeau, a legendary Korean war hero, worked his way up to head all of Army intelligence and became one of the most respected military men ever to serve the United States military. One of Trudeau's tasks at the Pentagon proved to be disseminating alien artifacts, including those from Roswell, to the military-industrial complex for development and commercialization. He worked with Lt. Colonel Phillip Corso, who authored a book about the fantastic task and its challenges, The Day After Roswell, which became a bestseller back in the 1990s. I updated and expanded Corso's classic and published Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso in 2021. Art Bell of Coast-to-Coast fame interviewed Corso twice and admitted he found himself rendered "speechless" afterward because of shocking realizations that history was all wrong about UFOs, the sources of our technological revolution, and the intentions of a CIA bursting from Soviet influence. Corso made key points about the impact of the recovery of alien bodies and a spacecraft from Roswell. One major realization that hit him and his team of scientific experts proved that learning all things Roswell could accelerate Humans’ success in exploring the universe. Humans evolved from Earthly environments, not from those found beyond Earth. Many deleterious effects on Humans, and Humans' numerous physical and mental shortcomings, make extremely long-term space travel quite challenging if not impossible. The Roswell aliens solved this challenge by genetically engineering and cloning what Corso and the Army called "EBEs" or "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities." They were specifically adapted for long-term space travel, and it looked like they could spend their entire life inside a small craft. See Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso (Scott Campbell.) HOMO GALAXIAS TO THE RESCUE Given the funding, there is no reason why Big Pharma, Big Health, and Big Tech and other capable industries cannot engineer a Human species specifically to be astronauts at the galactic level--a Homo galaxias. Galaxias is Greek/Latin for "galaxy." Most of the science and theory is already in place, so are the propulsion systems—similar to those driving UAP at extreme speeds with sharp turns and a total disregard for g-forces and media. Aliens seem to have mastered quantum mechanics' "The God Equation," or a theory of everything that finally merges an understanding of quantum gravity with the rest of known quantum mechanics for space, matter, energy, and time. (Summary: The God Equation by Michio Kaku (Scott Campbell) We need to do the same. When we finally combine our new galactic sub-species with a fleet of capable spacecraft and all needed new technologies, a Star Trek-type of exploration of the universe will ensue. Further contact with aliens may accelerate the process. We might expect Homo galaxias to be: 01 Thinner 02 More androgynous 03 Smarter 04 Technologically linkable, including to sophisticated AI. 05 Telepathic 06 Consumers of less food and liquids. 07 Overall, much better suited for extended space travel. For further discussion of the implications, including those of ideologies, see the blog entitled Aliens Playing God: Homo aliensus and the book Alien Secrets (click on image below.) "Scott Campbell's logic is sound."-- Spock.

  • ET Quantum Secrets Revealed

    In 2017 and 2020, the United States Navy released video, infrared video, 3-D radar, and when applicable, sonar tracking data, on various UAP. Physicists studied the UAP motion and determined that: 01 ETs mastered the Theory of Everything, including quantum gravity and entanglement, with which they control through electromagnetism, AI, likely quantum AI, and computers, likely quantum computers. 02 They modulate the space-time near their craft to establish new geodesics by which they “free fall” in any direction and most any speed they choose, free from accelerations (g-forces.) ETs have demonstrated to abductees and other observers the following abilities: 01 The ability to beam objects or lifeforms up to, or down from, their craft 02 Telepathy, including projecting vivid images 03 Emotion and mind control of humans. Temporary paralysis. 04 Selective memory erasure in human, enhanced through applied technology. 05 Knock out or control numerous types of electrical systems, including disarming and arming missiles. Phil Schneider claimed tall grays could merely make a hand motion across their chest and fire some kind of devastating electromagnetic pulse to harm others. He got hit by one, lost three fingers and his toenails, and saw others die from them. In my Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso, Corso goes into great detail concerning how the small grays from the crashed spacecraft had been genetically engineered to be pilots and spend long periods, if not a lifetime, inside a small “spy” craft. Their “clothing” or spacesuits ran filaments/fibers lengthwise. At least one wore a headset full of electronics. The aliens, his team concluded, became inseparable from their ships electromagnetic circuitry. They flew by their minds rather than controls. They became “one” with the craft to operate it. They conducted energy as part of the craft. HYPOTHESIS 01 The small grays, and perhaps the talls, proved to be genetically engineered, genitalia-free, android-like clones wired into sophisticated ET power sources. This is why they mostly look alike with only small variation in color and size. 02 ETs, at least the Grays, derive their “magic” through embedding themselves into sophisticated AI and power fields. 03 They use varied applications of this power to perform the impressive and mind-boggling activities humans observed. They apply focused/beamed electromagnetic fields to bend-space time, discharge weapons, and manipulate electronic devices and lifeforms. Testing this hypothesis may lead to defense systems, perhaps forms of Faraday suits, or other devices, to help shield us from unwanted, harmful, or even deadly ET forces. Testing could lead to ways to deter abductions.


    The following pops up from: Summary and Expansion: Escaping from Eden by Paul Wallis: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was created by God or Engineered by ETs? "Wallis draws a major, mindboggling conclusion. The use of the word Yahweh in Genesis reveals that we are not reading and studying the original version. The author is altering the story as he or she sees fit and leaves a trail a blind person could follow. Wallis ponders. What if the original version wasn't about Yahweh at all and instead spoke only of the Elohim ("powerful beings," implied to be ETs) as a plurality. Then, Genesis, he claims, might not reflect an all-powerful single God at all! Instead "God" is a council of "Sky People" or ETs. Genesis 6:1-4 The Nephilim…the giants. All living creatures were said to have been destroyed by the great flood—all except the Nephilim. The Bene Elohim, not purported to be giants themselves, nevertheless had giant offspring when they mated with human daughters--all of whom happened to be remarkably beautiful. Wallis suggests the Elohim were ETs, and so the Bene Elohim would be sons of ETs. If human daughters were somewhat of a sexually desirable novelty, who were the rest of the women at that time, and where did they come from?" THE VATICAN AND ETs Fr. Jose Gabriel Funes, in May of 2008, a Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest, started to speak and write about contact with extraterrestrials. Funes served as the Director of the Vatican Observatory and as a Senior Vatican Theologian. Christians, he argued, should prepare themselves for embracing and loving our ET sisters and brothers. Pope Benedict XVI convened a world colloquium in 2009 to explore the theological repercussions of contact with ETs. The Vatican welcomed thirty theologians and scientists for private discussion and debate. Man cannot establish limits for God’s creative limits, Funes argued, and therefore there is no serious conflict between Faith and astrobiology. ETs, he concluded if they exist, they must also be God's creations. Considering that 400 years ago, the Church burned people at stake for stating that other intelligent species might exist, this turn-around by the Vatican is quite dramatic—and puzzling. Do they know something we don’t, that contact might be shared with the public soon? We must also recall that on May 9, 2001, a variety of respectable and sincere witnesses assembled at the National Press Club in DC to share their experiences and knowledge about ETs. Some violated nondisclosure agreements; some had themselves and/or their families threatened with harm. Some major media players attended but refused to report it. ETs, PAUL WALLIS, AND GENESIS Current Christian theologists turn to Genesis to tell the Faithful that a single all-powerful God created the universe, including all of the planets, every single atom, proton, and electron, and all life. Paul Wallis, an experienced clergyman, took a close look at the book of Genesis when he was laid flat on his back from an injury and could not preach for a while. He came across such anomalies and contradictions that he concluded that he did not benefit from the original versions of the stories deemed necessary. His first task. Find the original narratives and clarify their suggestions about where we came from, who we came from, and who we are. More ancient stories of human origins were nearly eliminated in the 6th century BC, from the Hebrew Scriptures, and blocked from Christian writing in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD? As we take the same red pills that Neo took in the Matrix or join Alice in going down the rabbit hole, we find ourselves roaming through ancient Greece, Africa, India, Mesoamerica, and above all, Sumeria, not in a search for a traditional monotheistic figurehead, but, according to the myths, for evidence of heavenly councils of extraterrestrials. As Neo found himself forced to do, we will have to discard the illusions and delusions from the past to embrace new realities. Playing explorer, researcher, and detective, Paul Wallis in Escaping from Eden undercovers mindboggling secrets about Biblical texts. Their implications demand a rethinking of the Abrahamic religions and a new openness to ET contact. His conclusions will be as controversial as they are informative and as broad-scoped, and they are earth-shattering. With such a book by Wallis, the entire universe and the origins of Humans come into better scientific and spiritual focus.

