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Hypothesis: Aliens partner with Deep States.

Collectives of big businesses and mega-rich individuals, whom we call Deep States, seek to run the governments, or render them ineffectual.

To achieve their agenda, aliens likely infiltrate or partner with Deep States. They would adopt the same tactics employed by today's fascists, communists, and dictators. See The Legacy of Karl Marx series.

Untold trillions, unaccounted for, went into underground facilities and our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or Star Wars defense against hostile aliens. (See summary and update on Corso's The Day After Roswell)

Deep States and some aliens species share the same goals: dominate and exploit Earth. It comes as no surprise that the organization and expanse of Deep States acclerated immediately after the Roswell crash in 1947.

If the Deep States, some powerful governments, and some alien species are in cohoots, there is little recourse but to surrender. The one and only alternative is fight fire with fire. Fighting back means seeking an alliance with one or more alien species and offering up competion in the business world.

Who profited the most from accelerated visitation by aliens in the mid-1940s and on?

Answer: Big Business: Trillions would be spent on Strategic Air Defense, other advanced weaponry, underground bases, and reverse engineering of UFOs.

Who really is in power in most governments?

Answer: Big Business through the lobbying and policy making of Deep States

Who might profit the most with alliances with alien species?

Big Business.

Are all Big Businesses bad or evil?

Not necessarily. The money spent on defense allegedly prevented a full-scale war with aliens, and brought down the USSR. Big Business delivers technology that many of us can not live without anymore, social media bonanzas, advanced healthcare, and now AI and transhumanism. We should respect big business but also stand up for our rights.

Scott Campbell's Alien Hypotheses arise from:

01 The belief popularized by Francis Crick that our DNA did not originate on Earth.

02 The presence of artificial mathematical codes and "signatures" in our DNA.

03 The universal Darwinian principles that drive all species' behavior.

04 A study of ancient alien history through the myths of Sumeria and other civilizations.

These hypotheses and evidence to support them arise from my multiple books on aliens and UFOs.

001 Modern proof for Francis Crick's Directed Panspermia asserts that DNA came from one or more ancient alien civilizations over four billion years ago. They genetically engineered it with sophisticated embedded mathematics and "signed" it. Algebraic expressions represent pictorial communications. (See Summary and Expansion: Life Itself by Francis Crick)

002 If we can accept cuneiform writing of the Sumerians as at least suggestive of accurate history, then alien and UFO sightings started over 7,000 years ago and never stopped.

003 Aliens became protagonists in many ancient myths, including Sumer and those of the Abrahamic religions. (See Summary and Expansion: Escaping from Eden by Paul Wallis)

004 Sightings tracked by radar and improved cameras increased dramatically with the explosions of nuclear weapons. UFOs buzzed nuke locations and testing grounds.

005 Lightning brought down at least one UFO near Roswell on July 3, 1947 and we woiuld spend the next 60 years reverse-engineering alien technology. (See Summary and Update: The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso) Corso reveals that the SDI arose mostly to defend against some species of aliens rather than Russia or China.

006 In December of 2016, the US government disclosed three well-documented sightings by Navy pilots and radar operators. See GIFs below for samples. After seven decades of cover-up and denial, the government decided to partially disclose.



Forming hybrids would be one major part of a logical Darwinan directive to spread one's genome and culture. Our DNA suggests we arose as hybrids of a sort.It would be most remarkable if the species that genetically engineered our DNA is among the most prevalent aliens now and in the past.

The alleged abduction phenomena, which may tally up into the millions, is likely part of a mass hybridization campaign. Spreading their gene pool is the best reason for all species to come here, along with grabbing rare metals and other resources, including our robust biology.


Physicists studying UAP convinced themselves that the aliens mastered quantum gravity and entanglement. When combined with AI they use this knowledge to fly; shut down, read, or otherwise manipulate electronic devices; and "lift" objects which is more like tweaking gravity so they fall upward.

Might they also apply it for telepathy and temporarily stunning people and animals?

Advanced aliens seeded life on Earth with their genetically engineered DNA.

Aliens are behind Abrahamic and Hindu myths, and a group aliens may have been the "God" of Genesis.

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