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Updated: Nov 25, 2021

The following ascends to your immediate attention exclusively from the book entitled Summary, Update, and Expansion: Life Itself by Francis Crick.

Do you want to know how life started on Earth?

The co-discoverer and Nobel Prize winner for the structure of DNA informed us that DNA is not from Earth. Cranking out a myriad of life forms from only twenty basic proteins in a mathematically logical and orderly codon pair matrix, DNA bears more resemblance to highly sophisticated computer code than a product of natural selection.

DNA, he postulated, reflects more of engineering than evolution. Rather than pointing at the hands of God as the ultimate engineer, Crick pointed at the hands, perhaps four-fingered, of advanced extraterrestrials likely benefiting from a high level of self-learning artificial intelligence.

The trailer includes an audio complementary to this blog.

Covered in two books and two audiobooks by Scott Campbell:


Jack Szostak, a Nobel laureate, and biochemist at Harvard University, gathers evidence that viruses or their ancestors were integral to some of the most important stages in the evolution of complex life, including the emergence of DNA and the birth of the first cells. Thus, the tree of life’s early root branches may all reflect interactions with early viruses. To align with in Francis Crick’s exogenesis theory, among the first cosmonauts stood ancestors of our giant viruses.

Life is transmuted into multiple major domains: bacteria, eukaryotes, and Archaea. Some scientists argue that the giant viruses should be among them to make four major domains of life. Unicellular organisms bacteria and Archaea merged into multicellular eukaryotes.

Viruses are among the designated “bad boys” on planet Earth because we tend to associate them with disease and pandemics. According to modern theories, viruses either evolved after a jail break or from “degenerates.” Viruses might have come from genes that managed to escape the “jails” of cells or from genes in degenerate cells that had given up on replication.

The big bad boys, the giant viruses, hid from scientists until 2003. Then, totally unlike other viruses, they snuck up and bopped scientists over the head in 2003 to the degree that many started to rethink our entire evolutionary history.

The giants raised their heads as a missing link. Giants proved to be unique and had tricked some scientists into thinking they were but strange bacteria, earning the name “Mimivirus” for Mimicking Microbe Virus. Most giant viruses approximate the size of a bacterium, stain like a bacterium, and have nearly as many genes as a bacterium. However, to modern virus experts equipped with electron microscopes, “Mimi” showed the tell-tale twenty triangular sides of a typical virus, albeit extra-large ones.

After the first discovery of giants in 2003, virus hunters Jean-Michel Claverie and Chantal Abergel began a quest to find more. They soon roped and caged a huge and mysterious giant living in rather unlucky amoebae--some giants turn victims literally into a stone-like material after killing them--off of the coast of Chile. They would appropriately label the beast as Pandoravirus because of the “box of mysteries” it held inside that now the scientific world could see and ponder.

Boasting over 2,500 genes, Pandoravirus deserved its branch classification. Moreover, more than 90 percent of its genes did not occur in any other Earthly lifeform. Thus, Pandoravirus genes were definitely “alien.”

The discovering scientists reasoned that giant virus were ancient, and parts of their genomes must occur ubiquitously even though the giants had remained hidden to scientists because of their surprising enormity of size. Nobody thought to look for a virus that mimicked the size and genomes of bacteria.

Within a few more months, the virologist headhunters netted yet another and labeled it Pithovirus-- which proved to be even larger than Pandoravirus and also had many unknown genes to Earth and with unknown functions.

The disturbingly bizarre genes led to speculation about the beginnings of giant viruses and life itself. Moreover, their strange genes jolted scientists, forcing them to consider the possibility that the ancestors of giant viruses had occurred extremely early in the history of life on Earth, even, perhaps, in the primordial soup itself.

To make the absolute best possible case for the giants to have been among the lifeforms that won out to compete for LUCA, and for being alien cosmonauts capable of panspermia, we need to favor the “Virus World” hypothesis that says viruses not only came before complex life but assumed multiple roles to become integral to the very evolution of all complex lifeforms. Thus, although perhaps not comforting to some, Humans may very well have evolved from parasitic viruses filled with alien genes. Strange giant viruses are the precursors to all life.

A substantial discussion of giant viruses and LUCA appears as one of several "expansions" in my new book based on Francis Crick's classic. Because the giants remained hidden from discovery until 2003, Crick never had a chance to consider them as exogenesis cosmonauts. Crick passed away in 2004.