  • The Alien Agendas by Richard Dolan: New Audiobook Available on Audible and in Other Fine Stores

    Want to know why they are here and what they want? Read on. One gray ET prime directive: design ET-Human Hybrids. $1.99-$2.99 $3.46 Scott Campbell I enjoyed writing a summary and expansion book on Richard Dolan's The Alien Agendas. INTRODUCTION After pointing to over twenty years of writing about aliens and UFOs, Richard Dolan claims he is finally taking an opportunity to speak from speculation rather than just facts. Given the evidence that aliens show us a presence on Earth, Richard Dolan, in The Alien Agendas, addresses what exactly the aliens want and their identity. These questions become two of the most important questions to ponder because aliens, like it or not, either by their actions, or our reactions to them, established themselves as a major evolutionary force on ancient, pre-modern, and modern Earth. After preparing two innovative lectures about Human evolution into an age of transhumanism, artificial intelligence, and possible alien agendas, prolific author Dolan materialized his decision to write The Alien Agendas. Dolan indulged himself in extensive research on the most realistic alien encounters to support his theories. Accounts of UFOs that include physical or electronic evidence, multiple witnesses, and government records that have been declassified offer the best raw data to validate spacecraft's existence. Cases of alien contact, including abductions, seemed to be intentionally muddled by the aliens from the start. The Humans involved usually experience trauma, their bodies often become paralyzed, and their memories erased to the point where hypnotic regression becomes the best way to get at what happened. “Wholly overmatched” is how Dolan describes the Human-alien interaction in which the aliens display capabilities for cognitive management, the powers of their amazing technology, and vastly superior intellect. Controlling our emotions seems straightforward for them. They reign as the ultimate experts at stealth. Selectively impairing or erasing their memories does not facilitate easy and fluid recall of the event. Abductees who would prefer to forget the incident altogether or label it as a dream, or a result of a vivid imagination, do not help investigation either. Although the total amount of information doctors and therapists gleaned from encounters shows anticipated variation, as it should, Dolan believes there exists an undeniably a broad similarity and consistency in abductions. We net out and sift through important details about the nature of aliens, their actions concerning humans, their abilities, and their craft—and their agendas. Reported cases number well into the thousands, and millions of people may have been abducted so far. Dolan makes it clear that refuting the presence of alien craft on Earth is much more difficult now with released military videos of UFOs demonstrating unheard of maneuvers that scream “aliens!” Either the craft represents aliens or alien technology that has been reversed engineered. Either way, it is evidence of an alien presence. Dolan focused on Human-alien interaction cases that clothed themselves with validity and rich amounts of information to formulate likely agendas and describe alien populations. Tackling one of the most important and most vexing phenomena of modern times, Dolan makes it clear that his “speculation” is, in no way, the same as “imagination.” Instead of telling stories, his approach develops hypotheses and tests them, the good old scientific method. The presence and influence of aliens cannot be fully understood without considering our current trajectory as a species. Understanding the aliens means understanding ourselves. During his twenty-five-year indulgence in all things UFO and alien, Dolan's early questions revolved around the influence of perceived aliens as becoming a legitimate part of human history. Now he realizes the study of UFOs and aliens is history and becomes integral to our likely, or surprisingly unlikely, futures. Scott Campbell

  • The Key to Conquering Space: Roswell (Yes, We Can Fly Like They Do)

    Excerpts concerning spacecraft propulsion and space goals from Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso. Colonel Corso and his superior, General Arthur Trudeau, realized that the retrieved alien craft had handed Earthlings a ticket to Star Trek's "final frontier." Secrecy of the Roswell artifacts remained tantamount because the Russians had infiltrated our CIA and wanted to steal our ticket. "Corso realized that further study of the EBEs could lead to Humanity traveling more successfully and farther in space. He thought this should be the "overriding concern" for all of the artifacts." The idea was to manufacture every part of the Roswell craft and put them all together again to make a fleet of "flying saucers." "Corso ends Chapter Seven of The Day After Roswell by laying out the tremendous implications of harnessing the full gamut of the Roswell craft's technology and the nature of its pilots and crew. The EBEs dropped some of the keys to advanced technology, space travel, and genetic engineering right at our feet." "All we had to do was pick them up and get to work unlocking the doors to a most intriguing future." The Project Gets Under Way "Corso begins Chapter Eight of The Day After Roswell by depicting an impressed General Trudeau eating up Corso's first official report that had focused on the aliens themselves and the prospects for extended space travel. Looking so tired that the General thought Corso had stayed up all night writing it and commenting as such made Corso admit that is exactly what happened. Corso had been too excited and too proud of his work to make time for anything so insignificant as one man's sleep. Trudeau needed more to maintain funding. Corso revealed his plan: work with the scientific experts who not only could be trusted but were free thinkers as well. · Robert Sarbacher · John von Neumann · Hermann Oberth · Hans Kohler · Werner von Braun · Wilbert Smith” · "Corso explains what the government would not on that dark desert night on July 3, 1947, during a fierce lightning storm near Roswell, New Mexico. Either from the lightning, or the effects of a multitude of radar beams tracking it, or both, an alien spacecraft crashed, spewed out at least five aliens, two of them alive, and all of whom had been genetically engineered for space travel." · "Rather than evolved lifeforms, the EBEs seemed more like humanoid robots that were engineered for space and, possibly, time travel." “The engineers at Norton Air Force Base examined the craft and found that its underside proved to be covered with a very thin amalgam of the purest silver and most refined copper imaginable—perfect for maximum conductivity with little to infinitesimal resistance. However, with current technology, they could not duplicate it. Without the magic of a futuristic repulsion mechanism to power the craft, attempts to replicate its performance with other types of engines failed well into the 1960s.”

