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Updated: Jul 4, 2021

The following is from Summary and Expansion: Escaping From Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? by Paul Wallis (by Scott Campbell)

McKinnon, a citizen of Britain, hacked NASA, the Pentagon, the Navy, and the Army systems in 2002 which happened to have no firewall few high level security measures at that time. He allegedly viewed files to suggest not only contact with extraterrestrials but also different forms of collaboration. He uncovered what he thought to be a secret Naval force and a list of officers either connected to extraterrestrials, or extraterrestrials themselves. He viewed photos of UFOs and secured a screenshot of one.

The discovery of free-energy and zero-point energy, he thought, remained hidden by the government. The United States wanted to prosecute McKinnon and lock him up for at least sixty years. Theresa May not only blocked a extradition but parliament changed extradition laws in McKinnon’s favor. McKinnon lost his appeal in 2009 but apparently won a second appeal and stayed.[1]

Parliament debates are public and all of a sudden they found themselves confronted by a screenshot photo of an alien craft and even the names of “extraterrestrial officers” and the names of ships in a secret Naval force run by the United States.


Exclusively adapted from Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso by Scott Campbell.

General Trudeau used the opportunity of the Cuban Missile Crisis, as he retired, to make an even stronger case for some space defense force and claimed he had viable plans for weapons to shoot down missiles in mid-air.

But it wouldn't be until the 1980s that Trudeau and Corso would have their most cherished wishes not only come true but, as we have already discussed, their fruition would lead to the end of the Cold War.

The interactions between Reagan and the CIA and Gorbachev and the KGB regarding the common alien threat led to the fantastic result. The Cold War had been forced to play second fiddle to the risk of a Star War. Reagan promised to protect Russia from the aliens, and Russia pledged not to fire missiles at the United States. The Strategic Defense Initiative squashed the massive buildup of nuclear arms. In a way, the alien presence may very well have prevented a nuclear war between the United States and Russia. General Trudeau finally passed away in 1991 at the age of 89, but not before seeing the activation of the Star Wars defense and the end of the Cold War. Corso passed away in 1998, in July, just after the forty-first anniversary of the crash at Roswell. Both men were humble American and global heroes, part of a handful of intelligence operatives who made the right calls after that dark and spooky lightning-filled night in Roswell in 1947, changing life on Earth forever.

Advanced aliens seeded life on Earth with their genetically engineered DNA.

Aliens are behind biblical stories, and a group of them may have been the "God" of Genesis.

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