Philip Corso matured into a decorated, trustworthy, and dedicated military man. He advanced to be one of the top intelligence officers in the Army in research and design of “foreign technology” at the Pentagon—a broad classification which included UFOs.[1] According to publisher Simon and Schuster, a person of exceptional prominence in the national archives in St. Louis, Missouri, Corso served four years on President Eisenhower’s National Security Council.[2]
Colonel Corso felt obligated in his eighties to pass on to his children, grandchildren, and the rest of the world some of the details of his most unusual, planetary significant, and historic career. Because of the secrecy insisted upon by the military for over seven decades regarding UFOs, Colonel Corso, in a videotaped interview on February 1, 2008, said that, if he did not share it, the story would likely die with him.[3] In the same video, his son said his father shared only about 10% of what he knew in his bestselling book, The Day After Roswell. The rest remained buried under a “top secret” classification. Corso, in his shocking UFO classic, with a foreword by Senator Strom Thurmond, whom Corso worked for as an aide after his military career, nevertheless shares enough to persuade even the most stubborn skeptic that UFOs are not only real, but their civilizations threaten Humanity.
Corso explains the previously unexplained and hidden details of what happened on that dark desert night on July 3, 1947, during a fierce lightning storm near Roswell, New Mexico. Either from the lightning, or from the effects of a multitude of radar beams tracking it, or both, an alien spacecraft crashed, spewed out at least five aliens, two of them alive, and all of whom had been genetically engineered for space travel.
The amazing craft boasted such advanced materials that the vast majority of it remained intact. One large crack in it allowed the aliens to either exit on their own or be pulled out.
Corso’s story becomes a fascinating one, and quickly. He first describes what really happened at Roswell in July of 1947. Next he focuses on his role in the commercial development of technology gleaned from the ship and the aliens themselves and the intent and hostile actions of the aliens, all against a backdrop of secrecy to protect the technology from the Soviets and Chinese, and also from Soviet communists who had gained a foothold in the CIA after World War II. Corso’s book morphs into an insider’s view of United States history from World War II through the 1980s. What he reveals is astonishingly relevant for today’s world and our survival as a free nation. Corso shows the reader how the government actually works and how we fight a war against aliens.
The way the military handled the commercialization and full use of the Earth-changing technology so as to not to draw attention to its origins while at the same time censoring, bribing, and intimidating witnesses, denying the existence of UFOs altogether, and propagating disinformation is not pretty, and was a bit sloppy, but proved to become the biggest successful coverup in the history of the United States.
Corso, respected and well-connected in the Army, stood right in the middle of it all, mouth shut, ears wide open, quietly doing his job despite tails from the CIA.
A series of remarkable and unlikely circumstances just happened to place Corso in charge of a night watch on Fort Riley, Kansas, and in which he could go wherever he seemed fit. Corso happened to have this assignment just a few days after the Roswell crash. The dead aliens were en route across the country by truck. The truck stopped at Fort Riley.
As Corso made his security rounds, one of his bowling buddies had been on watch over the alien cargo and motioned for Corso to take a quick look inside some packing crates in an off-limits facility. What Corso saw created an indelible, unpleasant memory for life. It was a very small and very dead alien with a watermelon-sized head and large eyes. Corso said nothing and told no one, but fourteen years later, he found himself entrusted with a file cabinet full of documents and materials about Roswell from the Chief of Research and Design at that time, Lieutenant General Arthur Trudeau[4]. Corso had worked directly with President Eisenhower as a National Security Advisor, handing him select intelligence reports and waiting for his reply. Trudeau became Corso’s next boss in the Army after Eisenhower retired. Later Corso would view the results of the autopsies on the aliens. After his retirement, Trudeau served as a special adviser to the chairman of Rockwell International.
Corso’s job: get the ball rolling for gleaning commercial uses of the remaining alien technology and get it into the hands of the right contractors secretly. The Air Force, formed immediately after Roswell, had grabbed the craft, and Bell procured some of the futuristic electronics.
Corso consulted with several top German scientists who had decided to work with the United States after the war. From transistors to integrated circuit chips, from chips to personal computers, from personal computers to the internet, Corso ultimately gives credit to the Roswell craft for their beginnings. Kevlar, lasers, the stealth bomber, fiber optics, night vision goggles, and particle beam weapons also arose from what the craft had to offer. In other words, the long-term applications from the craft led to the electronics, computer, and Silicon Valley revolutions, new aircraft, and sophisticated weaponry.
Corso reveals why the military immediately labeled the alien crafts as a threat. The aliens spent significant time buzzing top-secret military installations, including those harboring nuclear weapons, for reconnaissance. They had no hesitation in extracting a uterus or other organ from more than a few unfortunate cows, apparently with laser scalpels, like the one found on the ship, or abducting Humans for testing and experimentation. Kidnapping people against their will, and running medical tests and experiments which terrorize them, are not behaviors of friendly, benevolent aliens.
Our astronauts and spacecraft found themselves painted with bullseyes. The aliens jammed critical communications and scared the hell out of our astronauts with close flybys. They didn’t want us on the moon at all. Corso not only claims that they forced us to end the Apollo program but that they had already built a base on the moon. Our government feared they evaluated us for a takeover. They didn’t share their technology with us. We had to take some of it from them. We were forced to use it against them, Corso claims, for our own survival. We used accelerated particle beam weapons, lasers, and stealth forms of aircraft to hold them at bay.
The suspected genetic engineering of the alien pilots and spies relates to my summary, update, and expansion book on Francis Crick’s Life Itself. [5] Crick claimed that Earthly DNA arose from elsewhere, that it had been genetically engineered by advanced aliens billions of years ago.
Corso’s claims suggest that the Roswell aliens demonstrated a high level of expertise in genetic engineering. One theory: ancient aliens seeded planets for life with engineered DNA for harvesting later as infrastructure for colonies, perhaps with hybridization with any local intelligent species, not a bad Darwinian strategy for spreading one’s genes and culture across the universe. Of course, we don’t know if the Roswell craft inhabitants represented descendants, or engineered projects, of the same aliens suspected of seeding life on Earth. If they were, we would have a much better understanding of our beginnings—and possible futures.
One thing that we would like to know. Were the aliens based on some form of DNA?
[1] https://www.simonandschuster.com/authors/Philip-Corso/1246221
[2] https://www.simonandschuster.com/authors/Philip-Corso/1246221
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFdlwXw9tX0
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Trudeau
[5] See your favorite bookstore for Summary, Update, and Expansion: Life Itself by Francis Crick (Scott Campbell: summaries1000)