  • How UAP Fly

    Alien and UFO books from U A P HYPOTHESIS: GRAVITATIONAL PROPULSION SYSTEM THAT BENDS SPACE-TIME PROPULSION MECHANISM A geodesic is a curve representing the shortest arc between two points on a surface. U A P will have no accelerations acting on them as long as they move on a geodesic. Geodesics depend on the curvature of spacetime and are fixed. The secret of U A P flight is that they create geodesics to suit their desired flight patterns. Based on the analysis of the Navy footage and assuming that U A P obey the laws of physics, U A P must have mastered an exotic gravitational propulsion system that can create geodesics by curving the adjacent spacetime. U A P can freely fall along any intended trajectory. So far, speeds approaching 100,000 mph have been clocked on Earth. With this theory, speeds faster than the speed of light become feasible. WARP 1, anyone? Distortion fields, from bending space-time, engulf the craft, and they generally emit light. Clear photos or video is only possible with no acceleration or turning, so therefore highly unlikely. The ETs obviously have mastered quantum gravity, completing the "Theory of Everything" or "God Equation" that adds gravity to the quantum mechanics equations for space, time, matter, and energy. From the nature of their “spooky” gravity propulsion system, ET craft embed themselves in a envelope made from a vacuum. ETs can move friction-free through liquids or atomospheres. Completely avoiding the craft, environmental particles transport themselves along the curved geometry of the warped space. ETs seem to like to show off, sometimes moving in and out of water effortlessly, acts which would tear up conventional craft. They can enter and exit without impedance. They are not actually in contact with the media that surrounds them. TRANSMEDIUM Scott Campbell

  • Galactic Federation Confirmed by Three Prominent Military Men

    PAUL HELLYER AND GENERAL TRUDEAU When Lt. Colonel Corso published his book on July 15, 1999, former Canadian Prime Mister of Defense Paul Hellyer read it and immediately made a call to retired and legendary General Arthur Trudeau, whom he had met before. Corso reported directly to Trudeau, who was head of all Army Intelligence until 1961. Partly based on Corso's recommendations, which were based on renowned scientists input, Trudeau would decide who would get what regarding the Roswell technology artifacts and tissue samples. See my book: Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell or Alien Secrets which includes Corso's story. If a reader assumes that Corso's detailed and logical story is true, then The Day After Roswell becomes the ultimate Ufologist's Bible about Roswell, genetically engineered aliens, spacecraft, and the reverse engineering that led to our tech and biotech revolutions and the end of the Cold War. Corso said a form of war took place between Earth's major powers and one group of aliens. Hellyer got Trudeau on the phone and asked him if Corso's story was true. Trudeau not only answered in the affirmative but said there was a lot more to the story that they would not let Corso disclose--including USA face-to-face communications with representatives of a "Galactic Federation" who praised the rare value of our planet but disparaged our management of it. SEE VIDEO BELOW General Trudeau, Legendary Korean War hero and head of US Army Intelligence until 1961. HAIM ESHED The decorated Israeli Space Chief, General Haim Eshed, who happened to run the department for thirty years, made statements in late 2020 and early 2021 in an interview with an Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, that USA officials had signed treaties with an alien "Galactic Federation," and President Trump stood fully aware. NBC news reported on this as well as the Jerusleum post. Esched claims we have an underground base on Mars and meet with aliens there. NBC NEWS STORY ON ESHED'S GALACTIC CLAIMS, INCLUDING THAT TRUMP KNEW ALL ABOUT IT NICK POPE'S OPINION FOUR RELATED BOOKS FROM SUMMARIES1000.COM CLICK FOR BOOKSTORE AND/OR MORE INFO AND BLOG

  • How to seed an entire galaxy with life.

    We are talking about efficient seeding of the galaxy with DNA carrying microbes operating with a magnificient synthetic genetic code, we are not talking about storking primate babies. The goal would be to establish a biological substrate and atmosophere for colonization later. If higher forms developed naturally, they could be tweaked into a useful commodity. Targeting ripe planets or a shotgun approach both seem logical. According to Francis Crick, co-disoverer of the double-helix, what is NOT easy is starting life from scratch and developing multicellular organsims much less advanced civilizations. If the "Eternals," one or more civilzations up to 10 billion years old, synthesized versions of DNA and systematically spread them about the galaxy through a collection of cosmonaut microbes, we would expect the same DNA to be found in multiple life forms on multiple planets, and likely some noticeable similarities in life forms, depending on environment pressuress. The "junk" in our DNA could contain coding subject to activation through directed electromagnetic radiation, of which, DNA is proven to be sensitive. So, instead of life starting from scratch over and over on different planets, a much more rapid and uniform spread of life would occur with directed exogenesis/panspermia with colonizing armies of genetically engineered microbes. Should we do the same with selected microbes from Earth? Scott Campbell, Homo sapien aliensus


    Scott Campbell I know about General Trudeau, former head of Army Intelligence, and Philip Corso's boss in Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell. Trudeau served as one of the most intelligent and respected Generals in the Army, ever. As an insider in charge of dissseminating the Roswell artifacts, Trudeau probably knew more about UFOs than anyone. If Trudeau said there is a Gallactic Federation, then there is a god damn Gallactic Federation! More on Aliens....

  • Richard Dolan on Grays & Mantids and Suspicious Hybridization Projects

    SPECULATION FROM RICHARD D O L A N Dolan sees no evidence of grays and mantids until the late 1940s and 1950s. He does share with the reader that the relatively recent arrival to Earth by the mantids, grays, and reptilians seems synchronized with our nuclear weapon discharges and technological and scientific rapid advancement. (In my book on The Day After Roswell, Colonel Corso attributes these advancements to the reverse-engineering of Roswell crash artifacts. It seems that nuclear discharges drew lots of alien craft for reconnaissance which led to one crashing in a lightning storm. The Roswell craft, according to Colonel Philip Corso, held five small grays who had been genetically engineered. The UFOs were labeled as a hostile threat and the military had orders to shoot them all down on sight. A form of war began between the grays and humans. Could the mantid-gray Human-alien hybridization projects be a result of that war and a blatant attempt to take over planet Earth from within?) AUDIO INTRODUCTION :// More on Aliens....