The most profound questions ever to be asked by Humans have been related to our origins on Earth. Unfortunately, answers, often illogical and without evidence, are most often in the form of a self-serving myth. Exogenesis and its proposals that life emerged on Earth without the help of a “God,” but from ETs, now deserves much more attention..

It wasn’t until 1859 that Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species suggesting that, rather than an act of creation and management by an unknowable God, life evolved from selective pressures and chance. After thousands of years of civilization, science had offered a viable and testable alternative to myth.

Evidence for evolution occurred everywhere, but the exact origination of life still posed a mystery—perhaps the greatest mystery of all. We seem to know much more about how our universe started with the Big Bang than we do about exactly how the first life came about on Earth. We could not duplicate the creation of life in a laboratory.

Genes would not be discovered until seven years later by Mendel and DNA a few years after that by Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher.

OK, we get it, life evolves, but how did it all start? Darwin once suggested that some little warm pond near the ocean was a likely spot. Modern theorists propose hydrothermal vents.

I selected Francis Crick’s Life Itself to update, summarize, and expand because he promoted the idea that DNA did not first evolve on Earth. If true, DNA’s alien origin would be one of the most important realizations in all Human history. Life, according to Crick, began somewhere else where conditions were more favorable and, with the help of advanced intelligence, Earth was seeded through panspermic, “seeds everywhere,” events.

If DNA originated elsewhere, it reflects not only upon our beginnings as a form of “alien” or “alien hybrid” but also our future, which may include merging with one or more advanced civilizations. We may, indeed, one day, meet our “makers,” or at least some of their descendants.


Crick’s insight and intuition are now confirmed by convincing scientific evidence from a prominent mathematician and astrophysicist. Shcherbak and Makukov, published a paper in 2013 in a peer-reviewed journal named Icarus, formerly edited by Carl Sagan. Icarus just happens to be the same journal that published Crick's paper over three decades earlier elaborating on the possibilities of Directed Panspermia by advanced civilizations.

Panspermia, also known as Cosmic Panspermia, Exogenesis, or the Seeded-Hypothesis, is the concept that our DNA did not originate on Earth but instead came from space. DNA in microbes may have hitched a ride on comets, asteroids, the various dusts of space, meteors, or as cargo on rocket ships. Directed Panspermia means that its spread was organized by advanced intelligence.

Unnatural representations of the number 37, which occur nine times in the code, is suggestive of an alien signature.

According to Shcherbak and Makukov, DNA appears to be a mathematically perfect creation-- meaning it is highly unlikely that it arose from natural selection.

According to the scientists, the configurations of the genetic code reveal a set of ideographic and architectural patterns of language that is symbolic. It features decimal notation, a zero representation, and systematic and precise and logical transformations. It features constants, fractions, and mathematical proportions.

DNA also uses symbols that represent physical objects or ideography. Some of the symbols are obvious universal symbols of life.

The number 37 appears at least 9 times in DNA's chemical structure. The probability that this repetition has arisen naturally by chance is 10 trillion to 1.

Shcherbak and Makukov believe that DNA appears to contain a form of receiver for electromagnetic waves.

We can speculate that whoever genetically engineered DNA may know how to influence its performance or function through electromagnetic waves.

When one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA, Francis Crick, claims it is of interstellar origin, we have to listen to why he believes it is so, as explained in his book Life Itself. The evidence to support his claims is mounting. First, DNA is an elegant mathematical and signature construct--which means it is artificial. Second, an ancestor of our giant viruses proves to be the most likely Last Universal Common Ancestor or LUCA. It has remnants of DNA machinery making it, along with its huge genome, quite “alien.” Third, the United States government reveals more and more about UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) sightings and materials associated with them.

Summary, Update, and Expansion: Life Itself by Francis Crick, an ebook and upcoming audiobook, summarizes Crick’s work which previously could only be found, to the best of my knowledge, in printed form, adds the evidence of signatures and hidden mathematical and pictorial codes from DNA for his theory, offers general updates on cosmological data that Crick did not have at his disposal, addresses the subject of the surprising Last Universal Common Ancestor for life, and explores our government’s about-face on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and bizarre materials found at their crash sites which they admit having and examining.

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