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Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Exogenesis theory agrees that the first life with DNA arose just a little over 4 billion years ago...but came from another planet. See blog for info.

The following arises from the Alien Trilogy, three related books by Scott Campbell on aliens and UFOs.

An idea is a thought that could lead to action.

A belief suggests the nature of truth.

An ideology is a system of disseminated ideas and beliefs that influences behavior.

Ideologies can influence the infrastructure of civilizations and the distribution of all resources, including political and governmental power and large sums of money.

New ideas and new beliefs may lead to a new ideology. We may need one soon.

By influencing our minds and behaviors, ideologies affect sexual and natural selection, hence genetic reproduction and expansion. The ecological principle referred to as Gauss's law states that competition is maximal between species with identical needs. We all employ similar, universal neural circuitry that includes wiring for thoughts and experiences regarding any robust belief system, including those of religion and spirituality.

That competition is maximal between those with similar needs is obvious when it comes to the "species" of world ideologies. Much like a variety of plants competing for a piece of soil to call their own, ideologies compete for influence on neurons to grow and reproduce themselves through a form of mental pollination.

Ideological doctrines serve our gene-driven expressions and are patterns that evolve in our minds, our media and are mirrored into our cultures. Ideologies tend to undermine or limit their competitors from doing the same. Ideologies constantly compete or cooperate to compete against others. Sometimes ideologies commit acts of meme war that can evolve into physical war.

Constrained by their knowledge systems, they tend to refute other belief systems to protect and maximize their membership. Leaders and their followers in most ideologies believe their ideology offers the best story, meaning, and way of life.

Actively recruiting more members, or taxing or eliminating non-members, are top priorities. In the modern world, some ancient ideologies appear bigoted and narrow-minded to shield themselves from their competitors.

Justin Barrett in Why Would Anyone Believe in God? Cognitive Science of Religion) reasserts E.O. Wilson's point that our brains are wired for god concepts and use them for survival. Children tend to invent gods even if not indoctrinated. We owe much of our brain development to imagination to predict immediate futures and assign agency to cause. In addition to the brain wired for spiritual or mystical experience, we seem to have instinctual needs for beliefs in a god or supernatural beings. In the past, we've needed these beliefs for survival and reproduction rather than truth.

Originating as localized cultural adaptations, the worlds' major religions and spiritual practices became generalized to encompass larger geographical areas, often through territorial expansion and governance, trade, and gene pool mixing. Christianity grew to dominate many westernized countries; Buddhism, much of Asia; Islam today's middle east, north Africa, nearly all of Indonesia, and Pakistan; and Hinduism, India.


Given our current political process, the lobbying power of big businesses, including churches and the military-industrial complex, has advocated for, and quite successfully, policies of nondisclosure regarding UFOs or UAP. The government does what big business wants through a Deep State.

The presence of advanced aliens would threaten those in power in several ways.

01 Underline and highlight the weaknesses, totalitarianism, inefficiency, profit motives, and secrecy of current governments.

02 Catalyze an avalanche of new religions, which would compete for resources including real estate holdings, lobbying power, and income streams. Current faiths would have to adapt or die.

03 Challenge all governments and religions to account for alien existence and determine the best strategy to deal with their presence.

04 Lose control of Earth and wealth to Homo aliensus, a new population of Human-alien hybrids with superior abilities.

Given that DNA might have been genetically engineered by advanced aliens (see the book summarizing Francis Crick) and that the book of Genesis may be telling a story about a heavenly council composed of aliens (see Paul Wallis book) rather than a monotheistic god, we could anticipate a significant disruption in current religious belief systems if we see evidence that aliens visit earth, and probably have for a very long, long time. The Second Coming might be construed as one from an alien presence.

We can understand much of the nondisclosure and coverup to be based on issues of national security. (See the summary and update book on The Day After Roswell)

Why the shift to partial disclosure now? What is coming?

We can see the competing ideologies concerning UFOs. On social media posts, some people claim that aliens must be interdimensional demons or fallen angels, like Satan. They are protecting their religion by accusing the aliens of evil.

Rather than restrict its worldview with self-serving myth, more optimal ideologies would want to expand their worldviews continuously. Let's first learn about the aliens before we judge them.

From studies of thousands of abductees, according to researchers Harvard psychologist John Mack, author of Abduction, Richard Dolan, author of Alien Agendas, , and a host of Ufologists, the main reason for abduction is to form hybrids between Humans and Aliens.