  • Aliens, UFOs, and Star Wars Unofficially Disclosed by Ranking Military Man in 1999 Best Selling Book

    With aliens, you have the biggest and most important story of all time, and the Big Boys have to come in and deny it and cover it up, as they monetize it and empower themselves. I understand the "threat to national security" and now the smart ones have figured it out starting with Corso's best seller in the late 1980s. The Deep State coalesced into a high level of organization after the UFO crashes of the mid 1940s. The CIA and a separate US Air Force both sprang into being just two months after Roswell in Sept 1947--no coincidence.The CIA was infiltrated by Soviets who did the bidding, as communists, of Western/European billionaires bent on the New World Order and ultimate power. They needed that UFO tech. Most of the story is in Corso's book for 1947 to 1962 or so. The rest involves people like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission who controlled Democrat and Republican Presidents from Carter through Obama. The story of aliens and UFOs became the story of the Deep State--- part of the reasons for the coverup. The Deep State, through people like Corso and General Trudeau (Rockwell), managed to keep UFO tech out of the hands of Russia and put trillions into the Star Wars defense, which helped prevent a nuclear war with Russia and an escalation in war with certain alien groups. The taxpayers had no clue that most of their taxes when to black box ops having to do with aliens and flying saucers --weapons, tech, medical and pharma research--as the government continued to deny their very existence! In the Summary and Update book, I add in more evidence for aliens, including modern DNA analysis, evidence for the LAST UNIVERSAL COMMON ANCESTOR, and government-sourced UFO trackings by radar, infrared, and high resolution video. To get the best education on this most important subject, get copies of both books. Audio version out now Scott Campbell, Author of Summary and Expansion: The Day After Roswell

  • New Audiobook Out Now: The Alien Agendas by Richard Dolan

    Want to know why they are here and what they want? Read on. $1.99-$2.99 $3.46 Scott Campbell I'm writing a summary and expansion book on Richard Dolan's The Alien Agendas. The ebook form should be out by August 20, 2021 and the audio book a couple of weeks after that. INTRODUCTION After pointing to over twenty years of writing about aliens and UFOs, Richard Dolan claims he is finally taking an opportunity to speak from speculation rather than just facts. Given the evidence that aliens show us a presence on Earth, Richard Dolan, in The Alien Agendas, addresses what exactly the aliens want and their identity. These questions become two of the most important questions to ponder because aliens, like it or not, either by their actions, or our reactions to them, established themselves as a major evolutionary force on ancient, pre-modern, and modern Earth. After preparing two innovative lectures about Human evolution into an age of transhumanism, artificial intelligence, and possible alien agendas, prolific author Dolan materialized his decision to write The Alien Agendas. Dolan indulged himself in extensive research on the most realistic alien encounters to support his theories. Accounts of UFOs that include physical or electronic evidence, multiple witnesses, and government records that have been declassified offer the best raw data to validate spacecraft's existence. Cases of alien contact, including abductions, seemed to be intentionally muddled by the aliens from the start. The Humans involved usually experience trauma, their bodies often become paralyzed, and their memories erased to the point where hypnotic regression becomes the best way to get at what happened. “Wholly overmatched” is how Dolan describes the Human-alien interaction in which the aliens display capabilities for cognitive management, the powers of their amazing technology, and vastly superior intellect. Controlling our emotions seems straightforward for them. They reign as the ultimate experts at stealth. Selectively impairing or erasing their memories does not facilitate easy and fluid recall of the event. Abductees who would prefer to forget the incident altogether or label it as a dream, or a result of a vivid imagination, do not help investigation either. Although the total amount of information doctors and therapists gleaned from encounters shows anticipated variation, as it should, Dolan believes there exists an undeniably a broad similarity and consistency in abductions. We net out and sift through important details about the nature of aliens, their actions concerning humans, their abilities, and their craft—and their agendas. Reported cases number well into the thousands, and millions of people may have been abducted so far. Dolan makes it clear that refuting the presence of alien craft on Earth is much more difficult now with released military videos of UFOs demonstrating unheard of maneuvers that scream “aliens!” Either the craft represents aliens or alien technology that has been reversed engineered. Either way, it is evidence of an alien presence. Dolan focused on Human-alien interaction cases that clothed themselves with validity and rich amounts of information to formulate likely agendas and describe alien populations. Tackling one of the most important and most vexing phenomena of modern times, Dolan makes it clear that his “speculation” is, in no way, the same as “imagination.” Instead of telling stories, his approach develops hypotheses and tests them, the good old scientific method. The presence and influence of aliens cannot be fully understood without considering our current trajectory as a species. Understanding the aliens means understanding ourselves. During his twenty-five-year indulgence in all things UFO and alien, Dolan's early questions revolved around the influence of perceived aliens as becoming a legitimate part of human history. Now he realizes the study of UFOs and aliens is history and becomes integral to our likely, or surprisingly unlikely, futures. Scott Campbell

