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Jesus: Salvation for Klingons?

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Did the Klingons committ orginal sin? Are they beyond salvation? If they went to a Christian church, do they sit in the back and skip out early without tithing? "Let’s say you discover some aliens on some other planets and you decide that you should convert them to Christianity. A reasonable question should be why? If they live on planet Earth, they could be descendants of Adam and Eve but if they are Klingons living on planet whatever, they couldn’t suffer from original sin because they’re not descendants of Adam and Eve. Christianity would make no sense for these creatures, unless our understanding of original sin makes no sense." Roman Catholic theologians are starting to rethink that in light of the possibility that there could be living beings on other worlds. The idea of original sin may be recast not as sin that comes directly from a literal Garden of Eden and a literal Adam and Eve but that original sin somehow simply exists in the fabric of the universe.

Then you’ve also got to rethink some other ideas. If the redemption by the son of God who was incarnated in human form on the Plains of Galilee 2,000 years ago provides redemption for human beings on Earth, does that also provide salvation for Klingons?" The "logical" conclusion: Original sin must have come with the Big Bang. Well, of course. Embracing Aliens into the Church is one thing, trying to explain them logically is entirely another.

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