Mathematical and scientific evidence suggests that DNA arose as genetically engineered by aliens four billion years ago. A rather rapid and peculiar mutation occurred in our genes just as we separated from the chimps in the Tree of Life. This mutation, facilitated by duplicons, led to a three-fold increase in our brain size and intellectual, emotional, and linguistic capabilities. Some Ufologists believe this event served as an alien intervention.

If aliens show a long history of abducting millions of humans to produce hybrids then they are establishing the roots for merging with a humanoid species. Homo aliensus seems like apt name for a new species, and you heard it first here in a peer-reviewed blog.

In the long run some Humans will become more like the perceived aliens of this era:

01 Thinner

02 More androgynous

03 Smarter

04 Technologically linkable

05 Telepathic

06 Consumers of fewer nutrients

Bottom line:

01 An advanced alien civilization seeded life on Earth, and other planets, with genetically engineered DNA.

02 Aliens may have supported us not only in our evolution, but also to build infrastructure.

03 Aliens work to hybridize with us, and likely plants and animals, to form new species, for example, Homo aliensus

04 Aliens communicate telepathically to us from any distance. They may boost their telepathic powers through technolgy.

05 Aliens played God, and continue to do so

An optimal Darwinian ideology would want to account for all its competitors and their methods, compete and cooperate with them, and offer a prime directive of integrating and applying all obtainable knowledge to benefit all life in the universe.

Optimal religions, given that beliefs, satisfy numerous personal, familial, and community needs, would support the advancement of knowledge rather than its constraint.

Alien presence and advancing hybridization, will yield diverse populations of Homo aliensus and corresponding ideologies, cultures, and religions.


Current Christian theologists turn to Genesis to tell the Faithful that a single all-powerful God created the universe, including all of the planets, every single atom, proton, and electron, and all life.

Paul Wallis, an experienced clergyman, took a close look at the book of Genesis when he was laid flat on his back from an injury and could not preach for a while.

He came across such anomalies and contradictions that he concluded that he did not benefit from the original versions of the stories deemed necessary.

His first task. Find the original narratives and clarify their suggestions about where we came from, who we came from, and who we are.

More ancient stories of human origins were nearly eliminated in the 6th century BC, from the Hebrew Scriptures, and blocked from Christian writing in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.

As we take the same red pills that Neo took in the Matrix or join Alice in going down the rabbit hole, we find ourselves roaming through ancient Greece, Africa, India, Mesoamerica, and above all, Sumeria, not in a search for a traditional monotheistic figurehead, but, according to the myths, for evidence of a Sky Council or heavenly council of extraterrestrials. In regard to Genesis, as Neo found himself forced to do in a parallel matrix, we will have to discard the illusions of a monotheistic god from the past to embrace new possibilities of a Human projects orchestrated by advanced aliens, including wars.

Playing explorer, researcher, and detective, Paul Wallis in Escaping from Eden undercovers mindboggling secrets about Biblical texts. Their implications demand a rethinking of the Abrahamic religions and a new openness to alien contact. His conclusions will be as controversial as they are informative and as broad-scoped as they challenge entire belief systems. With such a book by Wallis, the entire universe and the origins of Humans come into better scientific and spiritual focus.


Father Jose Gabriel Funes, in May of 2008, a Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest, started to speak and write about contact with extraterrestrials. Funes served as the Director of the Vatican Observatory and as a Senior Vatican Theologian. Christians, he argued, should prepare themselves for embracing and loving our alien sisters and brothers.

Pope Benedict XVI convened a world colloquium in 2009 to explore the theological repercussions of contact with ETs. The Vatican welcomed thirty theologians and scientists for private discussion and debate. Man cannot establish limits for God’s creation, Funes argued, and therefore there is no serious conflict between Faith and astrobiology. Aliens, he concluded if they exist, they must also be God's creations.

Considering that 400 years ago, the Church burned people at stake for stating that other intelligent species might exist, this turn-around by the Vatican is quite dramatic—and puzzling.

Do they know something we don’t, that contact might be shared with the public soon?

We must also recall that on May 9, 2001, a variety of respectable and sincere witnesses assembled at the National Press Club in DC to share their experiences and knowledge about ETs.

Some violated nondisclosure agreements; some had themselves and/or their families threatened with harm. Some major media players attended but refused to report it.

A member of the Vatican Curia, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, assured the public that ETs are not the demons many believed them to be but are real and should be taken seriously. The Bible includes descriptions of intelligent non-humans: not demons, not angels. He added they should not even be called “alien” because any creature made and loved by the same God who created and loved humans should be welcomed as a brother or sister.

The Vatican’s public revelations of both the aliens' likely presence as one of God's creations support the Sumerian and Babylonian teachings, including the plurality of the Elohim.

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