  • Aliens Playing God: Homo aliensus

    AUDIO ALIENS PLAYING GOD: HOMO ALIENSUS The following arises from the Alien Trilogy, three related books by Scott Campbell on aliens and UFOs. An idea is a thought that could lead to action or understanding. A belief suggests personified truth. A system of ideas and beliefs influencing behavior and knowledge is an ideology. Religions are forms of ideologies. Ideologies can influence the infrastructure, activities, policies, and performance of civilizations. They also influence distribution of all resources, including political and governmental power, and large sums of money. New ideas and new beliefs may lead to a new ideology. We may need one, or more, and soon. By influencing our minds and behaviors, ideologies affect sexual and natural selection, hence genetic reproduction, and expansion. The ecological principle referred to as Gauss’s law states that competition is maximal between species with identical needs. We carry universal neural circuitry that includes pre-wiring for experiencing religion and spirituality. That competition is maximal between those with similar needs is obvious when it comes to the “species” of world ideologies and its religions. Much like a variety of plants competing for a piece of soil to call their own, ideologies compete for the fertile soils of the mind. Ideological doctrines serve our gene-driven expressions and are patterns that bubble up in our minds, and penetrate our media, and cultures. Ideologies tend to undermine or limit their competitors. Ideologies constantly compete. Meme wars can morph into physical wars and genocide. Constrained by their knowledge systems, ideologies tend to refute other belief systems to protect and maximize their membership. Leaders and their followers in most ideologies believe their ideology offers the best story, meaning, and way of life. Actively recruiting more members, and taxing, censoring, discriminating against, physically attacking, or even terminating non-members, are not uncommon. In the modern world, some ideologies reek of bigotry and narrow-mindedness to shield themselves from truth or challengers. Justin Barrett in Why Would Anyone Believe in God? Cognitive Science of Religion reasserts E.O. Wilson’s point that our brains are wired for god and spiritual concepts and use them for survival. Children tend to invent gods even if not indoctrinated. We owe much of our brain development to imagination to predict immediate futures and assign agency to cause. We love to figure out who is behind creating what. In the past, we’ve needed these beliefs for survival and reproduction rather than truth. Originating as localized ideological and cultural adaptations, the worlds’ major religions and spiritual practices became generalized to encompass larger geographical areas, often through territorial expansion and governance, trade, and gene pool mixing. Christianity grew to dominate many westernized countries; Buddhism, much of Asia; Islam today’s middle east, north Africa, nearly all of Indonesia, and Pakistan; and Hinduism, India. The current increase in evidence for higher forms of intelligence and technological prowess on planet Earth, or “aliens” and “UFOs,” demands ideological evolution. With such radical happenings, the nature of the origination of the Human species itself comes into question. Ancient alien civilizations, up to ten billion years old, may very well have god-like powers boosted by AI and quantum, nonlocal technology. DISCLOSURE, PARTIAL-DISCLOSURE, OR NONDISCLOSURE? Given our current political process, the lobbying power of big businesses, including churches and the military-industrial complex, has advocated for, and quite successfully, policies of nondisclosure regarding UFOs or UAP. The government does what big business wants through a Deep State. The presence of advanced aliens would threaten those in power in several ways. 01 Underline and highlight the weaknesses, totalitarianism, inefficiency, profit motives, corruption, and secrecy of current governments. 02 Trigger an avalanche of new religions, which would compete for resources including real estate holdings, lobbying power, and income streams. Current faiths would have to adapt or die. 03 Challenge all governments and religions to account for alien existence and determine the best strategy to deal with their presence. 04 Lose control of Earth and wealth to Homo aliensus, a new population of Human-alien hybrids with superior abilities. Given that DNA likely arose from genetic engineering by advanced aliens (see the book summarizing Francis Crick) and that Genesis may be telling a story about a heavenly council composed of aliens rather than a monotheistic god, we could anticipate a significant disruption in current religious belief systems if we see evidence that aliens visit Earth, and probably have for a very long, long time. The Second Coming might be construed as one from an alien presence. (see Paul Wallis book) We can understand much of the nondisclosure and coverup to be based on issues of national security. (See the summary and update book on The Day After Roswell) Why the shift to partial disclosure now? What is coming? We can see the competing ideologies concerning UFOs. Some people claim that aliens must be interdimensional demons or fallen angels, like Satan, on social media posts. They are protecting their religion by accusing the aliens of evil. Rather than restrict its worldview with self-serving myth, more optimal ideologies would continuously want to expand their worldviews. Let’s first learn about the aliens before we judge them. From studies of thousands of abductees, according to researchers Harvard psychologist John Mack, author of Abduction, Richard Dolan, author of Alien Agendas, and a host of Ufologists, the main reason for abduction is to form hybrids between Humans and Aliens. Mathematical and scientific evidence suggests that DNA arose as genetically engineered by aliens over four billion years ago. Earth may have been intentionally seeded, called Directed Panspermia by Francis Crick, or from random chance from engineered microbes hitchhiking on meteors, comets, or asteroids. A rather rapid and peculiar mutation occurred in our genes as we separated from the chimps in the Tree of Life. This mutation, facilitated by duplicons led to a three-fold increase in our brain size and intellectual, emotional, and linguistic capabilities. Some Ufologists believe this event served as an alien intervention. If aliens show a long history of abducting millions of humans to produce hybrids, they establish the roots for merging with our humanoid species. Homo aliensus seems like an apt name for a new species, and you heard it first here in a peer-reviewed blog. In the long run, some Earthly Humans will become more like the perceived aliens of this era: 01 Thinner 02 More androgynous 03 Smarter 04 Technologically linkable 05 Telepathic 06 Consumers of fewer nutrients 07 Better suited for space travel Summary hypotheses based on the Alien Trilogy and Alien Secrets: 01 An advanced alien civilization seeded life on Earth, and other planets, with genetically engineered DNA. (Crick) 02 Aliens may have supported us not only in our evolution but also in building infrastructure. (Campbell) 03 Aliens work on hybridizing with us, and likely plants and animals, to form new species, for example, Homo aliensus. A logical conclusion is that one or more sub-species will be engineered for long-term space travel. (See Roswell book) 04 Aliens communicate telepathically to us from any distance. They may boost their telepathic powers through technology. (Roswell) 05 Aliens played God and continue to do so.(Crick, Wallis) An optimal Darwinian ideology would want to account for all its competitors and their methods, compete and cooperate with them, and offer a prime directive of integrating and applying all obtainable knowledge to benefit all life in the universe. Given that beliefs satisfy numerous personal, familial, and community needs, optimal religions would support the advancement of knowledge rather than its constraint. Alien presence and advancing hybridization will yield diverse Homo aliensus and corresponding ideologies, cultures, and religions. ABRAHAMIC THEOLOGY AROSE FROM UFOLOGY Paul Wallis, an experienced clergyman, took a close look at the book of Genesis when he was laid flat on his back from an injury and could not preach for a while. He came across such anomalies and contradictions that he concluded that he did not benefit from the original versions of the necessary stories. God didn’t seem quite right, showing fickleness, forgetfulness, unfairness, a bad temper, and a warped sense of justice. God had further issues. He constantly spoke of himself in the plural, as in many gods, although he also claimed to be the only god. Genesis, Wallis concluded, either needed to be updated or thrown out altogether. Wallis’s first task: Find the original narratives and clarify their suggestions about where we came from, who we came from, and who we are. More ancient stories of human origins were nearly eliminated in the 6th century BC, from the Hebrew Scriptures, and blocked from Christian writing in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. As we take the same red pills that Neo took in the Matrix, or join Alice in going down the rabbit hole, we find ourselves roaming through ancient Greece, Africa, India, Mesoamerica, and above all, Sumeria. We search not for a traditional monotheistic figurehead, but, according to the myths, for evidence of a Sky Council-- a heavenly council of extraterrestrials. In regard to Genesis, as Neo found himself forced to do in a parallel matrix, we will have to discard the illusions of a monotheistic god from the past to embrace new possibilities of a Human project orchestrated by advanced aliens, Playing explorer, researcher, and detective, Paul Wallis in Escaping from Eden undercovers mindboggling secrets about Biblical texts. Their implications demand a rethinking of the Abrahamic religions and a new openness to alien contact. His conclusions will be as controversial as they are informative and as broad-scoped as their challenge to entire belief systems. With such a book by Wallis, the whole universe and the origins of Humans come into better scientific and spiritual focus. THE VATICAN AND ETs Father Jose Gabriel Funes, in May of 2008, a Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest, started to speak and write about contact with extraterrestrials. Funes served as the Director of the Vatican Observatory and as a Senior Vatican Theologian. Christians, he argued, should prepare themselves for embracing and loving our alien sisters and brothers. Pope Benedict XVI convened a world colloquium in 2009 to explore the theological repercussions of contact with ETs. The Vatican welcomed thirty theologians and scientists for private discussion and debate. Funes argued that man cannot establish limits for God’s creation, and therefore, there is no serious conflict between Faith and astrobiology. Aliens, he concluded if they exist, they must also be God’s creations. Considering that 400 years ago, the Church burned people at stake for stating that other intelligent species might exist, this turn-around by the Vatican is quite dramatic—and puzzling. Do they know something we don’t, that contact might be shared with the public soon? We must also recall that on May 9, 2001, a variety of respectable and sincere witnesses assembled at the National Press Club in DC to share their experiences and knowledge about ETs. Some violated nondisclosure agreements: some had themselves and/or their families threatened with harm. Some major media players attended but refused to report it. A member of the Vatican Curia, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, assured the public that ETs are not the demons many believed them to be but are real and should be taken seriously. The Bible includes descriptions of intelligent non-humans: not demons, not angels. He added they should not even be called “alien” because any creature made and loved by the same God who created and loved humans should be welcomed as a brother or sister. The Vatican’s public revelations of both the aliens’ likely presence as one of God’s creations support the Sumerian and Babylonian teachings, including the plurality of the Elohim. WHAT A DAY! THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL You have a guy who spent four years on a US President’s (Eisenhower) national security council, post-Roswell, NM, reported directly to the head of US Army’s Chief intelligence, legendary General Trudeau, who earned 19 medals in 21 years of military service, who once met with the Pope about the best way to re-build Rome, and wrote a book disclosing that the Roswell crashed netted both aliens and their technology that drove a worldwide tech and weapons revolution, and how it all worked, and here we spend our time bickering about whether UFOs are real or not? That “guy” was Colonel Philip Corso, and the best-selling book was The Day After Roswell. I selected Philip Corso’s The Day After Roswell because he promoted the idea that the Roswell crash not only happened, but that we appropriated tissue samples and sophisticated alien technology - and kept it all secret. If true, and because of our government’s nondisclosure of UFO facts, Corso’s intriguing story would be representative of one of the most important realizations, aliens are here - and biggest coverups - in all of human history. His story is logical and embedded with impressive detail. He interacted with prominent figures, including senators, generals, a secretary of defense, a pope, and a president, and none of them came forward to challenge his claims in his New York Times best seller - the only book about UFOs ever to make the New York Times best seller list. With his web of important connections in the Pentagon and military, quiet and reserved Colonel Corso morphed into the ultimate insider’s insider. Philip Corso matured into a decorated, trustworthy, and dedicated military man. He advanced to be one of the top intelligence officers in the Army in research and design of “foreign technology” at the Pentagon - a broad classification which would include UFOs. A person of exceptional prominence in the national archives in St. Louis, Missouri. Colonel Corso felt obligated in his 80s to pass on to his children, grandchildren, and the rest of the world, some of the details of his most unusual career. Because of the secrecy insisted upon by the military for over seven decades regarding UFOs, Colonel Corso, in a videotaped interview on February 1, 2008, said that, if he did not share it, the story would likely die with him. In the same video, his son said his father shared only about 10 percent of what he knew in his best-selling book, The Day After Roswell. The rest remained buried under a “top secret” classification. His shocking UFO classic, with a foreword by Senator Strom Thurmond, whom Corso worked for as an aide after his military career, shares enough to persuade even the most stubborn skeptic that UFOs are not only a reality but that aliens proved themselves to be an existential threat. Exclusively adapted from the following by Scott Campbell. Advanced aliens seeded life on Earth with their genetically engineered DNA. Aliens are behind biblical stories, and a group of them became exploited as the "God" of Genesis.

  • Off-Word Microbes Seeded Life on Earth: Meet Your Parents, the "Eternals"

    Ancestors of our Giant Viruses would be able candidates for our alien DNA parents to send to Earth to colonize it. The giants have characteristics of both bacteria and viruses AND are freakishly huge with equally freakish genomes. A bacterium that could act like a virus or become one easily to infect and destroy competing life and replace them with forms based on alien DNA would be a good choice for those aliens who wished to conquer. The giant viruses fit this description. They offer the best of two worlds, the living bacteria, and the potential “non-living,” but a highly infective virus that can do indefinitely dormant. Many giants not only have the genes of most known organisms, but also have genes UNKNOWN to any occur in any organisms on earth. One giant remained frozen for 30,000 years and then came to life. Paul Davies is among those who believe that, rather than starting in the oceans, life may have begun deep underground near volcano vents. [3] In this way it would be shielded from extreme radiation, harsh temperature changes, and toxic atmospheres. One example he presents: Life started on Mars and then hitched a ride to Earth, a form of undirected panspermia. Tons of microbes thrive deep underground in the modern world. If we assume that an advanced civilization engineered the magnificence of the genetic code and applied it to create colonizing microbes, then the early cosmonauts would include divisions for seeding more life on land or sea, or deep underground. In any event, life would eventually penetrate into the oceans and on the land surface. A shotgun seeding at regular or random intervals would become a viable strategy to spread their genes and eventually harvest a planet full of robust biology, and impregnate it further for their agenda. The dominant theme observed from studies of alien abductees is one of hybridization. The civilzation that seeded us, or "Eternals," four to 10 billion years old, if they survived, have filled up Earth with life centered about one of their engineered genetic codes and DNA. Hybrization makes perfect Darwinian sense, no matter how crude and disrepectful the methods seem to us. Positives: Alien microbes branched out to form as many as a trillion species. The primate family may have been tweaked to be more intelligent, more eloquent speakers, and emotional firecrackers about seven million yeas ago. We are valuable for seeding more life on more planets, and merging with a variety of even more alien lifeforms on this one. It would be hard to imagine any alien species that would just want to kill everything or humans. Now enslaving us, or breeding us en mass, is another story altogether. Scott Campbell [1] [2] [3]

  • Giant Virus Comes Back to Life After 30,000 Years: Able Candidate to Have Ancestors Off-World

    Ancestors of our Giant Viruses would be able candidates for our alien DNA parents to send to Earth to colonize it. The giants have characteristics of both bacteria and viruses AND are freakishly huge with equally freakish genomes. A bacterium that could act like a virus or become one easily to infect and destroy competing life and replace them with forms based on alien DNA would be a good choice for those aliens who wished to conquer. The giant viruses fit this description. They offer the best of two worlds, the living bacteria, and the potential “non-living,” but a highly infective virus that can do indefinitely dormant. Many giants not only have the genes of most known organisms, but also have genes UNKNOWN to any occur in any organisms on earth. One giant remained frozen for 30,000 years and then came to life. Paul Davies is among those who believe that, rather than starting in the oceans, life may have begun deep underground near volcano vents. [3] In this way it would be shielded from extreme radiation, harsh temperature changes, and toxic atmospheres. One example he presents: Life started on Mars and then hitched a ride to Earth, a form of undirected panspermia. Tons of microbes thrive deep underground in the modern world. If we assume that an advanced civilization engineered the magnificence of the genetic code and applied it to create colonizing microbes, then the early cosmonauts would include divisions for seeding more life on land or sea, or deep underground. In any event, life would eventually penetrate into the oceans and on the land surface. A shotgun seeding at regular or random intervals would become a viable strategy to spread their genes and eventually harvest a planet full of robust biology, and impregnate it further for their agenda. The dominant theme observed from studies of alien abductees is one of hybridization. The civilzation that seeded us, or "Eternals," four to 10 billion years old, if they survived, have filled up Earth with life centered about one of their engineered genetic codes and DNA. Hybrization makes perfect Darwinian sense, no matter how crude and disrepectful the methods seem to us. Positives: Alien microbes branched out to form as many as a trillion species. The primate family may have been tweaked to be more intelligent, more eloquent speakers, and emotional firecrackers about seven million yeas ago. We are valuable for seeding more life on more planets, and merging with a variety of even more alien lifeforms on this one. It would be hard to imagine any alien species that would just want to kill everything or humans. Now enslaving us, or breeding us en mass, is another story altogether. Scott Campbell [1] [2] [3]

  • Did Alien Spores Begin Life Underground?

    Paul Davies is among those who believe that, rather than starting in the oceans, life may have begun deep underground near volcano vents. [3] In this way it would be shielded from extreme radiation, harsh temperature changes, and toxic atmospheres. One example he presents: Life started on Mars and then hitched a ride to Earth, a form of undirected panspermia. Tons of microbes thrive deep underground in the modern world. If we assume that an advanced civilization engineered the magnificence of the genetic code and applied it to create colonizing microbes, then the early cosmonauts would include divisions for seeding more life on land or sea, or deep underground. In any event, life would eventually penetrate into the oceans and on the land surface. A shotgun seeding at regular or random intervals would become a viable strategy to spread their genes and eventually harvest a planet full of robust biology. Scott Campbell [1] [2] [3]

  • Jesus: Human/Alien Hybrid?

    PAUL WALLIS is becoming the "expert" on Aliens as "God" Wallis believes Jesus is more the Son of Man than the Son of a punitive, fickle, bringer of genocides, and unjust God. Jesus represents Plato’s migration of the soul, arising from a creative and cosmic consciousness, taking physical form, and then returning to the non-physical. Jesus, says Wallis, meant to help people in their versions of this same journey. In his video, Wallis hints that Jesus might have arisen from an anomalous pregnancy initiated by aliens. Yes, Mary apparently was an alien abductee and impregnated by aliens. If Jesus actually demonstrated unworldly powers, then this could be his source. The Romans hijacked a good religion and way of life to turn it into a system of enslavement to control populations through fear and force rather than love. Bad Romans, bad! WATCH THIS VIDEO STUDY THESE BOOKS, THEY ARE THE BEGINNINGS OF A NEW BIBLE ANCIENT ALIEN DOCUMENTARY FULL LENGTH 2021


    EXPANSION: WOW! The full story can be found in either one of these two books. In May of 2013, scientists Vladimir shCherbak and Maxim Makukov published a paper entitled The “Wow! Signal” of the Terrestrial Genetic Code in which they suggested that DNA was proven to be embedded with a variety of sophisticated coding and activation keys which includes mathematical constructs, not the least of which are the use of decimals and zero. DNA, they say, first arose from artificial engineering, agreeing with Francis Crick, and bears cleverly encoded mathematical and pictorial signatures of its makers. Makukov and shCherbak explain the technical challenges of an intelligent civilization transmitting messages at optical or radio wavelengths that would persist, undisturbed, for lengthy durations of time, say millions of years. Terrestrial life’s genetic code demonstrates a flexible mapping between amino acids and codons that permits artificial modification of the code. They demonstrated how a genetic code could carry intelligent messages or signals and perform all requisite biological functions. A cell can preserve the genetic code, in theory, for billions of years and carry coded intelligent messages. Recall that Francis Crick, a co-discoverer of DNA structure and arguably one of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th century, believed DNA did not evolve by natural selection. In other words, Crick convinced himself that DNA not only did not originate on Earth but also arose from talented genetic engineers who dispersed it into space for directed panspermia. After thirteen years of work concerning the genome project, Makukov and shCherbak provided solid evidence for Crick’s hypothesis with their discovery of multiple types of coding embedded in DNA that have an extremely low probability of arising naturally—one in ten trillion or so. Their results imply an intelligent alien designer who left a cosmic John Hancock. DNA-driven life on Earth likely arose from alien genetic engineers in a panspermic seeding from non-Earthly sources. Sources could have been meteorites, comets, or planetary fragments, or colonizer spaceships. Repetition of the number 37, which occurs nine times in the code, suggests an alien signature. There is a one in ten trillion chance that this happened naturally. In other words, our DNA is engineered. According to Shcherbak and Makukov, DNA appears to be a mathematically perfect creation meaning it could not have arisen naturally. When one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA claims it is of interstellar origin, we have to listen to why he believes it is so, as explained in his book Life Itself. The evidence to support his claims is mounting. First, DNA is an elegant mathematical and signatured construct--which means it is artificial. Second, the most likely Last Universal Common Ancestor, or LUCA, appears to be newly discovered bizarre giant viruses chock full of genes unknown to Earth. Third, the United States government reveals more and more about UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) sightings, and materials associated with them, and says they cannot rule out an alien presence. This ebook and the matching audiobook summarize Crick’s work which previously could only be found, to the best of my knowledge, in printed form. It adds the evidence of signatures and hidden mathematical and pictorial codes from DNA for his theory, offers general updates on cosmological data that Crick did not have at his disposal, addresses the subject of the surprising Last Universal Common Ancestor for life, and briefly explores our government’s about-face on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and bizarre materials found at their landings which they admit having and examining.


    EXPANSION: WOW! In May of 2013, scientists Vladimir shCherbak and Maxim Makukov published a paper entitled The “Wow! Signal” of the Terrestrial Genetic Code in which they suggested that DNA was proven to be embedded with a variety of sophisticated coding and activation keys which includes mathematical constructs, not the least of which are the use of decimals and zero. DNA, they say, first arose from artificial engineering, agreeing with Francis Crick, and bears cleverly encoded mathematical and pictorial signatures of its makers. Makukov and shCherbak explain the technical challenges of an intelligent civilization transmitting messages at optical or radio wavelengths that would persist, undisturbed, for lengthy durations of time, say millions of years. Terrestrial life’s genetic code demonstrates a flexible mapping between amino acids and codons that permits artificial modification of the code. They demonstrated how a genetic code could carry intelligent messages or signals and perform all requisite biological functions. A cell can preserve the genetic code, in theory, for billions of years and carry coded intelligent messages. Recall that Francis Crick, a co-discoverer of DNA structure and arguably one of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th century, believed DNA did not evolve by natural selection. In other words, Crick convinced himself that DNA not only did not originate on Earth but also arose from talented genetic engineers who dispersed it into space for directed panspermia. After thirteen years of work concerning the genome project, Makukov and shCherbak provided solid evidence for Crick’s hypothesis with their discovery of multiple types of coding embedded in DNA that have an extremely low probability of arising naturally—one in ten trillion or so. Their results imply an intelligent alien designer who left a cosmic John Hancock. DNA-driven life on Earth likely arose from alien genetic engineers in a panspermic seeding from non-Earthly sources. Sources could have been meteorites, comets, or planetary fragments, or colonizer spaceships. Repetition of the number 37, which occurs nine times in the code, suggests an alien signature. According to Shcherbak and Makukov, DNA appears to be a mathematically perfect creation meaning it could not have arisen naturally. When one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA claims it is of interstellar origin, we have to listen to why he believes it is so, as explained in his book Life Itself. The evidence to support his claims is mounting. First, DNA is an elegant mathematical and signatured construct--which means it is artificial. Second, the most likely Last Universal Common Ancestor, or LUCA, appears to be newly discovered bizarre giant viruses chock full of genes unknown to Earth. Third, the United States government reveals more and more about UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) sightings, and materials associated with them, and says they cannot rule out an alien presence. This ebook and the matching audiobook summarize Crick’s work which previously could only be found, to the best of my knowledge, in printed form. It adds the evidence of signatures and hidden mathematical and pictorial codes from DNA for his theory, offers general updates on cosmological data that Crick did not have at his disposal, addresses the subject of the surprising Last Universal Common Ancestor for life, and briefly explores our government’s about-face on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and bizarre materials found at their landings which they admit having and examining. Bonus: Two Sci-fy Movie Trailers

  • We Descended from the Labors of Giant Alien Parasitic Viruses

    Audio for this blog Alien viruses played a huge role in the evolution of all complex life-- yes, yours included. Our DNA bears the signatures of advanced aliens (See book on Francis Crick). A significant portion of our DNA is "junk," up to about 40%, depending on the source study, showing no demonstrable function. The leading candidate for the LAST UNIVERSAL COMMON ANCESTOR or "LUCA" for complex life is surprisingly the ancestors of our giant viruses. Giant viruses replicated plenty of genes that don't match any known organisms. Giant viruses acted as "motherships" in the virus world, handing out what is needed to coddle and assist the evolution of OTHER microbes by parasitic injection. This played a huge role in the evolution of all life. Giant viruses appeared to have dominated the primordial soup to hand out much more than what they received. They were likely genetically engineered to do so, a parasitic donor with a huge genome for viruses. Could the giant viruses be descendents of alien viruses, and part of the seeding colonizers from advanced alien engineers? Yes, they could and here is why: 01 They appear very early in evolution and with freakishly huge genomes (as big as a bacterium's) and overall size (30x) compared to all other known viruses. They have become a leading candidate for LUCA in modern science. 02 They carry and make genes that are in no Earthly organisms. 03 Although they carry the common DNA components of all known life forms, meaning they were THE ancient donors and deserve their own early branch on the Tree of Life, they have plenty of genes all to themselves, implying some of them could be of alien origin. They swam about as a DNA and gene store from off-planet which traded in domestic and foreign products. This theory easily accounts for some of the junk in our DNA. Some of it may be from alien lifeforms or astute engineering that anticipates needs to develop higher order life, like, for examples, those which will utitilze a nervous system. (up to 32% if the junk DNA in humans) The above article comes from the update and expansion portion of Francis Crick's classic book on Directed Panspermia, Life Itself. You get the best of two worlds. Francis Cricks theory and musings about off-planet DNA and advanced engineers, and updates from modern science that support him. When one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA claims it is of interstellar origin, we have to listen to why he believes it is so, as explained in his book Life Itself. The evidence to support his claims is mounting. First, DNA is an elegant mathematical and signatured construct--which means it is artificial. Second, the most likely Last Universal Common Ancestor, or LUCA, appears to be newly discovered bizarre giant viruses chock full of genes unknown to Earth. Third, the United States government reveals more and more about UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) sightings, and materials associated with them, and says they cannot rule out an alien presence. This ebook and the matching audiobook summarize Crick’s work which previously could only be found, to the best of my knowledge, in printed form. It adds the evidence of signatures and hidden mathematical and pictorial codes from DNA for his theory, offers general updates on cosmological data that Crick did not have at his disposal, addresses the subject of the surprising Last Universal Common Ancestor for life, and briefly explores our government’s about-face on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and bizarre materials found at their landings which they admit having and examining.


    Francis Crick believed aliens seeded Earth with sophisticated genetically engineered DNA billions of years ago--but did not believe in UFOs or the standard ancient alien influence. An astute and intellectual man of outstanding scientific credentials, Francis Crick even joined a debunking organization, CSICOP. However, after researching and writing Summary, Update, and Expansion: Life Itself by Francis Crick, I would wager he searched for solid evidence for alien visitations, even though he thought that the interstellar spans between civilization proved themselves to be too far for visitation. Crick never explored the concepts of wormholes or quantum physics predictions that one can fly faster than the speed of light given proper gravity repulsion engines that operate on electromagnetic principles and quantum entanglement--like those of observed UAP seem to do. Crick lived during a time when UFO believers were mercilessly ridiculed, so a scientist who spent a life-time establishing a career would be reluctant to say he or she believed. I selected Francis Crick’s Life Itself to update, summarize, and expand because he promoted the mind-boggling but logical idea that DNA did not first evolve on Earth. If true, DNA’s alien origin would be one of the most important realizations in all history. Life, according to Crick, began somewhere else where conditions were more favorable and, with perhaps with the help of advanced intelligence, seeded Earth. If DNA originated elsewhere, it reflects not only upon our beginnings as a form of “alien” or “alien hybrid” but also our future, which may include merging with one or more advanced civilizations. We may, indeed, one day, meet our “makers,” or at least some of their descendants. Crick’s insight and intuition found themselves confirmed by convincing scientific evidence from a prominent mathematician and astrophysicist. They published a paper in 2013 in a peer-reviewed journal named Icarus, formerly edited by Carl Sagan. Icarus just happens to be the same journal that published Crick's paper over three decades earlier elaborating on the possibilities of Directed Panspermia, also known as “exogenesis,” by advanced civilizations. When one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA claims it is of interstellar origin, we have to listen to why he believes it is so, as explained in his book Life Itself. The evidence to support his claims is mounting. First, DNA is an elegant mathematical and signatured construct--which means it is artificial. Second, the most likely Last Universal Common Ancestor, or LUCA, appears to be newly discovered bizarre giant viruses chock full of genes unknown to Earth. Third, the United States government reveals more and more about UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) sightings, and materials associated with them, and says they cannot rule out an alien presence. This ebook summarizes Crick’s work which previously could only be found, to the best of my knowledge, in printed form. It adds the evidence of signatures and hidden mathematical and pictorial codes from DNA for his theory, offers general updates on cosmological data that Crick did not have at his disposal, addresses the subject of the surprising Last Universal Common Ancestor for life, and briefly explores our government’s about-face on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and bizarre materials found at their landings which they admit having and examining. VIDEO INCLUDES TWO MOVIE TRAILERS: DUNE AND ETERNALS Scott Campbell

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